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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. A parte que muda é: id = joy0.2 Se você for setar com o joystick no jogo ele seta como joy0.7 e 0.8 (ou 0.8 e 0.9), que significa que cada manete é um analógico diferente. O joy0.2 é os dois atuando juntos. Não dá pra colocar isso de dentro do jogo provavelmente porque na hora de setar o jogo usa o manete individual. Basicamente esses manetes tem um analógico pra cada e outro com eles juntos (provavelmente virtual, o controle deve fazer isso sozinho). Funciona perfeitamente.
  2. NODE CREATION Simple node: Make an L using the structural parts connecting the docking port on. Connect the container to one side of the L. Adjust the position changing the distance above the framework L. Use cables to increase structural stability. Structures: http://i.imgur.com/sKcChpK.jpg Result: http://i.imgur.com/6UWsBvB.jpg Double node: After creating a simple node, you will need to put a structure of the same type superimposing the structure of simple node. The structure will connect with the node's left of the first structure and create another on the other side. Hold the other structure the edge (top left) so you can superimpose them this way: http://i.imgur.com/ZZ9Fq2V.jpg Move a bit the new structure until you get to that they are one above the other: http://i.imgur.com/GDlamG8.jpg Then place the part. The placement may be invalid, if this happens just move it and get it to stick to other nodes, then move it back to where you want and try again. (That is, keep trying again and again wildly until it's valid, that works, and you don't need part clipping on) With the piece placed within the node, it will create a new one exactly where the container node was. Then you can put something on that node normally: http://i.imgur.com/YVTXLH5.jpg Result: http://i.imgur.com/iOxj9Xs.jpg It is highly recommended to use structural cables. This technique can be used with any part that has a node, but I do not recommend using it with large pieces. You can create two overlapping nodes and move them where you want on the ship, allowing exotic mounts. Just need to try a bit to select the structure that moves the entire set, just undo it when you pick the wrong part with CTRL + Z
  3. But there is x64 already. Or this mod doesn't like it? Or you on a mac?
  4. Então, se vc colocar na configuração do throttle direto acho que é isso que acontece. Mas se colocar no incremental quando vc aperta o da direita ele aumenta um pouco, e o da esquerda diminui. O Throttle Incremental é a última config na aba "Staging".
  5. Well, the 20g one was at Mach 1.7 the 24g one was at mach 0.9, I kept turning while gaining speed. If you want to go with subsonic you need lots of lift, then nosedive and pull as high angle of attack as you can. If you want to go supersonic try to go as fast as possible, then drop to 5~3km and pull sideways. Planes usually won't break if you keep the navball indicator inside the circle of the prograde marker, if it does then your design is not for this challenge. I will consider joining those challenges, but I don't go past the 25km altitude very often.
  6. I think that some weapons to go on airplanes would be interesting, preferably small ones. And aerodynamic ammo, or fuzelage with ammo.
  7. Boa, vlw pela dica! Vou dar uma testada, aí coloco no post principal. Funciona bem mesmo! Setei aqui pra controlar o throttle e a precisão que dá pra consguir com esses manetes é enorme.
  8. I always trusted the navball, but it's too limited. The F3 reading seems to not update too often, aparently it picks one vaule every x ammount of time and/or averages, which requires consistent turns for good readings, and won't read peaks. In that case, I think that the F3 readings are better, because even though peaks can destroy your aircraft, being able to hold the pull for longer means your craft is better and that is not just "luck". And aparently it only saves data until the first time you access it. Can someone test that and tell if it actually happens? (no time)
  9. Ok, will update the post very soon. *the F3 readings were actually higher, weird. Edit: here it is Just saw that breaking stuff can gain points, I didn't document it but here are the results: How long is this challenge going to last? I need mah joystix. Edit: btw, you can add a section to NEAR too, if you want.
  10. Here is E36: http://i.imgur.com/r5dZG41.jpg https://www.dropbox.com/s/ca0wlki2vu48oew/E36%20rev1.craft It was not even made for this challenge, haha. It can pull a lot more, but I don't have access to my joystick right now. I remember pulling up to 26 or smth, will do that as soon as I can, then update it. Btw, navball doesn't discount Kerbin's gravity, but what is the point in discounting it? Because that 1g is on your wings anyway.
  11. It was posted lots of times here that it was a nerf much needed and that you can change it by yourself. You can find the configuration you need to change a few pages back. It's one single value that affects all engines.
  12. Yes, this one. Press ALT+B, then manually set the distance you wish. The view range modification also works on DMP.
  13. Yes, dihedral on the elevators fixed it. I also made minor changes to it. The fuel was unbalanced, COM would go behind COL after the first tank was empty. Since KSP jet engines are insanely efficient, you won't need more than one tank for a plane that small. Now, surprisingly, the COM won't even move doesn't matter how much fuel you have, nice balance there! Also changed control surfaces deflection a bit, to make it more reliable. https://www.dropbox.com/s/glop7qxobdu2lvx/Kerbodyne%20Evangelist.craft?dl=0
  14. @godarklight: thanks, that explains a lot. But then there is something strange, every time I tested, when going close to each other the movements are extremelly precise, while further than 500m or something the craft warps around a bit when moving. The jumpiness is manageable, it's quite easy to follow a friend while flying, even at very high speeds (given enough distance), it only gets bad if you go too close. Removing/minimizing that to a point where missiles from mods are able to seek a constantly moving target and eventually hit it would be epic. About breaking, this is an experimental mod so we don't (shouldn't) really care if stuff gets broken or incompatible.
  15. I forgot the exact fix for that one. Try replacing your tail fin by the Standard Canard. Or mess with elevators inclination a bit (I guess a 5 deg dihedral fixes it, but not sure). Or don't dare going into a sideslip. Will reproduce your design and tell what fixes that just because.
  16. I use FAR, and it works just fine. It also sort of works with DMP too, but the target has to be totally still. And when messing with tanks, both have to be still otherwise debris of your client side destroyed target will start poping up.
  17. Eu uso um controle de xbox 360 e um Logitech 3D Pro. Gosto dos dois, cada um é melhor em uma coisa. Já que vocês também usam controle, vai um mod que vocês podem ainda não ter visto e ajuda muito: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80112-0-24-x-Improved-Chase-Camera-v1-4-0-(7-23) Quando eu jogava só com o de xbox não tinha esse mod, aí era outra config que eu usava diferente das que tão no post. Vou adicionar ela agora. Se vocês recomendam algum setup só diz aew, ou diz o que é diferente, que eu monto um layout. Mais uma coisa, vocês usam os L2/R2? no do xbox são analógicos e não tem nada que faria bom uso deles. Sei que tem programas que setam eles pra botões, mas não é necessário. Edit: lista de controles atualizada. Posso fazer uma pra joysticks, mas como eu só tenho um modelo preciso que comentem quais configurações vocês usam.
  18. Tenso. sauahsuhsauhsauhaassas To terminando uma coisa que pode ser bem útil. (calma, ainda não são os posts) Edit: pronto, só achar o que tá marcado como "Novo!". Amanha vou adicionar 2 novas opções.
  19. I just flew a plane with 20mm ammo. Try redownloading, cleaning the old folders and reinstalling.
  20. lol. Incluso combinações. Mas lembrem-se, todo movimento depende de um referencial!
  21. De nada! Mas e ae, resolveu? @Climberfx: verdade, também vai ajudar quando eu for fazer a série sobre aviões. É o que eu mais gosto de fazer no KSP, com FAR. Mas já joguei bastante com a atmosfera bizarra do jogo stock, é mais fácil só que anti intuitivo. Lembro do meu primeiro infi-glider, cheguei a 2km/s com um stayputnik e um par de advanced canards.
  22. How long would 1.5.5 take then? Btw, is there a way to set precision positioning always on? It's much needed for dogfighting. Always off could be a thing too, since when flying together if you go too close the vessel will change modes and disapear.
  23. Ahh, agora faz todo sentido. Sim, só colocar asas na peteca. Assim que os pássaros funcionam.
  24. Não recomendo lançar anões como foguete, muito menos se forem cair de cabeça no chão. Mas geralmente em foguetes você vai querer que sejam dessa forma mesmo, com FAR, pra aumentar estabilidade e permitir manobras um pouco mais bruscas. Se o COL estiver muito atrás pode aumentar as superfícies de controle ou adicionar uns canards.
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