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Everything posted by Thourion

  1. I dunno if its going to help with your problem, but i see from that picture that you dont use the latest KSP version. You can have a separate installation for the new version, without messing your saves in the old, if that worries you. Maybe give that a try and see if the problem stays.
  2. Well i believe its KSP doing its thing again, with its known memory problem. I had crashes myself during loading, but if for example, you remove all other mods and use only the Soviet pack you dont get any trouble. So for me that proves that its not this mod problem. The Solution is exactly what you did though. Either trim down the soviet pack, or trim other mod parts you dont use. About the docking, yeah it should be compatible with all "size1" parts. Meaning also the stock clamp-o-trons, the inline etc (not the junior or the large of course thats size0 and size2)
  3. Well thats good to hear about atmo. In space yeah i can imagine docking situations will have problems, especially with different payloads on. But im sure you will either find a solution, or Squad may do more changes as well. Ill keep messing around though, cos its fun
  4. No no no, i was talking about its problems when modified to fly with the new SAS system. It doesnt loose control, it just flaps around trying to keep heading when you turn SAS on. It does manage to keep it steady, only it just jiggles allot. I went and removed the sas module from avionics nose, removed it also from the RSC part, and made the crew pod with Deltac's cfg. With more tests i only reduced "deflectionLiftCoeff" values from all 3 Buran controls (Buran_LWcontrol, Buran_RWcontrol and Buran_tailcontrol). This way it flies just fine with the new SAS from the pod (in VAB or SPH mode). So the more you reduce that value the less flap it has, but also less lift so it needs some optimal tweaking.
  5. EDIT: Ehh, well i made my usual monstrocity and removed both ctr surfaces, along with the vertical ctr surface (i dont know if the vertical one has a problem though). I left the wings as they were, so only the surfaces. I placed stock winglets, but of course, since they are totally different i needed to add a few more to be able to balance the craft and take off. Resault? No jiggling whatsoever, full aircraft control. I totally removed any extra modules from the nose "Buran_avionicsection", so its just a part, and like above only left the RCS module for the "Buran_rcssection" part. Pod cfg is just like Deltac's above. So i guess the jiggleflap song, comes from the ctr surfaces themselfes (sas isnt able to handle them properly). Of course my craft probably will have balance problems later on when i drain some fuel, and i didnt dare to use it as the VAB version lol. Anyway im sure someone more comfortable with ctrl surfaces can edit the Buran ones. Something along the lines of "deflectionLiftCoeff" value or whatever. But of course i could be wrong, and just the fact of puting the stock controls, and changing the CoL did play a part also... I dunno at this point the heat is killing me, so im off for some cold shower and stuff. Ah and before i go, ive notice the jiggling from Burans ctrl surfaces comes in "Roll". It doesnt flap up down, neither yawing, it just cant handle the roll methings. While with the stock surfaces it goes where you tell it to go.
  6. Im sorry to say, but i had a sad face all over, after giving Buran a go. You really cant touch the controls, otherwise it goes all over the place. Dunno maybe im getting used to the new ASAS, flying the weirdest aircraft design i can come up with no problem. But yeah, i tried to be as carefull as i can, toggling oldASAS with F key, in order to just rotate the ship, nevermind trying to manually control the ascent profile... it was a pain. (Hmm i didnt test Mechjeb on it though, although still that flapping i see on the surfaces from the old asas behavior is making me scream) On the other hand Soyuz for example with the new ASAS, just goes like it used to, even better i might add. So in the end, and yeah i didnt do many launches this time, but i believe that IF and WHEN you manage to make the new ASAS concept on the Buran work, it will bring it back to its throne of "My favorite mod craft of all time"... well im biased, so even if you dont update it anymore it will still be on that place lol Thanks for your work, and dont bother with my mumblings much
  7. Well, unless im missing something obvius, the revert flight button does the job. Now if you dont want to revert time, you can leave the craft where it is, and go space center, and tracking station. From there you can use the new function "Recover Flight".
  8. I want to stick to the Poll options, so i wont talk about anything else, and ill try to keep it short. Resources: I need them as stock, with a nice and cool way, as im sure Squad will develop in time. Resources give me something to do on the already enough bodies in Kerbol system. Plan bases, mining locations, supply crafts and the list goes on. Aerodynamics: Definitely another good choice. The new ASAS makes flying a dream, so if they can do better mechanics for the aerodynamics already at 0.22, i dont see why not. Clouds and Weather: Of course everybody likes some eye candy more, for me though i am happy with the current improvements. And seeing how they go about it, im not in any big rush for them on 0.22 IVA: This as well isnt a priority for me. I never spent much time on IVA anyway (yes i know theres not much to do there anyway atm). At some point later when we have more stuff to do (look at resources, extraction, analysis or god knows what), then yeah. Carrier: What? Its not spelled that way? .. I hope with that said, you understand what i feel about it. Career mode, in sandboxy games, always lives me with a void after completion, lives me with a "something amiss" feel and i could go on forever. Take note that i truly believe Career mode success is 100% implementation dependent. How a dev integrates it with the rest of the game, how good his plan on expanding it is, and of course what gives to the user at the end. So in short, i consider it more of an end game function, than a "lets put it now so users run around happy" and take it from there. (And yes, i have no idea how Squad is going to implement it, no idea if they got an already made plan, and no idea in general, so take what i say with a pinch of salt) More Bodies: Oh yeah, more female bodies..with nice measures and.. erm no wait.. More Celestial Bodies: Well here we talking about something, in a way, similar to more IVA. I really dont see the point for now. 5 more planets will give you a nice trip and back, but thats it. Without something more to do there it feels kinda empty. Not to mention i believe that Kerbol system is fine as it is, so new bodies probably way later with more Systems around.
  9. Oh yeah, i really love what you did with the Pod Ramps concept for the EVA, so im guessing what you have in mind for the docking part will suit the model fine. And yeah, the gears are a pain, especially when we are not talking about a "fixed" craft, since everybody makes his own config (different CoM etc etc). I believe side pylons, or some sort of wing integration would be better.
  10. Yeah it happend to me also. What you want to do is rename the Yarbrough08 folder into Yarbrough. Yardbrough, you may also want to fix the folder structure in the zip as well. One question i have is about rear gears, do you plan on making maching models to go along with the front gear? Or maybe some extension part, to make the rear attachment more fluent. Also some adapter to go in front or back of the bay, would be nice, so we can attach the payload (unless there is already and i missed it lol) Oh and last thing i wanted to say is that i like the design of the pack, good stuff.
  11. Thats whats happening to my 6gb system. Everything is good, besides the heavy configuration. Although it still flies fine, meaning with or without mechjeb, i can still hold it where i want, until i stage the extra sides where the fps goes back to normal. And btw, you said in earlier post: Do you mean theres a craft with the new Payload bay with sats inside? If yes i dont see it, if not no worries since those parts are indeed included.
  12. Heh, if i was flying that mission, i would probably crash 10 times all over. Especially if i saw that rock at the last minute, like on your first landing, i would jump around and try to avoid it and boom Anyway, all parts look amazing!
  13. Very nice indeed. I have one question though, do you mind sharing the setup for the collider you use in the radial decoupler? I am guessing it cant be a simple mesh convex, since it would mess up the SRB placement/decoupling.
  14. Well, from just the anouncment, i would just be indifferent, if of course this was a different company and a different game. Here however, we are talking about one of those games, and companies, that realy deliver. I will always remember squad and KSP, as classics, no matter what they do. Though of course, crew management as a stock feat, got my attention. But as i saw through the patches before, squad either has plans already, or just takes the good ideas from mods, and includes them in stock game. So it was somewhat expected to see that next. Anyways, with all that said, i cant expect every update to be omgbbqepicawsomesauce. Sure thing i would love for 0.21 to have resources gathering, exploring, discovering and whatnot, but i believe that all good things for this game will come in time. Not to mention, that even with what i got now, my brain is full of happy times (my body complains allot, sit in a chair all day waching that orbit, you know...)
  15. Err, i made a thread search with term "decoupler", didnt got any dice. Anyway sorry if its been asked before, but do we have any matching part to decouple, lets say, the pods from the rest of the craft? I coulndt find any, and anyway i could edit a node of a sas part perhaps, but yeah thats my question. If we have decouplers, and if not, if they are planned.
  16. Cool stuff, thanks for the update. Geting it now, btw dont forget to update the first page with pics for the new parts.
  17. @wulf899: Didnt play 0.20.1 cause i just saw this thred, maybe your problem is related: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/32763-KSP-v0-20-1-mod-related-memory-bug?p=405416#post405416
  18. From my launches i got: Proton, Proton with mechjeb, Soyuz, Soyuz with Mechjeb, Kliper just fine. Haven't tested the american pack yet. All launches with appropriate payloads, either my own custom made, or with intended bobcats. Example Progress with Soyuz, Mir with proton etc etc. Only problem is with Kliper and mechjeb, as i also see a "jittering" problem with Mjeb while trying to control any ship. In klipers case, since its sensitive, and that flapping effect you get with mjeb, results in failures. So in my case, everything is good. If i want to fly the kliper i do a launch with ASAS, and only activate jeb when i am out of kerbins atmo for docking and pro/retrograde maneuvers.
  19. Probably the best moded heavy, and i mean real heavy payload, launcher out there. Nice design, good on mixing parts around for your needs, and the CoM down there helps to have nose heavy loads without worry to much that the rocket will flip. Also like the fact you included the little amount of RCS on the tanks, providing some control fuel without need for adding another part to the setup. 0.20 heavy payloads here i come PS: Excellent work on the PDF, its a very nice presentation on the parts.
  20. Heh i didnt know that, so basically you can put like a dozen flags around a spot with a single launch huh? I thought there were only 1 flag per kerb for that launch only. Nice.
  21. Well, i sure am not an expert on landings, but i tried DUNA yesterday. I had the whole kit on top of a single fuel tank with an engine making a T. With the kit standing horizontaly, i made it using some mod radial circle decouplers, anywayz. At some point near 16.000-20.000 meters i was coming down decelarating. I went to map mode for a sec to check things out, and when i came back i accidentaly pressed space After saying curses along with prayers i opened the 3 Drop chutes at about 500-700 m/s near 9.000m above duna, and they worked like a charm. They reduce my speed to 100m/s abouts, and fully opened making a landing at near 6m/s or so. So either that was extreme luck from my part, or you just open them way to soon making them break from the speed, or way to late making them full open early and going instaboom from the G's. Easiest solution i can think of, is to quicksave just before deorbit, and keep trying until you get the magic numbers right, but yeah my lucky landing make me suggest anything under 500m/s and around 9000-10000m altitude. @devogen Sometimes i open-close-reopen the hatch, and that unblocks the EVA mode, try that for a quickfix.
  22. I wish you could add an indicator while inside the hangar, to show which part is what, much like the greenish glow ORDA uses for his decouplers. That would help people identify the parts for the different controls (pitch, yaw, rudder etc). Especially good for downloaded craft files, or when reloading a craft you build some time ago (unless you remembered to name the controls while building of course). Another thing is that the control IDs confused me a bit. The R you have for roll made me think it was for rudder instead Ah well , minor nuisances aside, the whole mod is just AWESOME... and YAY for the little flapper addition
  23. Im not sure, but for the people with the decoupling issues, check that you are not activating the engines at full throttle the time you are seperating, maybe thats it. On the other hand something is messing with my stages when i load custom craft from others. The decouple of the demv was activated at the same stage as chutes opened, making my initial kerbin tests go boom Another thing is that EVA, like others said, is a bit weird. I need to rapid-tap EVA, or for better open-close-open the hatch a few times for it to work. I had the problem with the missing right click menu myself with the other DEMV in the past. If i remember correct it was Bigtrack/Liltrack cartcommand extra plugin conflict, but i think it was fixed at some update (or someone elses plugin anyway). In any case, for me and at this time, the menu works as intended. Heh it even works with 2 Demv M4's stack inverted on top of each other. And for last, the "cargo - transfer" module for the DEMV is so freaking awsome, all the way from the design to the way it operates, i shoulda expect somethin like this from a guy named BobCat
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