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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. Literally doesn't matter. EVE doesn't care where the files are. Do whatever makes sense to you. I'd put them wherever they are in the mod so if the mod is ever updated or you delete the mod you don't have leftover/duplicate configs.
  2. Also, there is another cube-map system to be introduced soon as well if you'd rather use that. 2 Textures for a single planet. One texture for the + and one for the - of XYZ stored in the RGB channels. MUCH less complicated in my opinion. The bigger benefit here is that with 2 textures I can reduce the number of samplers in the shader so it will help performance out a decent bit. Cloud particles will also just use a single texture going forward (xyz == RGB).
  3. Doesn't matter where they go. It'd be preferred to keep the config files with the planets that use them though.
  4. If you are running KSP at 16 FPS EVE really won't be able to perform very well. You could try tweaking other things (running in lower resolution, in fullscreen mode, no AA, lowest texture settings, etc.)
  5. Ended up bumping the render queue for scaled to transparent-1 as there was a weird issue when on Laythe, the clouds on jool would dissapear. Seems as though something was writing to the depth buffer in the transparent queue.
  6. Most people seemed to want clearer skies so the clouds reflect that. Look in orbit, there is less cloud cover now. If you want to change that, in the cloud config, change ALPHAMAP_B to ALPHAMAP_A.
  7. Ah, I see the issue... You need to view your alpha channel. Looks like right now you are using your alpha as a mask. If you use GIMP, you can go to Colors->Components->Decompose To see all the different colors on the different layers (this is what I do). Then when you are done editing the colors, you can recompose using Colors->Components->Recompose. If you want to use alpha, make sure you select RGBA during decompose. I don't know the procedure for Photoshop. In other words, your alpha is hiding issues in your color placements. There were similar issues with "dirty" particles because transparent alpha was hiding areas that were black. Same thing here. You are running out of memory. Use the x64 client if you can. Don't use DX11 if you are. Otherwise, this actually has nothing to do with EVE. Those are stock shaders. All of this is expected behavior.There are no EVE_ATMOSPHERE ore EVE_TERRAIN configs (WIP, not ready for release) And when it says Invalid Name, that is for adding new configs.
  8. Alt+0 Should be better performance, not worse... You can get rid of all the city textures by deleting the config. I doubt it will help performance though. This is a known issue with ksp. They have to add shader tags that they never did. Working on a workaround.
  9. It's realtime, beautiful, and It doesn't really impact performance.
  10. The reason I ship with two separate zip files is to make it easy to split up the configs and textures from the logic. Just replace the textures. Texture Replacer would be redundant and unnecessary for EVE, but would let you replace terrain textures and skybox.
  11. PNG should work. I don't know for certain if the limit is 2k or 4k though.
  12. Use an image editing program capable of editing DXT/dds files. GIMP or PS would work. EDIT: Or just wait for @Nhawks17 to get to it
  13. You'd have to open the texture file (main.dds) and shrink it.
  14. Okeydokey... I discovered the problem The CityLights Main texture is too big, even in the Medium Res. I didn't download the others, but I suspect they all have the high-res city-lights mask. @Nhawks17, I think the city-lights texture needs to be scaled in the releases to match the resolutions. A good workaround however would be to use the cubemap system. That would let you reach huge resolutions without indexing massive textures, letting those mac users with texture limitations access the higher res versions. @sp1989, in the meantime, you could try to rescale the city light texture yourself to a max of 2048x2048 (perhaps 4k, but I'm not certain of that).
  15. No log issues from what I can see. What I'm telling you here is that it isn't a code problem (from EVE's standpoint anyways). This is either going to be an issue: 1) With Apples HW/drivers. 2) Unity framework issue. Unless something is interfering with your download and/or install process (which I don't think we've seen). Things that may be causing this: 1) Shader triggering something that doesn't want to work on specific Apple HW/FW/SW. 2) Format of texture. Given that this looks as though the texture mask is being interpreted as fully opaque/full value my immediate guess would be texture format. It wouldn't really matter WHAT format you chose as long as KSP recognizes it (PNG/JPG/BMP/DDS(DXT5)/MBM). Choose any format that the mask texture is not currently.
  16. Install looks fine. Whatever it is, seems to be ether: 1) Texture read issue (certain macs can't handle 4k textures). Did you try medium/low res versions? Perhaps it is the texture format (try to convert to other format)? 2) Shader issue. Shader is not compatible with HW. I can't imagine why this would be the case. Try making sure all drivers are up to date?
  17. Yeah, I'm at a loss here too. I'm thinking that it may be a shader loading issue and plant to EVENTUALLY move to asset loading, but I haven't even looked at it yet.
  18. And you are 100% sure you nuked KSP entirely? Nuke it, download a fresh KSP install, and use that. Don't use steam's interface to nuke it, just delete the KSP folder and tell steam to download it.
  19. It seems to have happened to a few people running with a DX11 capable card as well. I've seen some pink shader issues on my machine running with DX11 intermittently.
  20. NP. This actually confirms issues I was noticing in testing that was very inconsistent, and actually explains problems another modder was experiencing as well.
  21. also, for dx11: Found the root cause: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/d3d-shader-create-error-for-shader-0x80070057-vs_5_0.355433/Might be a solution here: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/483671/directx-11-not-working-dx11-on-dx10-gpu.htmlLooks like the proper fix would be in unity version 5.3.2
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