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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. It will load normally on the SPH/VAB, but it may break control surfaces settings if you pick that file and load on FAR again. Some more simple designs can fly on stock too, but most of them will fly very badly with stock aer... thing. IIRC FAR and NEAR are interchangeable, so loading one craft on the other will work normally (I guess there was an issue with deflection limits, but I think it was fixed). About requiring a pic, I agree, and think that it shouldn't have a placeholder pic, that can be misleading. Not having any pic could be an option, but then don't show it on the lists? About lists, it would be really nice to make custom lists with my aircraft, vote and have favorites as you mentioned. Off-topic: did anyone manage to easily export ships to that 3d model viewer thing for browsers? If yes, link me please. Support to that would be really cool. Edit: I don't think it's super important, but I see cases where one craft can have more than one version to be downloaded, do you plan to support that?
  2. Wait, lots of suggestions about the weapons manager, I am starting to think. Do we want it complex? I am sure lots of people would make use of it, but is that really what we want? Maybe a simplified one and a complex one with all that data? Because most of things we suggest will make it more complex if added, and I am not sure if most people like that. To me it's ok, and even better if having both.
  3. Ok, sorry for my poor report. First I registered, then I dragged that aircraft and uploaded it. Then I noticed I needed pics, so I opened KSP and took some shots. Uploaded them to imgur.com, and went back and pasted them there. Then I put some tags and hit Next. When I did that, the site took a lot of time loading, then it showed the error message. I was not trying to upload another craft no. I suggest that you make it so we can add mods manually. For instance FAR doesn't add any parts, so I was not using the plugin that would probably set the aircraft as using FAR. The craft works with both FAR and NEAR. But that is fine, I have never seen one that flies with FAR and doesn't fly with NEAR.
  4. How far behind is COA in relation to COM at supersonic? Are you using low wings? and swept? or delta? Post a pic of your aircraft, please. It's pretty possible to tweak it so an SAS can take care of it, if even needed.
  5. Um livro infinito. Lança já fazendo propaganda das DLCs!
  6. I tried to upload a craft, after placing the pics and tags the site crashed and won't load again: "Application Error An error occurred in the application and your page could not be served. Please try again in a few moments. If you are the application owner, check your logs for details." I guess the site is down, or something went very wrong.
  7. Gostei bastante desse kerbalx.com, considerando que acabou de sair a interface é legal. Vou aprender a usar e upar uns aviões. Sobre a série, to vendo que vai virar livro, haha.
  8. Haha, verdade é pequeno mesmo. Se precisar de mais ajuda, o ThatFoxhoundGuy tá fazendo uma série do modo carreira aí vc ve lá como ele fez e tal, tem um link no primeiro post desse tópico. Já que tem os vídeos dele vai demorar um pouco pra sair um tutorial da carreira, e vai ser no mínimo depois da próxima atualização que adiciona bastante coisa. A não ser que precise muito, mas o ThatFoxhoundGuy explica bem tudo que tá fazendo.
  9. Right, that makes a lot of sense. As I play only with joysticks I didn't notice that you cannot manually select the guns. So it's a good idea to add that, either using stock or modded toolbar, given that with those you can close the window when not needed. It would be interesting if on such toolbar the selected gun was highlighted, so it also has a use for joystick users, if they want.
  10. Sorry, but I think you should tell us what are the problems and how you think it would be better.
  11. Oh, by the way, some tips: -Keep it light -Big wings -Mach 0.7~0.8 -Limit control surfaces. -Use a joystick.
  12. My record was 31, but I only have proof of 27.7G: I think I have another plane here... If someone beats me I will try it.
  13. Droga de flashplayer quebrado, não consigo assistir. Logo eu tento em outro computador.
  14. @celia423: The guns will show on the weapons manager, but you can still enable them manually by rightclicking or setting the action group to do so. Same for every other gun, you can fire anything using action groups. The weapons manager was made so you can cycle through everything without having to take your hand out of the joystick.
  15. Maybe we can have a NEAR section, as I mentioned before.
  16. De nada. Nunca desista das suas dúvidas, haha. Adicionei algumas coisas no dicionário. Edit: isso não é em PT, mas gostaria de compartilhar. Esse canal tem notícias todos os dias sobre o clima, o Sol, etc. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTiL1q9YbrVam5nP2xzFTWQ Também fala sobre várias outras coisas, com uns pontos de vista diferentes, bem interessante.
  17. Activate it and it auto locks. 1 button to switch weapons, you can switch backwards if you want. Another to fire. How could it be easier? Shoot on it's own? There is that already too.
  18. When you set any part to action groups, then move them, the mirrored part won't have the action group, you need to set it again. That is a VERY annoying stock bug.
  19. Wait, is that a suggestion or you are going to use kOS or something to do it?
  20. Não entendi ainda, mas eu acho que você ta falando de "AXIS_YAW". Esse é o que define o eixo do yaw. "AXIS_THROTTLE" é o throttle normal, "AXIS_THROTTLE_INC" é o throttle incremental, etc. Se não for isso eu não faço ideia do que você ta perguntando, haha.
  21. Not all parts allow you to place them radially, the one on the example pics don't. There is a difference between enabling part cliping and doing this, it is impossible to atach two pieces to a single node without part-clip. If there are people who will refuse to enable part-cliping, methods to go around it are valid.
  22. Ahh, o próprio jogo tem as duas opções.
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