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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. More or less, refitted for detecting things (when we get that option)
  2. Bump. Felt like i posted this possibly at the wrong time. Thought the no parts bubble was not going to burst but i guessed wrong, now we have a influx again =P
  3. Ey guys, so i started this and decided to pick back up after one week of leaving it alone, anyway time to continue. Here, have a photo. Question: Would you like me to release it with it in a 100% stage or release it in the different visible upgrade stages?
  4. Cool, products that cost money but have limited free offers are always welcome! Thanks for saving me a few couple hundred bucks bro.
  5. I don\'t think it looks ugly, i actually really like it. Plus it goes nice with the whole design. If you think THAT is ugly, look at my attempt THAT is shit.
  6. Description: It may look like a hunk of metal with a shiny thing on the end, but With this, I\'ll be able to see all nearby ship parts in a single glance. Mandatory part for all space ships destined for deep space travel. I have begun to get out of my creative slump, and decided that all space travelers need a radar dish to spot things... Based off of the whimsical Radar from Pikmin. Download: http://www./?xu49rfrz3km5h54 I know its meant for aesthetics, but i think it looks nice, even if the color scheme does not really match the other parts available =P Enjoy fellow kerbonauts, hopefully with this, you will crash less into ejected parts
  7. I should had said person... :-[ Though to be fairly honest, i have not encountered any females on these boards, unless i have been blind yet again... Ontopic however, that reactor looks very nice!
  8. Discovery I orbiting Kerbin. Has the ability to go to the mun and back with fuel to spare, i designed it to be compact and thanks to the retro boosters on the very bottom, i can hit the munar surface at 0.5 m/s
  9. Hey guys, seriously cut Nova some slack, he is the one making custom parts for you AND THIS is how you repay him? I may be no mod, but how would you like it if you spent hours into making a mod for people and all you get is negative responses? It was seeing Nova\'s pack that made me learn how to mod for this game, if it was not for him i might have not ventured forth. I guess what i am trying to say is stop telling him what he can and cannot do, the only way people get better at something is to keep doing it, not suppressing it. /endrant
  10. I think what he means is ontop the instrument unit, not underneath. Anyway currently there is nothing to really put on the top, unless you download the kerpollo then you will get the lunar module stuff and the shrouds.
  11. Interesting, i might just move my parts to this so i can have room on my dropbox for other stuff!
  12. I wouldn\'t, it was seeing your pack that made me learn to mod for KSP.
  13. Yes i am tracking your progress, if you need help converting them to .obj since .dae does not seem to compile right with my version of 3ds max, i would be more then happy to help. Some crit i would give from those screenshots would be to remember to not go super high poly, not everybody has a godly computer rig.
  14. No I am not trolling you, sorry if I came off harsh, I guess I am too used to threads which have something I can download. :-[ Edit: Download and give feedback* Edit2: you may have thought I was trolling, because all that this is text, people don\'t know if I am pounding on my keyboard or happily typing.
  15. Filled mine in, has been worth every single cent so far, keep it up KSP Team!
  16. Honestly, don\'t make a thread if you have nothing to release...
  17. Thanks for making this, i think i am going to try to make a space station orbiting kerbin now.
  18. Dat space station Guys..., guys..., this guy wins the space station race, lets all go home now =P
  19. Welcome, hope you guys keep churning out awesome features
  20. What kind of ship are you making that could rip it apart? Try to use struts...
  21. Ya know, i can agree with what Nova said, i made my first model and a horribly done texture job but i was able to get it in the game and i was happy. My first addition was a now suceeded by someone else pod life preserver like device, but overall people liked what i did. IMO i think we have another spoiled thread, but seriously guys let him do what he wants, honestly its not like we are forcing you to use his textures, there are people here who will use it and people who won\'t. /EndRant
  22. IF you are ever reskinning a mod, you always want to consult the ORIGINAL person who made them for PERMISSION to reskin it. Just sayin.
  23. Hmmm, i am trying to think as to what i could have done that would have made this go slower. When i get home i will try it on 0.13 and see what i come to the conclusion. Edit: I posted that it was untested which is what you mean by unstable because i never got around to testing it, and that is still true I don\'t believe i have a 1.1 build, if someone could link to one i can update the first post with it.
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