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Everything posted by Araym

  1. Where are you, @Kuzzter????? Finding your comic in the second page was weird LOL
  2. <Araym comes and takes @CobaltWolf away with him> ... do not worry about him... ... he is just a bit stressed by long nights up drinking and modding rockets... ... but someway is a good boy (generally speaking, probably only when he sleeps........... LOL)
  3. That the reason I DIDN'T made public an outdated KSP 1.1.3 version. No needs to multiple conflicting version around. Obviously, people could try to ask me PRIVATELY: I may or may not provide the files, it depends if I notice the messages........ but I DO NOT GUARANTEE for bugs/craft breaking/lost of saves, and I'll stop doing it if anyone bother Cobalt or me about "bugs in the 1.1.3 version did by Araym": it could be instable/craft breaking and I DO NOT provide support!!!
  4. If Cobalt authorize me, I could make public a sort of Kane (Apollo and LEM) and Sarnus V (Saturn V) version working (almost) for 1.1.3, to integrate the latest KSP 1.1.3 version (BDB 0.11.2). DISCLAIMERS: it's consistent with the latest 1.1.3 version (no crio fuels, but only stock fuel) it has a SLA (petal adapter) working only manually (the latest 1.1.3 BDB plug-in does not handle it: must be set in Action Groups to open and decouple) Sarnus V not optimized in fuel load/TWR: tanks are stock-alike loaded, F1 engines but mostly J2 engines are underpowered (second and third stage should work at half fuel quantity) IN ANY CASE I DO NOT PROVIDE FURTHER SUPPORT FOR BUGS, and if CobaltWolf authorize me, but I see here complaining to him about the file I could provide not working, I'll simply remove them from internet (the development is going on ONLY for 1.2, NOT for 1.1.3)
  5. Do you know that I'll probably going to open, in my future KSPs, an "Old_BDB" folder as I did for Tantares (I still have the old Soyuz launcher and the old 2.5m Spica-Gemini version from long ago, plus all the oldest IVAs), to keep even the deads alive for me: I'm some sort of "Evil Prince of (Space) Darkness" that likes to play with undeads... MUAHAHAHAHAHAH Go forth forever, evil dead Old Centaur!!! Noticed it too: once attached, they swapt the texture sides, like they do not like to face each other black to white, but only with the same color (you can see there: both white to white, or black to black)
  6. I make my own change to "update" my 1.1.3 version as more as possible (mostly to keep playing it waiting 1.2) with latest release by hand, parts by parts... ... but just mostly for testing purpose, to help Cobalt and the others to iron out bugs (it is time consuming doing it and also check almost daily the newest 1.2 pre-release popped out qite often by Squad). For example I do not upgraded it to have liquid hydrogen tanks and engines (like the latest BDB beta release for KSP 1.2), but just only model and textures. It has some parts "semplified" (for example: the SLA petal adapter does not open using the staging sequence, as the latest 1.1.3 BDB plug-in was not mentioned to handle it, and I made it a simple "animation" to be opened manually and then staged as decoupler). It filled with "issue" that personally I can handle but are surelly "rough" for generic use. So... yes: I have the Sarnus V available also for 1.1.3, but still with stock resources. It is overloaded in fuel (I generally run it with almost half the fuel it has before the latest beta release), to be more a "stock-alike" tankage than a "replica" like the latest Beta release. I just waiting for KSP 1.2 to play with it properly (even if... uhm... actually I do not see a "so near full release" of it) as it has still a lot of bugs to be found.
  7. As stated by me in a discussion about the newest "fuel flow priority" done by Squad (resembling to me an half baked, automated copy of GPOFuelPump), the best change should be a way that GPOFuelPump override the "automatic priority" set by Squad, in next releases, to have back the more usable/user friendly general behaviour like it was up to KSP 1.1.3 (allowing tanks to share fuel only IF GPOFuelPump options - "PUMP" and/or "BALANCE" - are active) Basically, in your mod, you could use the newest Resource Priority, but disabling the weird " automatic crossfeed capability" until the added "PUMP" and/or "BALANCE" button are pressed, like it always was using GPO (Basically, rather having the game select to pump to other tanks/engines any fuel automatically, if it set weird priority, even without fuelpipes or going thru disabled crossfeed parts, it needed by the player to use the function from your mantained mod)
  8. Or maybe not rotating the docking port, and only roll the CSM in the flight as needed is better: if in any case the LEM goes to be controlled by the docking port, then the "reversed control" issue could reappear, switching from the "right one" from the LEM cabin and the "rotated one" from the drogue...
  9. Both quoted as they will combine in my mind: as I felt, during the descent, with my "back in position tweaks" (like it was, with the esternal model alligned with the IVA, rather than the contrary), it looked more naturally to look the Mun's ground, going down, and only in the latest moment, eventually, turn around to look the landing site. This, as stated by Cobalt, is like it used to be for the real thing. I know that, visually, as took by the part list in the VAB, look strange to see the back of the cabin, but basically that happens with ANY stock lander can (you see the doors in front of you, but the "forward window" is always on the other side). In a LEM it is only more evident as both egress door AND windows are on the other side. The only, pratical, concern (mostly nothing, to me, if I can tell) is that to dock like the real thing (with both the Apollo windows and LEM windows on the same side) you have to dock the CSM with a 180° roll attitude to the LEM (mostly notable if anyone try it with a docking alignment mod). "Lunar" IVA issue (stated by JSO): as I'm trying the new parts ALSO in 1.1.3 (where I have ASET prop installed as they should be needed), I do not see basically any prop too... gladly was not only an issue with 1.1.3 ---------------- By the way: ... I jump the bandwagon of Munar photo too!! Jeb (red striped suit) and Bill (blue striped suit) at the Neil Armstrong memorial monument on the Mun (... meanwhile Valentina is on a travel toward Minmus: both crews took off one after another, but the Kerbin-Minmus trip is a bit longer...) (Picture took in 1.1.3, where I use my designed suits for Texture Replacer... *** Add some shameful advice here LOL ***)
  10. I tried to "turn around" the IVA, first (adding the "MODEL {..... rotate = ...}" thing in the Lunar IVA with the proper folder path), but then ONLY the model will be rotated, and ALL the props must be repositioned by hand on the cfg and it is like do another IVA from scratch (not changing them, they still will be displayed on the back of the cabin, even if the its windows are now in the right position). Rotate back only the LEM outside is easier, in this stage for cfg editing, and use the gizmoz in the VAB to position it in any angle with a correct IVA display, rather than ask Modsojoy (dunno his name on the forum) to do the whole job on the IVA with all the props he would have to reposition in the model. It's just a matter of preference: with my tweaks, rotating the part, it is "just a line of code in the cfg" (if you are not willing to bother again to remodel it in your graphic editor)... rotate the IVA will require "a bit more" (coff coff) of commitment (I'm not in the position to do it properly...) I got how now, probably, it ends for someone with a "backward navball", but as I checked, during a landing with my tweaks (and the old position) with the navball level like flying a plane, the windows cabin are facing to the ground like, probably, it feels better than looking on the sky for a whole descent...
  11. To make the IVA that way (I dunno how to model, but I understood the concept) it's needed a mask layer added in the IVA model. As making IVA is pretty time consuming (a lot more than doing parts, as it needed to find coordinates for EACH prop inside it, and as you can see from my comments above for the LEM, that means sometime that any modification on parts could lead to worse situation) Cobalt and the others are using (as placeholders???) free released IVAs, generally from older mod before Squad added the IVA overlay feature. Maybe, once they will have done enough balancement on actual parts/rockets, they will develop more finished IVAs... Soon™... LOL
  12. ------------------------------------- Quickfix about it, for 1.2beta (untill @CobaltWolf will change back the orientation of LEM, to allign with the IVA): at the LEM ascent Cockpit (bluedog_LEM_Ascent_Cockpit) change the model definition with this code: MODEL { model = Bluedog_DB/Parts/Apollo/bluedog_LEM_Ascent_Cockpit rotation = 0, 180, 0 } and for keep in the VAB the same orientation, change with this code the model definition of the LEM descen stage (bluedog_LEM_Descent_Tanks): MODEL { model = Bluedog_DB/Parts/Apollo/bluedog_LEM_Descent_Tanks rotation = 0, 180, 0 } For the problem with the retrorockets not firing, try add a code took from a standard sepatron to the S-IC engine mount (bluedog_Saturn_S1C_EngineMount) to have it work aside from action group: ActivatesEvenIfDisconnected = true stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER This should give to it an icon for the staging sequence, and also that retrorockets should fire disconnecting. For the SLA (avoiding any eventual issue with node placement back to the center of mass/origin of the part) I personally set both decouplers at ZERO. I do manouvers with RCS, rather than taking unwanted risks if any in the KSP code will could change in final 1.2 KSP release. ------------------------------ ISSUE with LEM IVA: It could be a problem only for me (as I tested also in 1.1.3 the "Lunar" IVA, where I have ASET props v. 1.3 working for other IVAs), but I have an almost empty one on the LEM. Is it needed a particulary different ASET Props version or is it still a "work in progress??? ------------------------------- MORE Raster Prop Monitor IVA are always welcomed, aren't they??? Why not for the Kane (Apollo) ??? So, ravaging in the RPM install I noticed that there is an already RPM internal for KP0110, but it have references for the original mod directory, and if RPM is installed now that @CobaltWolf has his own duplicated, founding the standard (not RPM) KP0110 IVA, it not have a proper reference model and it makes disappear any Kerbal protraits in the game from the Kane pod. So I made a quick cfg (keeping reference to who did them originally) to be put directly inside the BDB's KP0110 IVA folder, that still should work for any (eventually) part using it (REMEMBER FOR SAFETY REASONS TO DELETE THE ORIGINAL MM cfg, referring to KP0110, INSIDE RPM folder, as it outdated, requiring the whole folder path to call the original K-P0110 IVA's model placement in KSP's Gamedata folder): // This adds an RPM-based instrument layout into the K-P0110 // by Ledenko. @PART[*]:NEEDS[RasterPropMonitor]:HAS[@INTERNAL[KP0110internal]] { MODULE { name = RasterPropMonitorComputer } @INTERNAL { @name = KP0110internalRPM } } INTERNAL { name = KP0110internalRPM MODULE { name = InternalCameraTargetHelper } MODULE { name = InternalSeat seatTransformName = Kerbal1 allowCrewHelmet = False } MODULE { name = InternalSeat seatTransformName = Kerbal2 allowCrewHelmet = False } MODULE { name = InternalSeat seatTransformName = Kerbal3 allowCrewHelmet = False } MODULE { name = InternalCameraSwitch colliderTransformName = Forward_left_box cameraTransformName = Forward_left } MODULE { name = InternalCameraSwitch colliderTransformName = Forward_right_box cameraTransformName = Forward_right } MODULE { name = InternalCameraSwitch colliderTransformName = Side_left_box cameraTransformName = Side_left } MODULE { name = InternalCameraSwitch colliderTransformName = Side_right_box cameraTransformName = Side_right } MODULE { name = InternalCameraSwitch colliderTransformName = Top_window_box cameraTransformName = Top_window } PROP { name = AltimeterThreeHands position = -0.5275692,0.2333323,-0.07481181 rotation = 0.6691306,0,0,0.7431449 scale = 1,0.9999999,1 } PROP { name = AtmosphereDepth position = -0.3758698,0.3385559,-0.08587122 rotation = 0.4731467,0.5254829,0.4731467,0.5254829 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = AxisIndicatorPitch position = -0.3228244,0.3103651,-0.08290826 rotation = 0.6691306,5.870313E-10,-6.519646E-10,0.7431449 scale = 1,0.9999999,1 } PROP { name = AxisIndicatorRoll position = -0.3758698,0.3121552,-0.08309641 rotation = 0.4731467,-0.5254828,-0.4731467,0.5254828 scale = 0.9999996,0.9999996,1 } PROP { name = AxisIndicatorYaw position = -0.3758698,0.285854,-0.08033203 rotation = 0.4731469,-0.525483,-0.4731466,0.5254826 scale = 1,0.9999996,1 } PROP { name = Compass position = -0.4592533,0.2841114,-0.0927662 rotation = 0.4731467,-0.5254828,-0.4731467,0.5254828 scale = 0.4999998,0.4999998,0.5 } PROP { name = IndicatorPanelRPM position = -0.1103297,0.3962799,-0.09193828 rotation = 0.6691306,0,0,0.7431449 scale = 0.7,0.7,0.7 } PROP { name = JSIActionGroupLabelButton01 position = 0.386503,0.4204549,-0.1025931 rotation = 0.6701591,0,-1.459998E-06,0.7422175 scale = 1,0.9999997,0.9999997 } PROP { name = JSIActionGroupLabelButton02 position = 0.386503,0.3892834,-0.09940413 rotation = 0.6701591,0,-1.459998E-06,0.7422175 scale = 1,0.9999997,0.9999997 } PROP { name = JSIActionGroupLabelButton03 position = 0.3865029,0.3570737,-0.09610893 rotation = 0.6701591,0,-1.459998E-06,0.7422175 scale = 1,0.9999997,0.9999997 } PROP { name = JSIActionGroupLabelButton04 position = 0.3865029,0.3242372,-0.0927496 rotation = 0.6701591,0,-1.459998E-06,0.7422175 scale = 1,0.9999997,0.9999997 } PROP { name = JSIActionGroupLabelButton05 position = 0.3865028,0.2931785,-0.08957215 rotation = 0.6701591,0,-1.459998E-06,0.7422175 scale = 1,0.9999997,0.9999997 } PROP { name = JSIActionGroupLabelButton06 position = 0.2863758,0.4856211,-0.1092597 rotation = 0.6701591,0,-1.459998E-06,0.7422175 scale = 1,0.9999997,0.9999997 } PROP { name = JSIActionGroupLabelButton07 position = 0.2863757,0.452722,-0.105894 rotation = 0.6701591,0,-1.459998E-06,0.7422175 scale = 1,0.9999997,0.9999997 } PROP { name = JSIActionGroupLabelButton08 position = 0.2863756,0.4198177,-0.1025277 rotation = 0.6701591,0,-1.459998E-06,0.7422175 scale = 1,0.9999997,0.9999997 } PROP { name = JSIActionGroupLabelButton09 position = 0.2863756,0.3889272,-0.09936747 rotation = 0.6701591,0,-1.459998E-06,0.7422175 scale = 1,0.9999997,0.9999997 } PROP { name = JSIActionGroupLabelButton10 position = 0.2863755,0.3560068,-0.09599956 rotation = 0.6701591,0,-1.459998E-06,0.7422175 scale = 1,0.9999997,0.9999997 } PROP { name = JSIEvaHatch position = 0.05819614,0.8952437,-0.01297482 rotation = -0.2220296,0,0,0.97504 scale = 0.08259232,0.03665123,0.07152465 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = -0.09290329,0.3395523,-0.08208589 rotation = 0.6691306,0,0,0.7431449 scale = 0.5,0.5,0.5 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = -0.1098171,0.339552,-0.082086 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = -0.1262682,0.339552,-0.082086 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = -0.1262681,0.3236625,-0.08041596 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = -0.1098171,0.3236625,-0.08041596 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = -0.09290312,0.3236625,-0.08041596 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = -0.09290312,0.3087832,-0.07885217 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = -0.1098171,0.3087832,-0.07885217 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = -0.1262681,0.3087832,-0.07885217 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = 0.6687735,0.156723,-0.06286991 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = 0.6852245,0.156723,-0.06286991 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = 0.7021384,0.156723,-0.06286991 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = 0.7021384,0.171602,-0.06443391 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = 0.6852245,0.171602,-0.06443391 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = 0.6687735,0.171602,-0.06443391 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = 0.6687735,0.187492,-0.06610391 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = 0.6852245,0.187492,-0.06610391 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = 0.7021384,0.187492,-0.06610391 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = -0.5543922,0.1470908,-0.06185753 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = -0.5379412,0.1470908,-0.06185753 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = -0.5210271,0.1470908,-0.06185753 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = -0.5210271,0.1619698,-0.06342153 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = -0.5379412,0.1619698,-0.06342153 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = -0.5543922,0.1619698,-0.06342153 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = -0.5543922,0.1778598,-0.06509152 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = -0.5379412,0.1778598,-0.06509152 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIMulticolorButton position = -0.5210271,0.1778598,-0.06509152 rotation = 0.6691307,0,0,0.7431448 scale = 0.5,0.4999999,0.4999999 } PROP { name = JSIStockAltimeter position = -0.2812996,0.467462,-0.0994198 rotation = 0.6691306,0,0,0.7431449 scale = 1,0.9999996,0.9999996 } PROP { name = JSIStockFuelPanel position = -0.2812996,0.4362476,-0.09613904 rotation = 0.6691306,0,0,0.7431449 scale = 1,0.9999995,0.9999997 } PROP { name = JSIStockMono position = -0.2812996,0.4043238,-0.09278372 rotation = 0.6691306,0,0,0.7431449 scale = 1,0.9999993,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockPower position = -0.2812996,0.3738173,-0.08957736 rotation = 0.6691306,0,0,0.7431449 scale = 1,0.9999989,1.000001 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.4831205,0.4028127,-0.1007884 rotation = 0.6701585,0,0,0.742218 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.4516307,0.4028126,-0.1007879 rotation = 0.6701588,0,0,0.7422178 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.451631,0.3723667,-0.09767313 rotation = 0.6701588,0,0,0.7422178 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.48312,0.3723667,-0.09767313 rotation = 0.6701588,0,0,0.7422178 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.48312,0.3115032,-0.09144626 rotation = 0.6701588,0,0,0.7422178 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.451631,0.3115032,-0.09144626 rotation = 0.6701588,0,0,0.7422178 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.451631,0.3419492,-0.09456126 rotation = 0.6701588,0,0,0.7422178 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.48312,0.3419492,-0.09456126 rotation = 0.6701588,0,0,0.7422178 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.48312,0.2810515,-0.0883307 rotation = 0.6701588,0,0,0.7422178 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.451631,0.2810515,-0.0883307 rotation = 0.6701588,0,0,0.7422178 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.451631,0.2506055,-0.0852157 rotation = 0.6701588,0,0,0.7422178 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.48312,0.2506055,-0.0852157 rotation = 0.6701588,0,0,0.7422178 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.48312,0.1906467,-0.07908178 rotation = 0.6701588,0,0,0.7422178 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.451631,0.1906467,-0.07908178 rotation = 0.6701588,0,0,0.7422178 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.451631,0.2210927,-0.08219678 rotation = 0.6701588,0,0,0.7422178 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.48312,0.2210927,-0.08219678 rotation = 0.6701588,0,0,0.7422178 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.48312,0.1593249,-0.07587773 rotation = 0.6701588,0,0,0.7422178 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareBlinkenlichten position = 0.451631,0.1593249,-0.07587773 rotation = 0.6701588,0,0,0.7422178 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareButtonBRAKES position = -0.1593304,0.3346157,-0.08156704 rotation = 0.6691306,0,0,0.7431449 scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareButtonGear position = -0.1593304,0.4110475,-0.08960034 rotation = 0.6691306,0,0,0.7431449 scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareButtonLight position = -0.1593304,0.4332911,-0.09193823 rotation = 0.6691306,0,0,0.7431449 scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareButtonRCS position = -0.1593304,0.3862659,-0.08699569 rotation = 0.6691306,0,0,0.7431449 scale = 0.8,0.8,0.8 } PROP { name = JSIStockSquareButtonSAS position = -0.1593304,0.3610305,-0.08434335 rotation = 0.6691306,0,0,0.7431449 scale = 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0.6701593,0,1E-06,0.7422173 scale = 1,0.5,1 } PROP { name = switchWithGuards position = 0.4074987,0.2239131,-0.08248315 rotation = 0.6701593,0,1E-06,0.7422173 scale = 1,0.5,1 } PROP { name = switchWithGuards position = 0.4074987,0.252842,-0.08544315 rotation = 0.6701593,0,1E-06,0.7422173 scale = 1,0.5,1 } PROP { name = switchWithGuards position = 0.3565918,0.2528419,-0.08544306 rotation = 0.6701593,0,1E-06,0.7422173 scale = 1,0.5,1 } PROP { name = switchWithGuards position = 0.2970855,0.2882408,-0.08906411 rotation = 0.6701593,0,1E-06,0.7422173 scale = 1,0.5,1 } PROP { name = switchWithGuards position = 0.2970855,0.3171698,-0.0920241 rotation = 0.6701593,0,1E-06,0.7422173 scale = 1,0.5,1 } PROP { name = throttle position = -0.6210813,0.1879661,-0.07562605 rotation = 0.6691163,0.004866245,0.004381584,0.743129 scale = 0.500001,0.5000002,0.4999997 } PROP { name = throttle position = -0.2011456,0.3939486,-0.08780318 rotation = 0.6691306,0,0,0.7431449 scale = 0.5,0.5,0.5 } PROP { name = VSI position = -0.3904096,0.2368791,-0.07518458 rotation = 0.6691306,0,0,0.7431449 scale = 1,0.9999999,1 } }
  13. I took a quick spin of some parts (mostly in 1.1.3, with some slight cfg alteration here and there to let them work without the plugin because I feel half stupid without KER on 1.2 to be useful to have some "datas" on rocket performance): The issue with the SLA's collider seems resolved, but (as JSO comment) I felt working better with a "negative" decoupling value (but I could be wrong, as I started without notice it with my old, last, "-10" value, when I was trying to analize the old behaviour). By the way, it seems even a lot stay in that range (rather your "500") or rather at "0": as I'm always very picky with my transfer (generally very tight "free return trajectories), even with so low value it sent my CSM+LEM hundreds of Km away from the predicted orbit at the end of TMI. I could suggest to let it be at "zero", to let the user to extract with only some very low RCS pull. I like the new Kane look, I noticed how both the Apollo SM and S-IC tank now have a correct "space program" flag display (no more flags cut on the sides). I have (up to now) not fully switched to the new "crio Hydogen" tanks (the last 1.1.3 version I'm using is still the one I'm playing, so I didn't wanna mess up too much) BUT in the week-end I'll probably re-download the latest pre-release 1.2 (last one I tried was 1532... and now we are at 1548) and I'll make eventually a bit more test there. Up to now, as I noticed that the new Kane pod has some built-in RCS ports, I just not really understood in which axis they are working (I noticed some rcs thrust when activated and mounted with the SM, but as stand alone, after decoupling for reentry, they seems not doing so much/doing nothing). Some tips on your design to help understand when they are supposed to thrust/which direction are active??? @CobaltWolf OH! Yeah! Noticed that too: it seems you "turned around" the LEM model, BUT now ANY IVA is facing the rear of it >_> I was initially happy about it (to look at the front exit in the VAB) but now I'm less happy when going IVA (and with RasterProp, I like to play inside the cockpit a lot)
  14. More tests with the SLA: ... even with a separated decoupler nested inside the petal adapter's payload node (to avoid to use the built in decoupler node), the LEM at extraction is still "shoot out" in the very same weird way (I used the the slim Prometheus I first stage/second stage decoupler between the internal payload node and the LEM descend engine). At this point, I could think only about some SLA's collider issues, not related with the LEM itself, as I tested even a smaller 1.25m diameter tank as "test article" in the place of the LEM, and the behaviour is still present... ... waiting for you, Cobalt, to check/re-upload/redesign the SLA model itself, as I start doubting that the problem could be resolved with clever cfg editing or a separated, internal decoupler mounted on the payload node as it was a "cargo node".
  15. ... and neither a "negative value" seems to resolve the problem about the SLA's payload decoupler, still shooting the LEM. At this point I think there should be some internal collider problem. As a side note, it seems the same problem I found about a very similar SLA in the SXT mod pack that I never resolved to work as intended: solid colliders (even if "hollow" in the inside, as a SLA should) seem to hate more than one decoupler (if the second was "inside" the collider). As a different approach, I'd suggest to go with a 2 part assembly (that could work): the petal adapter acting as a CSM decoupler and a separated internal part acting as decoupler for the payload, leaving the actual SLA's payload node as a simply "cargo node". Actually, the only SLA-alike part that I found someway working (in the past, as now is not more supported/updated) was from OLDD's Saturn V with this "2 parts assembly" system: the "petal adapter itself" a part that was needed to be build inside, with the LEM mounted on it, to decoupler the LEM itself. The clever idea by DennyTX was to leave a sort of "hole" in the petal adapter sidewall, where the internal part acting as LEM's decoupler (and painted in bright red) had a "button" that popped out from the petal adapter hole (to be "point-clicked" from outside, when the LEM made it almost impossible to find the below decoupler from the main opening). It's possible to see the mentioned sort of internal decoupler's "button" from this image:
  16. By looking at Github notes, the SLA model file seems still the same as before: I downloaded it again, to be sure, but nothing changed in the above mentioned behaviour even if the payload node decoupler was set to zero. I'm gonna test (as JSO put in the config note) some "negative value" next...
  17. I second the "zero" force, by the way, as "quick fix" at least for the payload node (JSO has perfect reason about how decouplers work on KSP, so the payload node being buried "under" the origin/center of mass of the part make it push the wrong way): I have not searched any source about how the SLA was working (CSM was hold by petals, so its own upper pirotechnics probably made no pushing force, going sideways rather "up") but a simpler node with no forces for the payload make some sort of sense as, after transposition, the LEM was "extracted" by the CSM. Let some "puffs" of RCS do the work, and let the "payload decoupler node" just to be needed to separate the LEM's descent engine and the SLA itself, rather than "help to push away"... Moving the "origin" of the part (or the "center of mass", as you could call it) too low make little sense, showing all of the petal structure well above the bottom of the part. Then a "zero" force could let less disaster occurs (at least if there is not an internal collider issue)...
  18. As I'm playing with the Sarnus V still in 1.1.3 (and i have to make some slight adjustment, as the BDB plugin for managing the SLA is not working) I'm probably experiencing something alike (slightly different, but not so much): I made the petal adapter a generic, stock "animation module" (just cosmetic thing to open it), CSM decouple go perfect, BUT when I transfer and dock to the LEM for extraction and decouple it, the SLA goes "BOOOOOM", in space... ... tested then at the launchpad, with a small 1.25 mini-rocket inside the SLA open (to avoid a larger LEM), and decoupling the paiload node(without engine activated) made the mini-rocket's engine go BOOOM, rather the SLA itself... Probably there is somewhere a collider issue in the SLA's horizontal support inside it, rather than its walls, maybe higher than the payload node, because I used on purpose a smaller diameter than a LEM. Make it "hollow", as collider, and keep the internal support strut just as cosmetic bits without any phisical for the game???
  19. Well... I do not post to trying to find bugs about KSP 1.2, as I'm enjoing your parts still in 1.1.3, so take them as "general ideas that could differ in 1.2": - Artistical ideas: Think about some diversification in "flames" and "effects" for engines even in "stock" (I know: it will be better for sure when you'll add Realplume): F1 could work with a more yellow-ish flame, something alike the Mammoth one... the J-2, burning Hydro-LOx, with a more blue-ish one will suit the engine (maybe with the stock SSME flame too) still in 1.1.3, I dunno if it's an issue with that KSP version, but I noticed that ALL the "program flags" (both in the S-IC and the Apollo SM) are a bit cut in the border, as if the space dedicated to them is "smaller" than the stock ones, cut on the sides: for reference, my own flags (those in my sign) are cut as "RAYM", without the "A" (I'll check my own flags too, but they seem to me in the same dimensions as stock ones...) - Physics of parts: the S-IC/S-II interstage has 2 issues, for me (still in 1.1.3, but I could consider that very similar in 1.2): FIRST, is labelled as an "omnidecoupler = true", and it's weird to see the solids mounted on it to be jettisoned all around when detached by the S-II. SECOND, its own collider is probably a bit larger, as mounting the separation solids in the VAB they seems to float in the air (not a big problem, moving them with the position tweaks, but a bit weird) No retrorockets in the S-IC engine/fins mount??? I was looking to it, seing your previous images when you worked the "hole", first, and then the "cover" for them LOL ... but overall, even in 1.1.3, they are very nice parts (I liked a lot the F-1 engine *_*)
  20. AH... so sad about it: noticed when i tried the SLA (with the new plugin for it). Not using 1.2 (I have not so much time for "bug tracking" to be useful for Squad, and as simple user, I let myself play still with 1.1.3), as always, I'll probably going to try a rough fix for the petal adapter messing with the standard, stock "animation" module to let me use it meanwhile. ... if any will work, probably I'd just need to open it manually before staging...
  21. Messing with Kronal Vessel Viewer and my latest Shuttle replica... ... I guess if I can add a quarter cargo bay after the cockpit to make it more in proportion with the fuel tanks...
  22. Second thoughts: I like the "red lines" rather than (nation/rocket) names on the parts, BUT then I ask you an improvement: Add some toggleable "flags" on the rocket (like for capsules), with the one everyone uses for his own space program, where there was the USA flag in the real Saturn V. It could fit for those that want a "USA" rocket, and for those that like any kind of flag on it
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