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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. Updated to fix city lights over clouds in scaled view.
  2. EVE has been updated to fix the city lights over clouds issue.
  3. Update pushed for 1.1 See OP for link. Slightly better performance with city lights, City lights *Might* be fixed now. If not, they will 100% be fixed in next release. Eclipses won't draw over transparent objects. Eclipses should affect the Space center (and other PQS entities) Particles can be attached to the detail texture, particle rotation will be correct now.
  4. What I'd seriously recommend is deleting KSP and starting from scratch. Install JUST SVE and see if you get the problem.
  5. Install KSP from scratch? Including Scatterer & EVE. Make sure to download all current versions again. Don't add any other mods and try it out. Add mods one at a time to see which one is causing issues.
  6. Use gist.git.com to upload your log file (copy and paste it to there) and share the link here. Hmmm... You say it is only visible in the ship view? Very interesting. I thought I knew the root cause, but it seems to be a trickier problem to fix than I thought... I'm working on a more permanent fix right now by upgrading the overlay system I have in place now.
  7. This would be EVE. For now there isn't much of a solution. I'll have to figure out a decent way to check if the lighting has already been occluded. Or disable eclipses in map-view.
  8. That is what they should look like in stock EVE. So what you are seeing with SVE stems from SVE settings.
  9. Possible. Hard to know for sure. Could also be SVE. What happens when you use ONLY EVE?
  10. And Kopernicus? What happens when you remove that?
  11. Scatterer is visual. Try removing that. There is also Koperinicus, I could see that doing some things too.
  12. What other mods? KSP Version? EVE version?
  13. This actually happened with the pre-cursor to Kopernicus. The dev behind Planetfactory pulled the plug and left, and Kopernicus was built from the ground up with MUCH a better structure and ideology.
  14. Hmmm... I think I know where the rotation is coming from. noiseScale and the position of the particles is plugged into a perlin function to determine size, orientation, and placement. It helps add "Randomness" to particles, but lets us move the particle grid around while still getting the same particle params.
  15. EVE has always been mine I was on a bit of a hiatus for a while though.
  16. Done. New option for volume called followDetail
  17. Update EVE and Scatterer to the latest versions.
  18. Ah, I see, you'd like the particles to move with the detail rather than the main layer. I think that should be doable.
  19. This sounds about right. I use an intersection calculation to determine the ratio of sunlight visible to blocked rather than calculate the angles and have to perform expensive trig operations: v is the vertex of the point we want to shade R is the sun radius r is the eclipsing body radius P is the position of the sun p is the position of the ecliping body inline half BodyShadow(float3 v, float R, float r, float3 P, float3 p) { float3 D = P - v; float a = PI*(r*r); float3 d = p - v; float tc = dot(d, normalize(D)); float tc2 = (tc*tc); float L = sqrt(dot(d, d) - tc2); float scale = tc / length(D); //Scaled Sun Area to match plane of intersecting body float Rs = R * scale; float A = PI*(Rs*Rs); float s = saturate((r + Rs - L) / (2 * min(r, Rs))); s = (INV_PI*asin((2 * s) - 1)) + .5; return lerp(1, saturate((A - (s*a)) / A), step(r, tc)*saturate(a)); } Not insignificant. You'll want to use 1.1 x64 version. The shadow issue is due to KSP not adding proper shader tags to things. I can try and fix that. You sure you downloaded the most recent version? I thought I had fixed the issues people were having with city lights. Guess not. When this happens do the lights behave correctly in map-view?
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