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Posts posted by tetryds

  1. 56 minutes ago, Van Disaster said:

    I do so love those flappy wings :) the Elkow looks like a 30s air-racer

    Yeah, I knew it would underperform a lot, I lose about 40% of lift when turning just because they bend so much, but it didn't matter.

    It also has a terrible time trying to aim, for some reason it's simply too bad at aiming.


    Btw, why were people discussing realism on BAD-T?

    It's about having an interesting framework for a battleground, which fortunately happens when you add pieces of realism into it, the original purpose of BAD-T was never to be "realistic" per se.

    The wasp design is interesting, and greatly exceeded my first expectations, but it's also a big target.

    Would probably get rekt very easily by a fast sniper like the Tytonid or a tighter turner like the SkyRebal.


    Edit: if this was a replica tournament it would be boring as hell.

    But anyone is free to make one and see how it turns out.

  2. 17 hours ago, Matuchkin said:

    BTW, there is word on this thread about a 1960s jet-themed BDAC tourney. I would have to suggest the following restrictions be placed on participating planes:

    Maximum G-force: 10g

    Maximum velocity: Mach 1.2 or 411.6 m/s

    Maximum twr: 0.8 (roughly that of the MiG-21bis)

    Unfortunately that is not going to work, nor is it going to provide you the balance you are expecting.

    First because it is very hard to define the scenarios for these parameters to be satisfied, and second because performance is a property of an aircraft, not something that define its construction, it's an effect, not a cause.

    That is like saying a weapon on a war cannot fire at a rate higher than 200rpm while what actually limits the firerate are the alloys, design and production costs.

    What you can limit are the engines, weapons, wing strenght, mass, etc. As mentioned earlier all that you have to do is cut corners and prevent exploits.

    Twr can work, but again, at which speed and altitude? You are already "limiting" it by defining a minimum mass and engine count/types indirectly anyway.

  3. Banido pois você está redondamente enganado sobre a maioria dos argumentos acima.

    Primeiro com o preço, o computador a seguir é acima de mediano, comparável com meu i7 4790k com uma GTX 970 que ainda roda tudo no very high.






    https://www.kabum.com.br/produto/87372/gabinete-bluecase-gamer-bg-015-sem-fonte-usb-3-0-frontal/?tag=gabinete sem fonte


    Preço total calculado dia 26/10: R$: 2921,00

    Preço sem o processador na promoção: R$ 3032,00

    Com aquele cooler dá pra fazer um belo overclock no processador, e quando puder pode atualizar a placa de vídeo que o sistema vai dar conta tranquilo. Eu não fiz muita pesquisa de preço, mas acredito que se pesquisar bem dá pra economizar mais uns 200 reais, principalmente se pegar um gabinete mais simples.

    Sobre um computador durar 5 anos, sinto muito mas não vai durar 5 anos rodando tudo no alto, existe um ponto ótimo de investimento em uma máquina caso queira continuar tendo um pc razoavelmente bom durante bastante tempo, e no Brasil esse ponto está perto dos 3500 reais, que seria equivalente a trocar a GTX 1050 Ti do pc acima por uma GTX 1060. Um pc assim vai durar 2 a 3 anos rodando tudo numa qualidade muito boa, depois disso vai começar a colocar os jogos no alto/médio, considerando jogos AAA.

    Ah e gostaria de saber as especificações do seu pc.


    Edit: Não conheço muito bem as placas da AMD, mas talvez consiga um custo benefício maior nessa faixa de preço.

  4. @Nansuchao that X wing gives me shivers.

    It is awful, super awful, there is only a very specific biplane configuration that can theoretically fly well at supersonic speeds, and it's certainly not that one.

    The first step is changing that.

    Another detail is that big wings are useless at high speeds, most of the (efficient) lift is provided by the hull itself, like the skylon.

    In this case you may not have such a big runway to land something with a wing that small, but since this is KSP I would even recommend using some mod with retractable thrusters to help you break and takeoff. With that you will also approach the runway at a much lower angle of attack, which will help on holding it together while breaking.

    There are a lot of engines on that, are you really sure you need that many? I know its big but a small force for a longer time should do the job more efficiently.

    Well, that is mostly it for this one.


    If I was to make that as efficient as possible I would stick it to a booster "crane" stage that goes to orbit with it then goes back to land on kerbin, leaving it on orbit, will allow for much higher payloads at LKO.

  5. There can be another tournament right after this one if @SuicidalInsanity is into it.

    It's just that it takes a lot of effort to host it, and BAD-T 1 to 2 time was due to mods being created especially for it.

    And 2 to 3 was a matter of weapon rebalance and someone having the time and willingness to host it, as I could not.

    Should be much simpler to have them more often now that everything is settled.

  6. 8 hours ago, Van Disaster said:

    As for early jet era - this already is the early jet era. Maybe with a 2x power jet.

    Jets would be fun indeed.

    I just warn that 2x is way too much power, remember that they perform much better at higher speeds and altitudes already, it would be better to set them somewhere from 1.2x to 1.3x their current power.

    That considering it won't have any propeller aircraft.

    The current weapons can be used as they are now, no rebalance is required.

    The only thing needed would be more jet engine types.

    The rules don't require many tweaks either, if anything more points or slightly lower mass requirement.

  7. @Van Disaster yeah, increasing the gains won't make it better, that is just not how control systems work.

    For MAF I tested a lit of aircraft models and found parameters that work decently for most of them.

    The biggest problem is that the airplane never truly aims towards the target, it maintains a margin between the target and the forward direction that makes it impossible to score kills during a turn.

    This is why even though an airplane turns much more than the other you hardly ever get kills during continuous turns.

    Another problem is that the pilot and the weapons module are separate, the pikot doesn't aim where it should shoot at, but instead it aims towards the enemy and the weapons manager fires whenever it thinks firing is a good idea.

    The behavior of the pilot is not bad, both regarding to what to do and how to execute it, but the execution itself has these flaws that, if fixed, would make battles a lot better.

  8. 1 hour ago, Van Disaster said:

    @tetrydshave you any input on modifying it's behaviour? ( code, not plane setup, I mean ) this is your area iirc.

    If nothing changed since then the code BDArmory uses to control craft is actually quite bad.

    MAF was first created by ferram using it, then he handed it over to me, and I made a lot of changes to improve it.

    The major problems are the lack of true sideslip control and not pitching enough.

    I don't remember if pitch yaw and roll use independent parameters either.

    Maybe MAF's code could improve it straight away, but last time I looked at BDA's code it did not look like something someone would have a good time modifying.

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