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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Click the "Report Post" button on the bottom left of the post if you wish to delete a thread, or if the deleting option is no longer available when you click "Edit Post" on the bottom right. On the report, say that you want the post/thread to be deleted and we will take care of it.
  2. What I like the most about this feature is that I will be avoiding it at all costs, or I am broke.
  3. There will be always people who are unhappy about something, no matter what is done. But again, this feature can be turned off for whoever doesn't like it.
  4. Então, quando chegar no PE aponta retrograde e queima até circularizar, muito fácil.
  5. Pow, arrumar órbita é facinho! Diferença de altitude é necessário senão fica impossível fazer um rendez. Acho que você só está achando que tá tudo errado enquanto que é mais simples do que você imagina. No vídeo de mecânica orbital eu ensino como arrumar uma órbita. É difícil entender em que ponto você tem dificuldades, você consegue fazer uma missão pra lua, pousar e voltar sem mechjeb?
  6. But ferram was very reluctant to nerf the engines, only did it because FAR is already hard, without the nerf it gets nearly unplayable for most people. Now, after the nerf, less people have troubles with it than before. I agree about the VTOLs, though.
  7. This is a really good idea. The problem King_komodo93 mentioned would be easily fixable by us. We can make the vehicles which spawn at those missions, then they would be sorted by kind and difficulty to take down. Lasers can destroy whatever you trow at it, AA's can beat you easily. So having several kinds of missions that not only require us to trow missiles at something but even drop a tank for a safer approach would be really awesome. Also, targets on other planets too. Edit: maybe even, on the future, airplanes at trajectories on rails which you have to escort while passing by a dangerous area (some turrets) or even take down! Endless epicness.
  8. But that is not what FAR is for, it is for better atmospheres not all the rebalances that have to come with it. There is a good solution to that, if you don't want to break the balance of the game use this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52882-0-24-2-Kerbal-Isp-Difficulty-Scaler-v1-4-8-14-14 I understand what you mean, it seems that it makes atmospheric launches too easy, but the thing is that the stock aerodynamics is what actually makes it too hard. With the mod above you can do what you are asking for too, by the way. Hope it helps.
  9. Não ensinei de alta pra baixa, mas é a mesma coisa que de baixa pra alta, so que com a outra nave. Ou seja, vc manobra a nave mais alta e faz uma retrograde. Ainda não ensinei inserção direta, qualquer dia faço um vídeo.
  10. Ou faz um rendez de alta pra baixa, ou inserção direta, que eu acho que o dankusnher consegue.
  11. O mais baixo possível, recomendo entre 75 e 85km de altitude. Assim ganha eficiência por efeito orbeth (vídeo de mecânica orbital).
  12. If you want stability lower than Mach 0.2 you should go for an ultra light instead, or get three times more wing. The numbers will go red when too slow, and also when too fast, that is normal. Can your propeller plane go faster than 0.59 without nosediving from very high with stalled engines and not losing wings? Because if it was made to fly on the Mach 0.2~0.6 range you should not really bother. Or maybe you can go for some severe trial and error, save the current version and create a new one where you mess with the wings until you get the results you want, if they are possible.
  13. Okay, then try to move it a bit backwards, and increase dihedral again if needed. But avoid going for more than 10 degrees on it, if you do test to see if it won't be roll-happy. You probably need more 5 degrees to compensate the main wings anhedral.
  14. Ahh, okay, that makes sense. I don't have any similar design to test, but I believe that simply putting 5 degrees of dihedral on those horizontal stabilizers will solve your sideslip issue. If you try it, let me know please.
  15. @Gaiiden: the torque will happen as long as all the propellers spin at the same direction, even if they are not inline with the craft. It will happen even if you have propellers spinning at different directions but one slightly slower/lighter/smaller. That is how they control quadcopters yaw. But the heavier the aircraft, and further from the middle the weight (fuel on wings) is, and further from the middle the propeller is, the smaller the effect. Btw, what is the problem with the tail?
  16. Bem, voltei, como prometido vou arrumar os posts. Depois já volto a fazer vídeos.
  17. Ah, haha thanks for the correction. I use both and never noticed that it was removed.
  18. BDArmory has camera options without the need to add anything else.
  19. Activate camera commands via ALT+B, then after launching use numpad0 or numpad1 for missile/bomb camera. Edit: I think that if we are to have WW2 weapons we should have a pack for them, and not simply fill the mod with guns. Because there wouldn't be any use for them for people who don't really want them since the modern ones are stronger and more accurate.
  20. This mod is really awesome! I found some sort of incompatibility with this mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69363-0-24-2-Time-Control-9-9-14-v13-1-(NO-MORE-EXPLOSIONS-more-warp-rates) When you have both, the camera stays relative to your ship, and you are not able to do a flyby. If someone managed to use both together please tell how.
  21. Um bom jeito de montar uma colônia é com missões de resgate, haha. Essas explosões são muito melhores, espero que não façam o jogo lagar.
  22. It fails to track if you launch from too far away (for me), either increase view distance by using the alt+b menu or go closer before firing. Which gave me a cool idea: What about loading the craft you set as target? Is that possible?
  23. That looks really awesome! Btw, I also want that camera tools plugin, where can I find it? Nevermind, found it
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