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Posts posted by tetryds

  1. @SuicidalInsanity Nice video.

    You get used to handling the camera after a few matches, but that was really good for the first one.

    If your computer can handle it I recommend using scatterer too.

    You are running on KSP 1.0.5 with the specified mod versions, right?

    You can use that mod that puts kerbals on open seats, don't remember if there is any custom cockpit airplane left.

    Since the videos are being edited, would be good to have a battle score on the corner of the video :)


    BT211 go!

  2. 1 minute ago, 53miner53 said:

    I was finding that the dummy was taking forever to get up to altitude, so I did what I thought was logical: add SRBs on decouplers. I don't have any trouble now! :cool:

    If you fail to takeoff the dummy plane turns around and bombs you.

    Pretty humiliating, and funny :P

    You can remove Aviator Arsenal's dll as it only adds the Jericho trumpet sounds.

    I noticed that the propellers have disk colliders, and FAR uses that to create the body mesh, not sure if it's too bad but shouldn't be a major issue.

  3. 1 hour ago, Azimech said:

    Can I have permission to use this challenge as a template for a different one?

    We are building turboprop fighters using stock parts, with the recent discoveries it's possible to build them with a decent size, part count and mass, comparable with normal KSP planes. They are however much slower, bleed more energy and burn a lot more fuel.

    Yes of course you can.

    It took a lot of effort to come up with the rules and everything, feel free to reuse them at will.

    I just cannot guarantee it's going to scale well with these limitations, but that is not up to me.

    Edit: the status of the previous battles: http://challonge.com/BADTsecond

    My bets are final BT-211 vs Tytonid, BT wins.

  4. 20 hours ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

    @Tetryds: If you've still got the craft files and who was to fight who, yeah, I can see about getting the last few battles of BAD-T 2 done.

    Yep, got it!

    Sending it to your inbox.

    It's also good so you get a hang on setting up and running the battles before people make their crafts and this one starts.

    Some of the BAD-T 2 videos show how the flights start, but it's simple:

    1. Spawn the craft on its runway, hold brakes, throttle to zero and start its engine.
    2. Repeat that for every craft.
    3. Quicksave (you never know).
    4. Use the team control to switch one team to team b.
    5. Create a custom quicksave (ALT+F5) naming the crafts that battle, in case you need to run it again.
    6. Toggle AIs.
    7. If I didn't forget any step they will take off and fight.
    8. Watch them kill each other
    9. Load the custom quicksave and run it again, but start the AIs on a different order.
    10. ...
    11. profit


  5. From my tests, Fly By Wire seems to have been built focusing on cruising, which makes sense given the nature of KSP.

    If you want a control focused on combat you can try out my mod MAF (which I have to properly port to the latest KSP version... but I think it still works).

    It also has a cruise mode, very good for bombing.

    Do not use both mods together.

    Shouldn't require tweaks unless your airplane is too weird or doesn't have a vertical stabilizer, which it uses to compensate for banks and sideslip.

    @Schwarz yes set a negative AoA or a negative deflection, works either way.

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