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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. You might need to run it multiple times... it uses a bit more memory to cache, so it could crash while caching. If that is the case, just start it up again, and it will pick up where it left off. It does NOT require DDS loader, and in-fact won't work pretty much at all if you do manually convert your textures to DDS.
  2. Alright, so DXT loading is on it's way... and WOW. Loading is fast. Blazing. Memory usage is down, and things look great! Downside is the first loading takes a LONG time. A REALLY long time. Good news is that it only has to happen once. For brave souls: https://github.com/rbray89/ActiveTextureManagement/releases/tag/4-0Beta
  3. No, I never bothered with populating the bitfields. I'm just writing the raw data portion, and storing the relevant information in the cache config files.
  4. Interesting... I fixed the issue I was encountering, and I ended up not having to flip anything...
  5. Sarbian/lilleman: I have done most of the work for ATM to save/load the cache as dxt, but it looks like the image rotation is off (uv mismatch on square textures, graphical issues with non-square textures). Have you two run into this in either the converter or the loader? I am using the libsquish implementation that I ported to c#. I tried porting the Nvidia texturetools source first, but then once I had all the porting work taken care of, I couldn't figure out how to use the dang thing (it is in an interim commit if you are interested: https://github.com/rbray89/ActiveTextureManagement/commit/08989f0a7892bba6dd27697fdfb8b88f9ef17dcc) I still have a few other misc. Bugs to work out, but otherwise it is starting to look good! Just thought I'd check in to see if it has all been figured out before heading out on my own.
  6. Direct DXT loading is on it's way... Looks like I just have to do a little bit of rotation.
  7. Haha, I think that sounds like something wrong in my code
  8. Is the PQS transparency related to the _InvFade param? I noticed something similar if the value is cranked up really high.
  9. Well, the fade uses the particle distance, so unfortunately, the closest you can get is on the left.
  10. Yeah, there are still a couple things I'm trying to work out with the atmosphere... Hopefully addressed soon.
  11. x86 release should be what we are discussing here... So, the issues you describe, do you have any screenshots for them?
  12. Ah... I have to figure out what is with the cloud separation issue...
  13. I'd manually rebuild them in the GUI. - - - Updated - - - Not likely, the mask for it won't allow it. Are you running with any other mods?
  14. Need to use the "nightlies": x86:https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/blob/Overhaul/x86-Release.zip?raw=true x64:https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/blob/Overhaul/x64-Release.zip?raw=true
  15. http://i.imgur.com/Qqsgn6Y.png I have a hard time believing this is from the game... WOW! EDIT: looks like I need to work on that biome texturing
  16. WOW! Those look fantastic! Those detail maps add SOOO much to the terrain it is crazy!
  17. Atmosphere now responds to light. & other misc. shader fixes.
  18. I'll add some $.02 here... So in my testing, I was VERY surprised to find that the actual ocean mesh has no bearing on craft. When I was testing ocean floor effects for EVE, I set the Ocean PQS radii to 1. This made the mesh effectively disappear, but to my surprise, craft still hit the "water"! I suspect KSP is actually using a sphere collider or a plane as you suggested.
  19. I'm really curious how you are doing the bioluminescence stuff... Is that a point light, projector, or something else?
  20. I see you are new the the forums, welcome Please be calm while we try to diagnose your issues. For your part, we will need a bit more information. When did this start happening? Do you have other mods, and if so what are they? Did you install the mod correctly? (HINT: you should have a BoulderCo and ActiveTextureManagement folder in your GameData folder.) You refer to a "texture pack" what are you referring to here? ATM is not a texture pack. It overrides the KSP texture loader to cache, (and re-size if specified) all the textures for faster loading and full control over your textures.
  21. A form of DOE. I want to do it in such a way that we no longer manually draw points, and rather let the existing scaled space geometry handle things.
  22. That shouldn't happen via the GUI. The only thing I can think of that would cause this is not using properly formatted fields. Whenever I played around with the GUI to add/remove or modify layers it seems to work. I'm not surprised. Those mods all alter the lighting conditions and anything could happen at that point. I can't be accountable for what those other mods due to the stock lighting, and frankly, there is no way for me to compensate.
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