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Everything posted by 1of6Billion

  1. Put a parachute on the pod and replace the engine of the transfer stage with a NERVA and I'm almost sure you are ready to go!
  2. Visited KSC2 yesterday. Found out it is quite buggy. It partially floats in the air. When you drive onto the launchpad, you disappear!
  3. Yeah, i knew the mapping @50x thing. But changing to polar orbit and back with an ion engine @1x takes forever
  4. I mapped ALL moons and planets with a single ION-engined ship without knowing this I want 3 weeks of my life back
  5. I have been trying to land 56T on Mun. No matter what I tried, it runs out of fuel 300m - 5km from the desired landing location.
  6. Little trickier, but basically the same: This works for me: - Ascent - Circularize - Wait until Mun (OR Minmus) is roughly between Kerbol and Kerbin. - Transfer burn to Mun (or Minmus) - Abort transfer, burn manually until you "overshoot" Mun (or Minmus) - Escape Kerbin, you are now in circular orbit around Kerbol. - Lower Periapsis to between Kerbol and Eve. - Circularize. - Transfer to Eve. - Land on Eve. - Profit. 90% Mechjeb
  7. This works for me: - Ascent - Circularize - Wait until Kerbin is roughly between Kerbol and Mun (OR Minmus). - Transfer burn to Mun (or Minmus) - Abort transfer, burn manually until you "overshoot" Mun (or Minmus) - Escape Kerbin, you are now in circular orbit around Kerbol. - Transfer to Duna. - Land on Duna. - Profit. 99% Mechjeb
  8. Whooo, sweet, a new part. Awesome! I placed a "Mobile ISA station" near the launchpad, which allowed me to choose a destination anomaly prior to take off.
  9. I have mapped all planets and moons with the ISA mapsat (where possible). And I think I have found all (or most) anomalies. The Arcs on Mun are clearly visible from space, but the anomalies on Kerbin are a lot harder to spot. I found KSC2 .I put in the coordinates in Mechjeb and land at the spot. I land a rover and drive aimlessly around. But I am nowhere near any anomaly. Is there a way to do a better job at pin pointing the locations of the anomalies? I'm lost.
  10. OMG, can't believe I missed that! */Slams head into keyboard... Thanks
  11. After mapping AND landing on all planets and moons (where possible). It's time to go anomaly hunting. I noticed the coördinates provided by ISA are different from the ones needed by Mechjeb. Am I correct when I translate as follows (for example): ISA: -13.8 -16.2 = Mechjeb: 13°8' 16°2' [E] or ISA: 20.3 -134.3 = Mechjeb: 20°3' [N] 45°7'[W]
  12. Well.... The thing is, the ion enines would have kept accelerating forever. So, if I let them burn longer, travel time will decrease. The ship is still out there, a few hundred billion km's away
  13. OK, so given enough time, it will get mapped? Great! I'll do that, thanks
  14. Finally got into an (polar) orbit around Moho. I want to map it's surface with the ISAMapSat. However, it seems the planet does not rotate. Is there an orbit that will map the whole surface automatically? Or do I have to lower the inclination manually myself every orbit
  15. "Could a stage hand clean my visor? It's awfully hot under these darn lights" "While you're at it, I could use an organic soy latte". "I'll be in my trailer"
  16. delta-V is not an issue. Gotta love them ion engines Thanks. I'll try that (again).
  17. Get into solar orbit, 'transfer' shows planets instead of moons. Pick planet of choice. *fingers crossed*. Success is *NOT* guaranteed.
  18. Reached 506.000 m/s! Which translates to 2.519 years travel time to Proxima Centauri Did some calculations. It would take another 3559 hours of PC time to reach c. :') So, I pulled the plug. Sorry Jeb
  19. Now it's 479.200 m/s. So I did some calculations. From 334.700m/s to 479.200m/s: dv=144.500m/s took 1h43mins (4x physical Warp, yeah!): 6.180s 144.500 / 6.180 = 23,38m/s2 c = 300.000.000m/s so: (300.000.000 - 479.200) / 23,38 = 3558,6 hours. no use to keep the PC running over night
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