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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. @tomgle joysticks seem fine since a while ago, but they improved a lot on 1.0 IIRC. About MAF, it will have trouble piloting flying wings, mainly because the system is very different and the pilot "AI" makes (proper) use of the rudder for banking and canceling sideslip. So it can work, but not as straightforward as with conventional airplanes, it will require some fiddling around first. I am considering making a mode for flying wings on the future, but I am working on a bigger non-ksp project now.
  2. @FunnelVortex as @kcs123 mentioned, FAR does not currently simulate ground effect, which is the main reason why takeoff and land speeds are higher than expected. But, as @cantab said, stock crafts are a lot heavier than their real life counterparts, looking alike is far from behaving alike, especially when dealing with different masses and weight distribution. It is expected that FAR has a bit lower low speed drag than it should, but that was more deeply tested a while ago by NathanKell as he created a cesna 172 as realistically as possible, many things changed since then The long-awaited-and-still-waiting wing overhaul on FAR should address that, but no one knows when/if that will happen. For now you can easily get away making proper use of flaps and spoilers, balancing your craft and making it lighter.
  3. Banido por que já cansei desse negócio de illuminati.
  4. @gsc using plugin mods like real solar system is extremely important information that you should always communicate when reporting a bug. The best practice is to always tell your full mod list, and not simply guess that one or another should not affect something that causes your issue. This is a huge time saver for the modder and makes everything much simpler.
  5. There would be no point in simply throwing FAR at KSP stock as a mod, if it was to be implemented like that the best option would be a full reimplementation of it, deeper into ksp's code and allowing for better optimizations. That is why the license does not matter. But it's a bit late for this discussion, like, more than a year late. I personaly like stock aero as it is, it fits its role wonderfuly well. FAR should be meant for people wanting more, and that is what it is.
  6. Banido pois hoje descobri que estou sendo stalkeado.
  7. @Motokid600 it's not that FAR is more forgiving, it's that the default weight of wings is set much higher so that people don't keep ripping their airplanes apart due to poor design choices and overstress. If you bring your wing strength back to ~0.4 it goes back to stock weight and if you design it badly you will rip yourself apart just as easily as it used to. Also make sure that you use the most strict area rule settings, makes everything better. Well, it actually became a bit more forgiving regarding to stall at a point, but not too much. @MunGazer I'm afraid that is not how money works.
  8. No, licensing is not the reason, they didn't "implement FAR" simply because (for some reason) they did not want to. Now the reason for them not wanting to do that is unknown for anyone outside of squad and nothing conclusive can be said about it unless it comes directly from squad.
  9. Ou você é espião ou a festa foi boa... Ou não tão boa assim
  10. Yes, because the system changes a lot when you remove the rudder, and it uses the rudder to cancel sideslip and assist in turns. Rather than messing with the controller, making a flying wing mode should be enough. I will consider that when I work on it again, but bear in mind there is a lot I wish to add but the mod is not being activelly developed right now.
  11. Banido pelo épico post de número 2k com uma piada sensacional. *sarcasmo *sqn
  12. Banido por ter um pônei unicórnio humanóide cartoonizado como avatar.
  13. @Supergamervictor please pm me with your mod list and craft files.
  14. @Redleg1 Because in this specific case there is nothing to gain with it, any noise generated here can potentially turn into a headache for the mod creator and that is definitely what we do not want. Hence the enjoying it silently, you know what you are doing, but most of people do not, and when they manage to put their hands on an unreleased version bad things happen, some important bugs are known, and other bugs may be affected by the fixes, which puts everything on a state where even reporting issues is not all that useful. And yes, this kind of problem has happened before, many, many times, it's not what "we think" can happen. You can easily see it as this thread has to be constantly moderated, and the worse hasn't even happened. Anyway, enough of that, I will go back to poking ferram until he decides to wake up
  15. Na verdade nos desertos é muito frio à noite, a falta de humidade e baixa retenção de calor pelo terreno (areia, sal, etc.) provocam uma mudança drástica de temperatura quando o sol se põe. Você pode literalmente morrer tanto de hipotermia quanto de insolação.
  16. No worries, it's not complicated. You are not obligated to do it either. Btw, it would be cool if you could make few more wing parts.
  17. Well, anyway the engines should have some considerable stationary thrust, as they do in real life. The wing looks great, I will remind you to add FAR settings when it updates
  18. Onde eu moro chove, dai faz sol, calor, vento gelado, quase neva, aí chove denovo... isso nos 20 minutos que levo até chegar na faculdade. To fazendo um jogo em C num microcontrolador msp430, ugh que horror, depois que acabar esse nunca mais.
  19. Aviator Arsenal contains a dll that handles dynamic propeller spinning, used for the trumpet. It could easily be modified to handle propellers, maybe even applying actual torque and generating thrust based on the propeller settings and rpm. Modifying it to do that would provide a neat simplified alternative to FS, which has much more than what you might need and contains some known issues. If anyone is interested on forking it please contact me as it has a strict license. Advanced Jet Engine could also be a good alternative but it seems a bit complicated to configure and set up.
  20. I don't think there is a better way to get a modder to not add a feature than pestering.
  21. @Murican_Jeb I said they can look alike. Simply clip something on the rear of the cockpit we have and it will look quite similar.
  22. Erm, the P-40 cockpit is kinda generic, in fact you could use the current A5M6 cockpit on it and it would look similar. A better choice would be something along the lines of the BF-109 or the FW-190.
  23. Acho que está mais para: a falta do que fazer move montanhas sem propósito.
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