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Posts posted by MarkusA380

  1. 25 minutes ago, LastStarDust said:

    While we are at it, is the angle with respect to a certain body held fixed only if there is at least a RCS module on the ship? Does the mod check for RCS fuel etc?

    As far as I remember relative rotation will work if the vessel is controllable (has a probe core or crew, electricity) and if it isn't or almost isn't spinning.

    It does not check for fuel or reaction wheels.

  2. I discontinued working on this mod quite some time ago.

    A heavily modded game tends to break, especially if you have other mods that influence physics installed. Patching this edge case it is more or less impossible with the limited amount of time I am willing to put into it.

    Hope you can do without PR, too.

  3. 1 hour ago, Damien212 said:

    Can anyone help me understand the information in the plugindata for persistent rotation? I've got a few spin stablised probes that don't have attitude control (RSS/RO) that due to a glitch are no longer spinning. I'm not really fussy about the specific orientation they're spinning at but having them stationary really bothers me. I've tried copying momentum/direction information from spinning probes, to the non-spinning probes and relaunching ksp but it doesn't seem to have an effect. What am I missing?

    I haven't looked at my stuff for what seems like ages, but the files generated all have a timestamp. You need to use the file with the latest timestamp to have PR use the data. Also, Momentum Mode needs to be active for the vessels, otherwise it will not work. This is also a setting found in the .cfg files. Are you sure you copied the data to the correct vessel id? I don't see a simple way to find out which vessel belongs to which id...

  4. 3 minutes ago, Theysen said:

    Had that too with just scattered and EVE during prerelease. Didn't have time to test and document more though unfortunately. 

    Yeah, pretty sure it's scatterer.

    6 minutes ago, Galileo said:

    Have you tried without mods to see if the creepiness persists? 

    Sure, it doesn't. It's scatterer for sure.


    11 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

    Wow... floating away??? I'm assuming it's just one of your mods needs to be updated, but still, that is a really cool but creepy bug! 

    Oh no, I broke reality!!!  :confused:

    Exactly what I thought. Like in a movie, where the main character realizes he is just in a simulation xD

  5. Testing out KSP Update 1.3 with some mods that are very important to me, and then this happened:




    These tiles of terrain just started disattaching from the rest and began floating off into the distance. I still am terrified.


  6. 12 hours ago, Drew Kerman said:

    Yea, sorry should have mentioned I tried that already. I also looked at the asteroid in my SFS file to see if PR had any modules there I was missing. I also made sure to visit both asteroids I had in my save prior to the latest update and asteroids that were discovered after the latest update. Have you tried KAC? You want logs?

    Further note - I had an asteroid actually pass through Kerbin's atmosphere and aerobrake - it came out the other side spinning thanks to FAR. I exited the flight scene and re-visited it from the Tracking Station thru KAC like I normally do and the spin was still there.

    Interesting. Can you send me the rotation .cfg entry of one of the non spinning asteroids? A log would be nice, also.

  7. 1 hour ago, Drew Kerman said:

    well crap. I don't have time to debug this and don't really care to be honest right now since I'm not visiting any asteroids soon nor do I make note of their spin for my roleplay at this time. However, try using Kerbal Alarm Clock to jump to the asteroid - just select it in the tracking station and create a Raw Timer - I delete the default 10 seconds and it triggers an immediate alarm with the option to jump to the asteroid. That's how I always do it. All the mods I have installed when I mess with asteroids are:

    LoadingScreenManager v1.1.0.0
    ModuleManager.2.7.6 v2.7.6.0
    aaa_Toolbar v1.0.0.0 / v1.7.13.0
    USITools v1.0.0.0
    AutoSave v1.0.0.0
    CustomAsteroids v1.4.1.0
    HaystackContinued v0.5.2.1
    ModularFlightIntegrator v1.0.0.0 / v1.2.4.0
    Kopernicus v1.0.0.0
    KSPTOTConnect v1.0.0.0
    PersistentRotation v1.0.0.0
    TooManyOrbits v1.1.0.0 / v1.0.0.0
    KerbalAlarmClock v3.8.4.0
    KSPAlternateResourcePanel v2.9.1.0
    DynamicTanks v1.0.0.0
    Konstruction v0.0.0.0


    Do me a favor: Just delete the .cfg files in the PR folder (unless, of course, you have a very important roating vessel in your game) and go to the asteroid again. It could be that it rotates now.

  8. 4 hours ago, Drew Kerman said:

    I thought I noticed this earlier but I didn't really pay attention until now - asteroids are definitely no longer being spun up when I visit them for the first time from the Tracking Station

    Oh, right - I noticed this after the 1.8.3 update but then saw 1.8.4 was out so waited until I was able to snag that before reporting the issue then forgot to check afterwards

    So does it still happen or not? I am confused by your sentence :wink:

    I will look into it asap, combined with the problem reported by @chaoseclipse01.

    EDIT: @Drew Kerman, your problem could not be reproduced. I warped to many different Asteroids using HyperEdit, they all rotated normally.

  9. 11 hours ago, chaoseclipse01 said:

    @MarkusA380 @Drew Kerman

    Alright, I made a video of my bug happening. I show the bug happening the first time, then I play around with PR until I put it into the setting that causes the bug to happen every time on the final go. Video is currently uploading to YouTube, about an hour and a half left, will edit this post with the video link once it's done.

    Edit: Here's the video. Precise steps to replicate results in video description.

      Hide contents





    By the way, I have the video set as Unlisted and comments disabled. I'll promptly remove the video after you're done seeing it, I don't want to give the impression I'm bashing the mod, I'm just trying to show the issue I'm having.

    Thank you very much for the video. I will look into it as soon as possible.

    But don't worry, everybody is allowed to see the video, and you don't seem to be bashing the mod, but instead you're greatly helping to make it better. So, thank you. :)

    Also, could you send a .log file of this occurance? I want to see if there are any exceptions coming up.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Drew Kerman said:

    in regards to persistent rotation he says "can still be used but the SAS and rotation persistence features will be automatically disabled" - I think I see where this could be ambiguous. I interpret this as saying the RCS/rotation persistence features of his mod will be disabled, not that he goes and disables your mod. If you're still unsure, ask him to clarify

    Yes, seems correct.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Drew Kerman said:

    Thx, but I'm already using (which cooperates with your mod)

    Also, I did some searching through my Paypal history and don't have any donation records for you. So have a few drinks. Cheers!

    First off: Thank you very much. You are indeed the first one to do so.

    Second off: Fu... Looks like my mod just got pointless...

    How does it cooperate exactly?

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