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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Quando eu comprei estava com 50% + 18% (de 100% em cima dos 50% restantes), e isso foi ja faz bastante tempo, deu uns 13 reais no total.
  2. @cantab If you want to angle something, angle the main wings or the chines when you have any, but not the horizontal stabilizer. It's often better than built in AoA on the horizontal stabilizers. In fact, you may not even need them, because at hypersonic speeds they get shielded and you would need to have massive stabilizers to compensate for that, or put them on a weird position, and these are very silly. Just move your main wings back a bit and add some chines. Now is the time to experiment around and see what fits that design better.
  3. @Paul_Sawyer Looks neat, maybe if you angled the inner wings up and the outer wings down you can eliminate that vertical stabilizer and use horizontal yawing. What do the cross section curves look like?
  4. Is it consistent? What did you do on that session? We need to know every single thing you made, from going to KSC to recovering, launching, piloting, setting something as target, setting a maneuver node, every single possible detail, in order (I am not exaggerating here). If you cannot do that, there is nothing that can be done about your issue.
  5. What? How come you are losing roll stability as your speed increases with highly swept wings, that's weird. I suggested you to reduce dihedral because sometimes too much stability can cause your system to become unstable, having the derivatives red however means that you don't have enough. I suspect it's your tail, it looks like you have a built in AoA on them to keep your nose up, that will behave badly when supersonic. Sincerely, I am not sure if it's worth to fix that design, even if you fix it there is a chance that it will behave badly when carrying heavy payloads. I recommend you to throw away those wings and try a different approach. Also, start with decent vertical stabilizers, on the top of the craft, and make it fly well before you add the constraints, it's easier to modify something that works than to fix something that does not. Edit: specially because you will know what you changed that caused it to fail, and try a different approach.
  6. @cantab analyzing your craft I have noticed some things that may be important. First is that you have way too much dihedral effect, your wings have a big sweep angle and are above the center of mass, I recommend sweeping them less as that is affected more by speed, moving them lower or angling them down would only solve the instability for slower speeds, where you don't seem to be having problems. Then, you are going to need more vertical stabilization, if you cannot make your vertical stabilizers higher the only option left is making them longer, and further back from the center of mass. In fact, you may want to extend those vertical stabilizers a bit far behind the craft, making it behave like a lawn dart on the yaw axis. If you are going to keep the sweep angle as it is, I heavily recommend changing that nose, blunt noses are only good for on hypersonic to bend the shockwave, which would not matter much in this case, go for something more pointy.
  7. @cantab & @Wanderfound your posts have been moved here for convenience.
  8. Gostei da ideia! Desafio vocês a pousarem um VTOL na torre da ilha. Pra servir de inspiração: http://imgur.com/a/lA0VS
  9. Banidos ambos por começarem a brigar, vocês sabem que isso não é tolerado.
  10. Tenho o Bad Company 1 no xbox 360, mas faz muito tempo que eu nem ligo ele. Ele era legal, foi um dos primeiros a ter bastante destruição de cenário, e tinha aquela injeção de adrenalina que te tornava imortal. O engraçado era que tinha ela mesmo no multiplayer, aí eu pegava a m16 com lança granadas e saia peitar tanque, helicoptero, etc., tipo uma mistura de rambo com wolverine. Gravei um vídeo pro meu canal, hoje vou editar
  11. As an experienced player I think that the game is more fun when you are not sure about what you are doing. To me it started getting monotonous after a while, the feeling of achievement simply faded away and I found myself staring at the screen thinking "now what". So yeah, learning and experimenting is the actually fun part of the game, IMO.
  12. @EdusacconBR sua jogada é inválida. Você se esqueceu de um detalhe: Você não pode derrotar o poder da zueira. Ou seja, o jogo continua, se não quer jogar não joga ué
  13. Eu tenho premium sim. Ultimamente to jogando só pistols only hardcore, por que é mt massa. Ou de tanque.
  14. Hmm, parece que já voltou. Alguém aí joga battlefield 4?
  15. The forum scales itself to fit your screen. To me there is absolutely no difference between the mobile and desktop versions. Maybe it could fix something for you, it's a browser setting.
  16. Bem, como ninguém mais recriou esse tópico, aqui está! Agora contem o que vocês farão das suas vidas enquanto o whatsapp está fora do ar.
  17. Banido por que as regras do jogo dizem que eu tenho que te banir, mas vc é legal.
  18. I also use it and do not have issues, try turning on the desktop version and see if that works.
  19. @Motokid600 So, pick your rocket as you would launch it, open the FAR GUI, on the menus tab select the transonic one. Then turn on the tree line types, zoom out so that the entire rocket can be seen and post a screenshot here. No need to turn on the voxelization debug, unless there is something wrong with the lines, then I will ask you to upload a picture with the debug on.
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