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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. Bad news: Something decided to delete a whole ton of stuff used by 3ds max to convert the primitive to a poly modifier or mesh modifier. So unless I can fix that, I can\'t do anything, which is bad because I entered into a competition for some other board. Edit: Okay reinstalled it, but now I can\'t access any of my old files, fun. Edit2: anybody know how to fix the whole file open fail thing? Merge does nothing.
  2. Should have posted this, but i am out of the race, not enough time. Need to focus on year end high school stuffs. Keep at this togfox, i found this fun, and challenging!
  3. Ahaha damn that model and textures looks great! Nice mod!
  4. Hey guys... sorry for no updates, since Monday night i have been fighting to keep my laptop alive, and i think i may have figured out why it was going so slowly and the fact that Firefox was freezing up. Edit: okay I think I fixed the issues with the laptop
  5. Oh man, sorry guys :-[ Give me a hour and i should have a mediafire link up. Dropbox refuses to work, saying i have used all my bandwidth space when i have nothing in it > Edit: Anybody interested in a possible MK II 'FTL' Drive, obviously not using a plugin untill the actual warp drive plugin comes out Edit2: Done, replaced the link with a mediafire link.
  6. I really hate asking this, but can someone tell me what happened... Just curious.
  7. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=9917.0 enjoy.
  8. Ironic, i should have been able to get to the 10k mark. No dice yet.
  9. Am i out since i still can\'t figure out what combination will give me enough thrust to reach the minimum? Still trying.
  10. Apparently my rocket is not up to par, and having the 5,100 dollar budget is causing me to derp out as to how i could pull this off. I can\'t brain, its too late at night, better go to bed.
  11. I would like it to be simplified as i did design my rocket to at least have some sort of salvage rate
  12. I was able to have my rocket have the ability to salvage the burned out booster, decoupler, and command pod. The only thing that exploded was the zoxygen which for some reason exploded =P
  13. Question: Do i start with free items or do i still have to pay for them, i am confused?
  14. Whoops, not sure why i did not see that ??? Time to make my craft.
  15. Interesting, i will have a go with this Edit: as long as i can download zoxygen... the download link wants me to pay 9 dollars for registration to their site
  16. I did my first water landing in the hope shuttle... i sort of overshot the KSC by oh... a very big number Oh and im on DVC\'s server.
  17. Nomad

    Just Married

    Congrats! Don\'t worry, the forums won\'t get bombarded with ejected rocket parts
  18. The Shadow, reminds me of the good ol days of KSP when if you went into the dark side of kerbin you would die =P
  19. I\'m running 0.14.3, is that going to be a issue with this by any chance?
  20. I tried looking for the txt file to see what went wrong, i can\'t find it
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