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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Yes, I have seen some bugs like those, but they don't show up when setting up the airplanes and stuff, so that is fine, we can continue using B9 Pwings 0.40. To everybody, what about the weapons? Which setups did you consider and what do you think is going to work the best?
  2. Poisé né, tem até gente que troca o próprio nome por nome de tanque da segunda guerra. Gostei do nome que o BRPrime escolheu, ficou bem legal.
  3. @Pds314 That looks neat! How is the part count, by the way? I am curious because most crafts with details like that tend to skyrocket on part count, I wonder how you managed to keep it under 60.
  4. @Combatsmithen No, there are absolutely no good FAR tutorials out there (there are good ssto guides but none regarding improving flight performance, etc.), that is why I am resuming my work on mine, and I hope it will help a lot of people. Today I will also start filling the second post of this topic with tips, both strategic and aerodynamic. So, start experimenting around or just wait a bit.
  5. @Pds314 2x Vickers S??? That is exactly the kind of thing that I make this tournament for. If you sweep your wings you decrease your transonic wave drag area, which increases your top speed due to transonic effects, that starts to matter around Mach 0.7, depending on the design. But you should get lower drag at lower speeds too, just not as noticeable. But have you checked how it performs during turnfighting? The airplanes tend to be constantly turning during battles and almost never reach their top speeds.
  6. @DoctorDavinci Sorry I cannot allow that, I would have to manually install every flag and switch them to fit the players airplane and stuff. I will just use the standard Kerbal Space Program flag. By the way, I have decided I am relying on the Map view weight measurement, it has two digits of precision and that is enough for me. I would use KER but then it would force everybody near the weight limits to use it, so I will not do that. Edit: @Pds314 Think about it, would you ride an airplane where the kerbal is sitting? If the answer is yes it's ok. That is a very subjective rule just to prevent people from placing the kerbal upside down under the tip of a wing.
  7. @Doke Don't worry about the visuals, I just don't want someone encapsulating the poor kerbal. But I don't feel like service bays should be allowed, a cargo bay would be fine but a service bay is not that straightforward. Don't worry about this kind of stuff too much, as long as you are not abusing you will not have problems. It would be a hell to list every allowed part, both for me and for you, as long as "this shouldn't be allowed" does not cross your mind, you are almost certainly fine.
  8. @MarvinCZ The version we are using works just fine, I have never found any issue with it, I only know of stock aero issues, but FAR handles it very nicely. What does it have that is better than the version we are using? I may consider it for the next BAD-T, as KSP will update and probably break the current one.
  9. @SuicidalInsanity Yes, that is the case, you can use 1.25m rocket fuel tanks, that rule is mainly to prevent parts such as rocket engines, fairings, heatshields, 2.5m fuel tanks, etc.
  10. @Veeltch What does it say on the map view? The Engineer's Report seems to be an approximation rather than something accurate, and IIRC it does not account for physicsless parts. If the map view counter is accurate enough I am going to use it, if not, I will use Engineer Redux, as by logic it will always report a weight higher than the Engineer's Report, so if the craft is valid on the report it will be valid anyway, not forcing anyone to install the mod. Edit: also, nice wingtip you got there.
  11. @Pds314 The resizing problem is a stock bug, and yes make sure that the root part is not scaled. Neat to see that you have two airplanes to enter the competition, I guess it will be hard to choose which one you are going to apply I still recommend giving it time so that you can improve them even more, after you submit you cannot resubmit and all that stuff. @Doke Yes, it is, and it's known as an open cockpit. The rules are clear about the Kerbal being safe, and they should probably at least pretend to have some visibility. A fake solar panel "glass" would be fine for example.
  12. @Kaue_ Cara muito legal, nunca tinha pensado em fazer algo assim.
  13. No jets. Edit: hmm, sorry for being rough, it's just that this competition is plain about piston monoplanes, trying to deviate from that breaks balance very badly. Unfortunatelly I cannot host two tournaments, so let's do our best with what we have
  14. You shouldn't think about using guns as backup, both types have to be useful, otherwise when one overheats it would get stuck at using the other if it does not overheat. To "force" overheating to happen more often increase the scan interval.
  15. @Pds314 no dynamic deflection, they are ww2 airplanes. Pick another very small piece of wing and put it on the wing tip, then you can make it thinner. It has to be thick to prevent bullets from passing through or plain silly abuses. @Aerolfos only the prop engines which come on the pack. Maybe I have to make that more explicit. @alp3r try decreasing the deflection on the control surfaces, maybe you are stalling.
  16. @Gnoyze Nope, this is a dogfight tournament not a battlefield simulation @Doke Yeah, that would kind of break the balance. @SuicidalInsanity Pretty much Or 6x .50cal if you are making a heavy fighter. Edit: by the way, how many confirmed entrants do we have already? Edit2: Ah, and remember that the AI can use more than one weapon now, it switches weapons when the one it's using overheats.
  17. Banido por alimentar o troll. O pessoal, que isso, tão começando a brigar denovo?
  18. Updated with Falcon sound corrected. Sorry for the inconvenience, that was a side effect of changing the folders. You can redownload it to fix that.
  19. @Veeltch I will put 1x1 against the dummy on my own, you don't need to prove you can defeat it. That is just to make sure there is nothing wrong with your airplane, far from being a challenge at all.
  20. @Aerolfos That is because the AI was not made to dodge turrets, it simply goes straight at the airplane, if you place a turret on the back aiming backwards you are invincible, no matter how slow the turret is. Lots of people are wanting to make heavy fighters, this is going to be good.
  21. @Gnoyze He meant the wing settings that appear when you are using FAR. It's a Mass-Strength setting, if you increase it you wing can withstand higher aerodynamic forces before breaking, at the expense of increased weight. Increased weight makes the wing stronger against gunshots by increasing the thermal capacity, as BDArmory uses heat as damage (which is a brilliant idea, btw.).
  22. WHOOPS, forgot to add firespitter module. Fixing it right now. Edit: Done, thanks for the heads up.
  23. @SuicidalInsanity protip: try increasing the wing weight other than simply adding ballast This time (I promise) I will add guides and more things to assist in building airplanes for the challenge, so don't worry too much about it Mighty, just build until you find a good design. My signature has some guides, but it's pure text.
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