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Everything posted by lttito

  1. Volition continued producing games, like for example, saints row franchise.
  2. Any good news on this marvelous mod? I know you (like all of us) have to bear with life stuff, just i want to know if your are made progression on any new parts.
  3. Maths are done in each call of LateUpdate, made by Unity. It calculates speed and altitude for your current selection and only for those. Code is inside the mod, in source folder. You can have a look at it. If you find something that can be redone I will be happy to fix it as soon as I can.
  4. This mod only do a simple conversion (from m/s to the selected unity), that is basically a multiplication (product) of two quantities and then writes it in the navball. Just this plain and simple. Code that generate UI is alike BD Armory and other mods. So I doubt is this mod that causes performance issues. I do not deny that having a lot of mods can cause performance issues, though.
  5. Yes, aparently FAR uses the same way to overwrite the Navball as SUC. But as FAR also put the speed in the navball, I think is ok to use FAR values instead of use another mod that do the same as a mod you have already in use. Never had performance issues, never have messages of others saying so. Maybe the performance drop is due to other mods?
  6. Hey @spacetackle, can you give us a progress report? I'm eager to hear about any news in this marvelous mod!
  7. For the moment, I take off first time using launch clamps and land vertically, since the engine is powerfull enough to make it so. I'm having so much fun with it. Also, combining it with DBArmory and Star Wars Mod makes it even cooler.
  8. Awesome job. It flies really well. Only problem I have right now is with landing, that is more like lithobraking, but if you can integrate kerbal foundries' hover im sure it will be in my top 5 mods list!
  9. Finally working in 1.1.2. Unity 5 bring a lot of changes and I had to scratch my head a little bit to ensure this works again. Updated info in OP
  10. Althought I prefer reversed, I think the most intuitive way to show the direction of movement will be to use the Pe and Ap markers pointing on that direction (they are currently arrows). Something like this:
  11. Hi, i found something weird with maneuver planner. When I try to do a bi elliptic transfer to a different body (mun, minmus, duna etc), after I set the first one node and this node causes the orbit to enter in other SOI, if I create a second one before entering the SOI, the planned orbit created by the first node does not change on the second body, making it very difficult/expensive to adjust a trajectory to another body, because I have to do it in one node or after entering a body's SOI. I tried it on several bodies and the output is always the same. I use in the example Sun and Duna, but can be also reproduced in kerbin/mun, kerbin/minmus etc. Steps to reproduce: 1. Orbiting Sun create a node with a Hohman transfer to Duna. 2. See Pe marker created in planned orbit of Duna. 3. Set another node after the first one and before Duna encounter marker on the same orbit as the first one. 4. If you manipulate the node (any direction) the marker and the orbit in step 2 does not change. In the pics is shown what is the problem: having a second node dont do anything with the planned orbit calculated by the first one. In last pic you can see that the marker shouldnt be there as the orbit is modified by second node to prevent duna encounter. The marker shows exactly the same Pe as in pic 2. Running 1.1.2 X64 on windows. I found the bug in 1.1.0 x86 and then again in 1.1.1 x64, but hoped to be fixed for 1.1.2.
  12. I'm waiting for 1.1 to be released (sadly I have no access to KSP in steam) to see how it works and look for issues :/
  13. I'll try to do it on weekend, as w2 (work & wife) absorbs my time during work days...
  14. never played with rss, though i assume it should not interfere with this mod
  15. Thanks for the info. Finally I can add decals to my planes
  16. Thanks for the info hotfix released to show mod on sucesive launches (version 1.4.1). Updated links in OP.
  17. What mods enables you to write on parts? Also gorgeous pics
  18. Hi Baha, First of all, thanks for your awesome mod. The AI really controls planes much better than me. It even manages to keep following me with only one engine and non balanced cargo (pics related). Just a request: can you add two more wingman commands? One for scorting, like follow but with other wingmen ahead instead of behind; and other for refueling, keeping speed and altitude ahead of the "commander"?
  19. Same happens for me, at least with toggle option. Using brake toggle them flawlessly.
  20. I didn't updated the mod since 0.24 IIRC as FAR does the same. Maybe if someone is still interested, I can update it (if work lets me).
  21. Hey Lack, can you make (when you have enough time and you feel it) a rotodome? I'm trying to make a replica of an E-3 Sentry but with current plates, it is just not the same. Also, if it will be rotating, like your radar antennas, it will be marvelous!
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