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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Will try all of them then update this post with the results, thank you very much. No, absolutelly nothing. The game simply refuses to go fullscreen no matter what I do.
  2. Thanks, but I already tried alt+enter and it doesn't change anything. Will try again, and will also try whatever else I can think of, it's really important that I get this running asap. The only thing that happens if you press alt+enter is that the game won't minimize itself when you open windows on the top of it, but both are borderless. Same for toggling fulscreen mode on the settings.
  3. Hello, after the recent update it's clear that KSP was put by default on a borderless window mode. So, shadowplay for laptops are only able to record games running on real fullscreen mode, and I am now unable to record it. Is there any way to make the game run on an actual fullscreen mode so I can record it?
  4. Yeah, he is away, just wait. I mean, he has been working on his mods nonstop for a while, we can keep our 0.25 folders if we want to use his mod until it updates. Also, I heard somewhere that 0.90 crafts can work on 0.25, in case you want the gizmos, but try that at your own risk.
  5. That is because stock joints are not indestructible. I am not sure if the joint reinforcement mod would help, but it's worth a try.
  6. This mod is mutant, it works for any version. I mean, it worked just fine on the last update, I don't see why wouldn't it work now.
  7. I will make use of that image from now on, haha. @jkenny23: If you use so many mods that you cannot avoid win64, I highly discourage you from trying such massive modpack on multiplayer to start with. Also, I am not sure if DMP works with universe replacer.
  8. Well, there is a topic with x64 versions of mods that don't work on it. Both FAR and NEAR normally don't work with it, so you will want to pick the version from that other source. I don't really recommend you to play with x64 unless even with memory reducing methods you have so many mods that you run out of memory.
  9. After you get used to NEAR I highly recommend you to try FAR, it will be fun The great majority of your NEAR and FAR airplanes will work interchangeably, you will just get to see what happens when you fly too fast.
  10. Due to recent issues regarding a simmilar topic, this one will have to be closed. Maybe some other time.
  11. You made a point, so this is okay.
  12. Bill sonhando em poder dar revert e tentar denovo, haha.
  13. From what I know it uses nodes to know if a part is facing the airstream or not. I saw on the logs that something was made to try to know if the parts are shielded or not. So maybe it changed.
  14. This is really old. If the mod author wants to bring this mod back, please create a new topic.
  15. Eles tinham função sim, mas eram principalmente testes, que usavam para que os próximos pudessem ter funções mais complexas. Desenvolviam soluções para os problemas que enfrentaram, e muitas trouxeram tecnologias que usamos até hoje.
  16. I don't want to see people trowing knives at each other about Stock x FAR x NEAR around here again, we better just enjoy the stock game while we wait for FAR to update. Stock aerodynamics WILL be overhauled, we still don't know how it's going to be, but I don't really think anyone knows for sure yet.
  17. Movi os posts pro lugar certo. Ainda vou fazer um vídeo explicando tudo da nova atualização, ela traz muitas coisas que esperávamos a bastante tempo. Eu acho algumas coisas muito bobas, como não existir mais part clip, e poder mover peças colocadas em nós, mas fazer oq... Enquanto isso experimenta apertar R no editor! Talvez demore um pouquinho pra fazer o video, acredito que só depois de amanhã.
  18. Influencia sim, tente jogar pra valer. O VAB e o SPH definem quantas partes a sua nave pode ter. A plataforma de lançamento e pista definem as dimensões e o peso. O Centro de Pequisa define quanto é o máximo de ciência que você pode ter. O Complexo de Kerbonautas define se você pode sair em EVA e quantos kerbonautas você pode recrutar. O Controle da Missão define quantas missões você pode aceitar. A Estação de Monitoramento define as features disponíveis para órbitas. Estou jogando no hard, e esses upgrades custam uma fortuna...
  19. Guys, stop, you aren't helping. FAR is ferram4's mod, he updates it whenever he wants. And I can ensure you that you will have a working FAR for 0.90 as soon as there is one.
  20. Não é não, essa última atualização vale a pena. Acho que seria bom dar uma tentada nela até seus mods atualizarem.
  21. KSP atualizou agora pouco! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content/322-KSP-has-gone-Beta%21-v0-90-0-is-Officially-Released%21
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