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Everything posted by 1of6Billion

  1. I have an extra tab opened to check for suddenly combusting server farms near Mexico City
  2. I think I'll play a little 0.22 instead
  3. Woo pretty pictures. How do like my habitat?
  4. It's 20u in most of Western Europe. Kids are of to bed. Bring on the Update!
  5. All we can offer is a way to satisfy your curiosity towards us. We are most certainly interested in you
  6. No, you're right about that. The good thing is, it's acknowledged (at least once). Check the link, or google "Picard maneuver"
  7. I read somewhere on the forum that Eeloo's terrain is very buggy because of lots of floating point errors because it's so far away from the Sun. These planets are even further. Has that problem been resolved? Or is it tricky to land on the new planets as well? BTW, I *also* would like to see a black hole instead of Kerbol as the center of the universe. From there you could add thousands of suns and planets. (my 2ct)
  8. Whooo, first mod to install after 0.23 comes out (?)
  9. Ah, OK. I have a 'bug' for you. When you deplete your electric charge while the scanner is active, it will not switch off. So, if output is bigger than input, your probe is lost.
  10. Never saw it mentioned in the forum before However, now I see it IS visible in Kerbalmaps, but you have to know where to look.
  11. Yup. Netted 3k points on a mission that landed a probe on 4/5 of Jool's moons and return Bill to KSC.
  12. w00t! Great job man! I'll check it out tonight!
  13. Or open the MJ-windows you need in the Sandbox game and go to your career game. BAM! There they are!
  14. Stranded on Moho. He summersaulted his lander/return ship. Still got 680 Science out of it.
  15. Somebody please pinch me. I must be dreaming @Damny: My wife will hate you for this.
  16. Well.. It was not an issue until a few weeks ago. Maybe I have started to appreciate Smart ASS more. That could be an option too @Skips thanks. Probably your option1 is a little "cheaper" dV wise.
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