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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Another battle coming out today! Due to using two screens, shadowplay glitched and actually recorded at 1440x900 resolution, this will greatly impact the video quality, but it was not intentional. I could run the battles again but I would rather not do that, I would be forced to run it over and over again until the outcome is the same, and/or have to edit it later to match the results of the actual battle. So I will stick to a lower video quality this time, and watch out for this problem on the future. I think that the main problem with giving feedback to the losers is that it's not about pointing out the pros and cons, but greatly highlighting the cons, that can be underwhelming for someone who just lost a battle, even though this is just a game.
  2. Urânio é bastante abundante, principalmente se comparado com outros minérios muito mais comuns que usamos. Mas minério de urânio em sí não faz muita coisa, para criar uma bomba você precisa de urânio enriquecido, e o enriquecimento é um processo bem complexo e caro. Uzinas nucleares não precisam de um nível de enriquecimento tão alto quanto uma bomba, nem perto disso, por isso uma uzina ou um gerador termonuclear nunca vai explodir como uma bomba. O perigo deles é a radiação, mas não a radiação do urânio em si, o urânio é bem pouco radioativo, você até acha diversas fotos de pessoas com pastilhas na mão, o problema são os subprodutos da fissão nuclear, um deles, por exemplo, é o césio. Enfim, existem diversos problemas em explodir bombas nucleares poraí no espaço, é um meio de locomoção provavelmente viável, mas não seria muito seguro tanto para a nave quanto para nós aqui caso a nave esteja em qualquer lugar próximo da terra, mas aí são por outros motivos além da radiação residual.
  3. Seja bem vindo, @Pesterenan! Acho que já vi seu canal antes, é muito legal ver mais gente fazendo vídeo de KSP. Vou dar uma olhadinha na sua ferramenta, parece bem legal, caso queira liberar ela pro pessoal gringo pode postar aqui: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/35-tools-and-applications/ Se precisar de algo é só chamar
  4. Outro problema do linux são muitas vezes os drivers, eu realmente não diria que ele se adapta ao seu hardware por esse motivo. Por exemplo o KSP costuma rodar com uma taxa de quadros bem menor no linux, segundo amigos que têm os dois sistemas operacionais.
  5. @Luciano Aragão Você pode comprar o jogo tanto pela steam quanto no site do jogo www.kerbalspaceprogram.com. Recomendo pela steam, se comrpar por lá também terá acesso à uma versão antecipada da 1.1.
  6. Hey, do you think that it would be interested if I commented on aspects of the airplane that probably made it lose? Some things are only noticeable when I pilot them, or check on the curves and derivatives, or even on the aftermatches, which would go unnoticed by the creators, mainly when fighting against yourself or piloting in a certain manner. There was even a case with an airplane where I only really noticed a big issue with it when checking out how it flies with MAF, and explained a lot what happened on the match. So, if you want, I can do this after I post a battle, it wouldn't take much time for me and it may help everyone to improve their designs. I would only comment about the airplane which loses, but in the end there will be only one airplane which will pass so yeah
  7. Banido por ficar poraí nos fórums gringos também e julgar os outros.
  8. Well I just realized I am late on my schedule, better hurry up. The battles are surprisingly short and easy to edit, what takes longer is setting them up, which is still much faster than before. I am late on a few things that I do so I will be putting some extra effort to get everything going. Who needs sleep anyway?
  9. @Sturmgeschutz tenho um de você: https://kerbalx.com/tetryds/F6F-Hellcat
  10. No, lol, you won, your airplane is better. I may have changed something on their AI too, I don't really keep track of what I do on these unofficial battles. But it was mainly the AI being very dumb, remember this was the shortest match yet...
  11. By the way, we are almost showing off all airfields! @SuicidalInsanity will post the maps pack as soon as that happens. @alp3r despite that being a quick match, it was not an easy one. After I run the normal battles I sometimes run aftermatches to try out stuff like messing around with the camera or just for fun. And then you lost every aftermatch, which were around 4 rounds, but those are invalid, I was playing around with different dogfight camera positions. So yeah, that was a close call, if your airplane took too long to kill an enemy or split you would be dead, the Hurles takes a while to pick up speed, then it becomes a beast. @DoctorDavinci good job! It's awesome that you can run the tier 2 battles not log after the crafts are available
  12. Eu tenho autoridade de julgar seu banimento, portanto, banido.
  13. That is true, seems like the terrain takes a lot of CPU resources on the top of the memory leak mentioned before. I am happy with the current settings and performance, so I will leave it as it is unless I have issues again.
  14. I had a better idea, I can simply increase FOV a bit and zoom into the video, this way I get the best of both worlds and can hide the vessel switcher better. The mouse showing up sometimes was MAF, which I was testing, it didn't affect the battle in any way. The framerate of the last battle was almost always above 35fps, often up to 45 with all four crafts at the screen, I wouldn't think clouds are that demanding. I will still use it, just not always.
  15. Qual sua taxa de frames média agora com os mesmos foguetes de antes?
  16. Another battle coming out tonight! As always, I will leave it up to someone to post it because I will leave it uploading during the night. By the way, I am using your airplanes to improve MAF, every airplane that I make flies the same, but your submissions are much more interesting testing candidates, also because each of them flies completely differently. If you don't know what MAF is: The plan is to release it to the public as soon after 1.1 officially releases. Ah, and it already pilots a LOT better than on the video.
  17. Sim, é so ligar o piloto e o modulo de armas juntos, veja a live stream de hoje que eu vou mostrar como se faz
  18. So, which mode do you guys rather, with or without GUI? In some cases it's impossible to go without but it really gets in the way IMO. I will see if it's possible to turn on markers without GUI, I tried on 1.0.5 but it was not that simple so it wouldn't be worth my time to do it then, maybe for 1.1.
  19. By the way, uploading at least one battle tonight! And I actually rocked that test despite not finishing a single exercise, it was THAT hard.
  20. Banido por estar sem pc. Isso é péssimo :/ Eu ainda não instalei o windows no que eu vou vender, peguei o monitor ontem.
  21. @Kilof muito legal seu avião, parece uma arraia.
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