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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. Don't force DX11. As it stands KSP DX11 is NOT stable at all. Sometimes it works, sometimes it crashes. Sometimes the shaders are all pink. If you really need the memory savings, use OpenGL instead of DX9. Found the root cause: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/d3d-shader-create-error-for-shader-0x80070057-vs_5_0.355433/ Might be a solution here: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/483671/directx-11-not-working-dx11-on-dx10-gpu.html Looks like the fix would be in unity version 5.3.2
  2. I don't maintain the CKAN stuff. I think the CKAN people do that.
  3. I hate to be "that guy" but SERIOUSLY people. Read the OP (pretty much anywhere on the OP. If I have to make the font any bigger...) Then if you still need help following instructions read this:
  4. And if that isn't the cause, can you try using the GUI (ALT+0) and disabling the volume particles (or open up the config and delete the volume clouds chunks). I have a suspicion that that is what your machine may not like too much. I added a nice (but expensive) feature to the volume particles so they don't move around in huge chunks, but it can be a tad expensive, especially on older GPUs. If this is the cause, I have a possible fix in-mind, it would just be less ideal.
  5. Terrain shader is broken for the time being. I'll be coming back to it at some point, just not any time soon.
  6. Yeah, there isn't anything special about the city light textures. Same as they've always been. Do eclipse shadows in Vesselspace work? NoiseScale is for the procedural size and rotation of the particles. We use 3D perlin noise generated from the position to make sure the particles aren't all the same. the noise scale scales the 3D perlin rate to something reasonable. One thing you can try that I've noticed helps is ensure nothing else is running in the background (eg. Chrome kills my framerates) and if that doesn't help much then disable the celestial shadows by deleting the shadows config (and try the city lights config too) in the boulderco folder. Let me know if deleting those configs helps at all. Realistically, both scatterer and EVE should use the same mechanism for light occlusion. We'd have to come to an agreement about which to use though.
  7. Should just be able to delete the shadows config.
  8. Hmmm... looks like there may be a memory leak in the cache loading. Not sure why though as the code hasn't really changed between releases. It may be a while until a fix is found. These kinds of issues can be difficult to solve.
  9. Are you talking about the source downloads github release page? I don't have control over that in github releases. At any rate, the AnyCPU-DynamicTextureLoader-Release.zip is pretty obvious with its name that it is what is to be downloaded.
  10. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Addon#Installing_addons Haha, no worries.
  11. Haha, that is a stock bug in the debug window Not my fault. use the arrows at the top to go to the AtmosphereConfig
  12. Did you use a memory profiler to check what your VRAM memory usage really was (CU-Z)? What about using a tool to check that you are really using DX11 and OGL (MSI Afterburner)?
  13. Are you on a laptop or desktop? Could the wrong GPU be in use? Did you use a memory profiler to check what your VRAM memory usage really was (CU-Z)? What about using a tool to check that you are really using DX11 and OGL (MSI Afterburner)?
  14. Also try resolution, and make sure that any other windows in the background are minimized. Also make sure all your drivers are up-to-date.
  15. Hmmm... You may have non-part textures? What about things like texture replacer and EVE?
  16. Can you try the EVE version here: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/raw/master/AnyCPU-EVE.zip I think It is fixed in the next release.
  17. Hah! people complained that it was "too cloudy" so I made it less cloudy You can use the GUI. ALT+0, and use the arrows to change the Texture AlphaMap value from AlphaMap_R to AlphaMap_A
  18. Changing the FOV will distort your image a bit, but never heard of it distorting it as it shouldn't be distorted before. At any rate, just tested it out, isn't a problem with EVE. FOV acts correctly. Perhaps it is a scatterer issue?
  19. I like watching the clouds pass over the mountains and watch the shadows roll over the hills And wait until you seen an eclipse
  20. not unless you are running out of memory
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