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Everything posted by 1of6Billion

  1. Space Agency (Android / IOS) is about building rockets and flying them around a solar system
  2. Why not try it? Seems quite easy in KSP. Stick a thermometer on a pod. Launch to 70x70 orbit. Reduce ground speed to 0 Plummet down Record temperature Interesting to see if you can avoid triggering the reentry effects
  3. 2 Kerbals, out of fuel, moving at 130.000 m/s *away* from Kerbol.
  4. Now tháts rocket science I wouldn't know where to begin to come up with a trajectory like that in KSP.
  5. Like the radial mount! 1 Suggestion: Can you make the "caution sign" with a Kerbal figure, instead of a human?
  6. Since KSP has a very moddable nature, I doubt paid DLC's are an option. Then again: Pyama textures for space suit ($0,99) -- No No No Galaxy Pack - Add 100's of stars and planets ($14,99) -- Hell yeah!
  7. Did a nice one yesterday, but couldn't be arsed to stick to your rules Used Bac9 parts and Mechjeb. Jet ascent to 15km and a SRB powered ascent to 123km. No orbit. Soft landing in the ocean
  8. Well, it's a step forward from the sinking ice sheets in the first movie
  9. Yes! I LIKE what I read here. I would like to see a galaxy full of user created star systems. With the current moddability, that would make an unlimited supply of interesting exploration goals.
  10. Tah dah! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/37383-0-21-x-ReflectiveShader-Plugin-(Version-1-2)
  11. Messed around with it yesterday. AWESOME MOD! Lifting off seemed impossible because of the unplanned spontaneous disassemblies like mentioned above. But when edited into orbit, 3 unlucky Kerbals where beyond Eeloo at 130.000 m/s within the blink of an eye. I only used the biggest bombs, and that made it next to impossible to finetune a trajectory to get into orbit somewhere
  12. The Kerbal universe revolves around a black hole instead of Kerbol. And the entire galaxy is filled with user created star systems and planets. Sadly, a lot of those planets are troll faced or otherwise meme inspired.
  13. Cool ideas! Here's mine Right now Kerbol is the center of the universe. I would suggest that upon completing career mode and reaching the end of the tech tree, you unlock the possibility to zoom out a bit further and find a black hole that's orbited by Kerbin and thousands of other solar systems. These systems could be procedurally generated or, even better, created and submitted by users. The distances between these star systems don't need to be very mind boggeling. Somewhat like Cashen wrote. If you make Kerbol's SOI end a little beyond Eeloo, the next star system's SOI could start a little beyond that. You can hop from one to another in acceptable time spans.
  14. What if some sort of civilisation existed on the continent we now call Antarctica? It wasn't always our south pole. Evidence would be hard to find. If there is anything left, not ground to dust by glaciers.
  15. Mm, so true. And If you say you will make something like that. You'll get 20minutes after the update before people start to complain the tool is not done yet.
  16. Would you consider adding a tool to migrate a savegame to the next version? The announced "save breaking" causes a lot of nervosity. I can imagine a tool like hyperedit could take away a lot of that. Something like a process where you "record" a state/location etc of a craft in 0.20 and restore that in 0.21 Just a thougth.
  17. Made this a long time ago (0.18-ish) with the custom fairings creator. It's a view "under the hood" hoohum, see the sky is missing
  18. Dunno it's been suggested in one of the previous 55 pages, but what about Recycling? I think it would be nice if you had some debris within a certain range of your smelter, you can use it as raw material instead of delting it eventually
  19. What's the optimal way to transfer to Minmus from Kerbin? Now I launch to a circular 80km-orbit, match inclination with Minmus, transfer, set Pe to 40km and circularise there. In the end I have used much more dV than the amounts described in the various dV-maps that are available. How can I improve this?
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