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Everything posted by lttito

  1. I'm happy with the idea of telescopes in general, and for the idea of getting science points, instead of getting it by passing time, I think it could be better to have like "interstellar biomes", I mean, certain orientations where you have to point your telescope and look through it (like an experiment) and get an observation of a certain biome (like a quasar, or magellan clouds or god's fingers, kerbal style) and get some science points for getting it, like any other experiment. Cool thing could be that attached to this experiments, and for each biome, it would grant you a picture of said object.
  2. little question: Is obligatory to have FAR to change thickness? I installed pWings 0.7 but cannot set thickness, nor any option besides pitch/roll/yaw
  3. Hi Snjo, one thing I noticed in your mod for 0.23: In SPH, after using your parts. when pushing the CoM button, the CoM mark appears for a second and then dissapear. I looked at the debug log but nothing seems wrong. When flying, using SAS gyroscope and turning on SAS makes the plane fly wobbly (pitching up and down constantly), I think tryng to correct the trajectory. When deactivating SAS plane flies straight as an arrow. Is there any parameter in the config to reduce the force (or something like that) of the SAS? Besides that minor (bugs?), your mod is marvelous, the first I installed in 0.23, and one of my must-have mods. Thanks for your work and dedication, bringing more awesomeness to the awesome world of KSP.
  4. Hi all, a little suggestion I have to better planning maneuver nodes is when hovering the mouse over an orbit, (when the little bubble appears) give information of remaining time to get to this point of the orbit and the planned altitude, as well. I know that remaining time is displayed when clicking on the orbit to generate a maneuver node but doing this way it will be faster to see this information for making nodes. And showing estimated altitude will be another good point for making faster and better planification on burnings, as for example make a node in a reentry to make a burn at a certain altitude. I think it also does not make the UI look overloaded (give excessive information to the user) as it will only appear when hovering the mouse on an orbit. Please pardon my english as it's not my mother tongue, and I encourage a discussion on this point (although this is a suggestion of a feature i'll be glad to see in a future update, I think this post can be a good place to discuss better and faster navigation plannification). good flights!
  5. Bobcat, can you please upload the craft files of all MIR parts (kristall, core...)? Im trying to build Mir but cant place rcs blocks properly, and if i load files of older soviet pack it says that Mir asas is missing
  6. Thanks for the info. I managed to draw a cube, and have some code snipets to make it dragable, so i think this is the first step to implement my idea.
  7. Is there a way to draw a cube in-game, without having to import a texture or a mesh? I want to create a visual element 100% by code, that could be dragable, but nothing more. Just like a visual guide to help constructing crafts in VAB/SPH. If it is not possible, can someone point me in the right direction on how to make it? Im triying to learn how to make plugins for KSP, and my experience with unity is 0.
  8. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Excellent work with this mod. Thanks to Firesplitter boyancy things, I was able to create a floating launch pad. Only one problem, if I use Spaceplane pad, the ships that I can load are the same as if I use the VAB pad (I think it only load crafts from VAB folder). It is just me or it happens to anyone more?
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