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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. A gente gostou sim, haha, malz aew. Me lembra uma chícara de chá, por algum motivo. Você fez esse para alguma coisa específica?
  2. Não é no KSP não. Bom se fosse. Digo, bom se fosse sem o processador derreter furar a mesa e fazer um buraco no chão.
  3. Também acho que é do jogo mesmo.
  4. I would be very interested on helping on such project. Pulling 10 G's at mach 1.1 is not that hard.
  5. Yeah, I'm pretty sure there is something wrong. You say it flies well, but it even has positive Cm. Same happens for all Mach numbers? From the aerodynamic analysis alone it seems that you are trying to fly a brick.
  6. No lado claro ou escuro de Mün? Acabei de ver Kerbin ali na foto. Vou dar uma procurada.
  7. It's because you are doing it wrong. I personally find the aerodynamic stress model quite easy to deal with, here are some tips: -For keyboard control, don't tap, tapping can cause oscilations, and a dynamic pressure peak will destroy your aircraft. -Instead, hold ALT and pilot via trim at very high speeds, it takes practice, but works (remember ALT+X to zero the trim). -Decrease the ammount of control from your control surfaces, at supersonic speeds, after proper trimming, you don't need much to pilot. -Limit your engine, I know it's hard, and it feels like you are not supposed to do this, but do it. There are many more tips but I don't want to make it too long.
  8. Eita, aushhsauahshsau. Não lembro se alguma vez eu ja achei esse easter egg. Já ví tanto vídeo que tem ele que não sei mais se alguma das vezes era eu que tava jogando.
  9. Did you try setting "control from here" again on the cockpit before ejecting the tank with the docking port? That's a weird issue, let's wait for Ferram.
  10. Sevio, did you try putting another command pod or probe on the ship and selecting "control from here" on it? Or tried docking and going for reentry without selecting "control from here" on the docking port? The control change seems to be the issue.
  11. The issue with a digital readout is that often it varies very fastly. So that would make it very hard to see. An analogic indicator seems to fit the Gforce indicator better. Hey, what about when clicking on the gforce indicator, have different modes? So every mode would have a different precision, like 0 to 2 G, 0 to 5, and 0 to 15.
  12. Yes, it would be interesting to have the negative G part showing G forces between 0 and 2 or 3 G, and have the rest of the indicator to behave normally (starting on the bottom, normally).
  13. Just because it's centered don't assume it's balanced. When you have incompatible symmetry modes you will end up having drag force shifted to the side. The higher this misplaced Aerodynamic Center gets, the worse the effect. Avoid using anything with incompatible symmetry while using FAR. The only symmetry which is incompatible is the 3x, it only matches with itself and 6x. (and 1x, always, haha) All the others can be used at will.
  14. I see you are using an engine which has a 4 engines cluster. There is your asymmetry. @Ferram: If you could (were able to) send those maths to the GPU it would help in any way? I like low framerates. No I don't know much about programming.
  15. Pra que matar quando a gente pode deixar você vivo? Se é que me entende. Relaxa, se você se sentir na obrigação de atualizar, não atualize até você realmente fazer isso por que quer.
  16. Thanks for the more detailed explanation. That explains a lot, also explains some "strange" behaviours I had when using drag to balance airplanes. Aerodynamic center sounds great.
  17. Talking about drag, I know that this has been asked before, but are we ever getting a Center of Drag indicator? And if not, why?
  18. Nossa, eu já ví muito do que tem no seu portfólio na TV! Bem legal. Sabia que tinha visto que você é de Curitiba em algum lugar. Gosto de morar aí, boa cidade.
  19. Yeah, with soft tires the effect shouldn't be so intense. The fact that landing gear wheels are solid like rock, and the way KSP handles grip amplifies that effect, turning it into a common cause of catastrophic failure (both with and without FAR). If you didn't notice it before it may be simply because on FAR you may be going much faster.
  20. Minha intuição já dizia que você era profissional, haha. Você trabalha com isso mesmo? Se sim, mostra pra gente um pouco do que você faz, se puder.
  21. What you can do is build the aircraft so it won't require any trim at a certain speed and altitude range. You will usually want to do that at cruise speeds or instability zones where controls sudden change and would require trimming too fast (Mach0.9~1.1). Also, trimming is super sensible, you will want to hold it until it's where you wish. Watch your controls on the bottom left.
  22. If you stop to think it's not as strange as it seems. It's because the wheels are not perfectly at the same height. Then, with angle, when you put them open like that each of them is trying to pull the aircraft outwards. Any imperfection on the symetry, node position, part configuration, anything that makes the weight on one of the wheels to be even slightly bigger than on the other will cause one to have "more grip". When that happens, they tend to make the aircraft to go unstable at takeoff. Some designs have bigger effect than others, some go totally unstable, others have issues at landings. So yeah, that happens.
  23. The wheels on the back are angled. Zero that angle relative to the ground and try again. When you change the engine you increase the weight over those angled wheels, causing it to be worse. Just in case you don't know how to do that (you probbaly do but I took a while to figure that out when I started playing), Q/W/E/A/S/D and SHIFT+Q/W/E/A/S/D trims the part when placing. Other tip: leave only the middle tank with fuel, that will decrease COM shift during flight. When you replace the engine for the TurboJet you can tweak it to have almost no shift.
  24. Já que estamos falando um pouco disso, gostaria de comentar uma coisa. Eu pessoalmente gosto do capitalismo. Ele faz todos se ajudarem, simplesmente pelas pessoas tentarem sempre ser umas melhores que as outras. Você presta um serviço pra ganhar dinheiro pra ser melhor que o outro e consumir (não to falando de desperdício) e ajuda todos que dependem de tal serviço. Empresas competem para ter um produto melhor e mais barato, e é nisso que a maior parte do nosso desenvolvimento tecnológico se baseia. Um problema sério que temos hoje é que exploração espacial parou de dar tanto dinheiro (se deu? sim, muito!). Uma pena.
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