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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Criei uma challenge, deem uma olhada no primeiro link da minha signature aqui embaixo.
  2. You can limit the angle range of the weapons, but I don't know how well BDArmory's weapons manager handles it. We would also need custom configs for them, so for now they are disallowed. But I really like the idea, if we can balance it that would be cool! It can still be a big deal to have more kerbals because if one dies the other continues. In order for the AI to work the craft should need something to pilot it, and does not function by itself, can anyone confirm? The hall of fame was made to reward good looking planes, replicas and successful designs, that is what it can get, it would be unfair to give extra points but you still get something
  3. Ok so I have tested and 2x A7 Aerosport @ 100% Max Thrust is a very balanced engine setup. I was able to get a p38 to fly just like a p38, same topspeed, etc. I am testing more engines and will post the nerf values if/when I get them. But you can already use all piston KAX propellers, they will be allowed just nerfed if neded.
  4. You cannot install AJE and KAX at the same time. There is no link to the modpack because this is a WIP challenge, will do soon.
  5. LOL, how didn't I remember that. Yeah, very true. Just a thing, BDArmory weapons work based on heat, radiators by the cockpit works like armor to protect your pilot, that is why they are allowed
  6. @PixelStory: That is because biplanes are like "hard mode" on this challenge. I heavily recommend going for piston monoplanes, they are the easiest right now. With 35% thrust on a 3.5 tons biplane I managed to get to speeds of around 400km/h on a straight line at low altitudes, so they are not underpowered, you are just used to overpowered engines. I will add some sort of difficulty tag to the biplanes, they look easy but they are not. About the cockpit ripping your craft apart, have you checked how fast you were when that happened? That seems like a FAR bug that should be reported, but the latest dev version made some changes to debris. And yes, RocketTurtle is right. Some propeller planes can have their deflection as low as 4 degrees. Read the first FAR tip linked on my sig, please, it explains everything.
  7. But they are not replicas, and it's better to keep everyone under the same standards. The point of open cockpits is that the pilot can get shot during the battles. Also, it looks a lot better So, requirement for open cockpits stay. Unless everyone is heavily against it, but that defeats the point of having a biplane class. @PixelStory: We still don't have configs for biplane weapons, but you can try these for now: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/129182-Gauging-interest-stock-BD-Armory-dogfighters-AI-tournament?p=2104239&viewfull=1#post2104239 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/129182-Gauging-interest-stock-BD-Armory-dogfighters-AI-tournament?p=2105474&viewfull=1#post2105474
  8. haha this looks amazing. Try it with 2x A7 Aerosport @ 30~50% Max Thrust and see how it goes. I am thinking about allowing using 2 A7s because P38. Try it out and tell me what you get @PixelStory: Move your main wings back a bit and decrease elevator deflection. The first FAR tips link on my sig will solve all of your problems.
  9. I believe that the biplanes are the hardest, haha. Keep your weight low and you don't really need a lot of fuel, nor need to go too high. I will be giving FAR advices on this thread.
  10. So, it's live! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130035 This does not mean this topic is useless, remember that it's just a new topic about something else. Would be awesome to continue with the stock jet dogfights too!
  11. BAD-T moved to a new thread! THE TOURNAMENT: [table=width: 650, align: center] [tr] [td]The tournament consists on 2x2 World War 2 themed airplane battles, the airplanes will fight against each other while being controlled by BDArmory's AI. The airplanes do not have to be replicas nor resemble real aircraft, but the weapons and engines allowed will have similar performance to those from the second world war. Every class will have it's own leaderboard, making this a three-in-one challenge. The "Hall of Fame" will be made to display the most unique airplane designs, as well as the top performing ones. Every victory scores your airplane one point. After a certain amount of losses, your entry is eliminated. You score per class, it is the highest achieved score on the class, be it ongoing or from an already eliminated craft. The crafts will be spawned close to the KSC, their orientation varies. The greater winner of each class will have a chance to compete on the next class with an engine boost, earning two extra points per victory per class distance (biplane pwns jet = 4 points). Going to a higher class instantly puts your craft on the hall of fame, and losing on a higher tier does not eliminate the craft. After being the overall winner on the Jet class the airplane will be matched against three opponent jets.[/td] [/tr] [/table] CLASSES: [table=width: 650, align: center] [tr] [td]There will be three classes: Biplanes, Piston Monoplanes and Jets. Each class has it's own setup of weapons and engines. Biplanes: Have two main wings. Allowed engine(s): 1x A7 Aerosport @50.5% Max Thrust. Allowed weapon(s): ShKAS / Breda-SAFAT / M1917 Browning Weapon points: 10 Open cockpits. Difficulty: Hard Piston Monoplanes: Have one single main wing. Allowed engine(s): 2x A7 Aerosport @100% Max Thrust. / 1x D-25 Radial @80% Max Thrust / 1x PT100 Turboprop @36% Max Thrust Allowed weapon(s): ShKAS / Breda-SAFAT / Browning M2 / BerezinUBS / Hispanio-Suiza .404 / MauserMG151 Weapon points: 30 Cockpit setup may vary. Difficulty: Medium Jets: Can have any wing setup. Minimum weight and size: 5m lenght, 4 tons, width and height are free. Allowed engine(s): 2x J85 GE-4 turbojet Allowed weapon(s): ShKAS / Breda-SAFAT / Hispanio-Suiza .404 / MauserMG151 / Browning M2 / BerezinUBS / Browning M3 Weapon points: 40 Closed cockpits Difficulty: Medium[/td] [/tr] [/table] WEAPONS: [table=width: 300, align: center] [tr] [td]ShKAS Breda-SAFAT M1917 Browning Browning M2 BerezinUBS Hispanio-Suiza MauserMG151 Browning M3 [/td] [td]7mm 7mm 7mm .50 cal .50 cal 20mm 20mm .50 cal[/td] [td]5 points 5 points 10 points 10 points 10 points 15 points 15 points 20 points[/td] [/tr] [/table] BATTLES: [table=width: 650, align: center] [tr] [td]A battle consists on the 3 best out of 5 combats. The airplanes will take off facing north with a 60 degree angle from each other. The combat starts when the teams of one side are changed. In order to win, one team must destroy all enemy aircraft. If for some reason the airplanes flee or land safely, the battle is run again. A disabled craft is not a destroyed craft, as long as it can fly it's golden. [/td] [/tr] [/table] MODS: [table=width: 650, align: center] [tr] [td]The required mods are: - FAR - KAX - BDArmory (version 0.8.3) - AJE (dev version 2.3, JETS ONLY, DO NOT USE WITH PROPELLERS) - Special challenge pack (ww2 weapons) The optional mods are: - Adjustable Landing Gears - Procedural parts - B9 Procedural wings The utility mods are: - Take Command[/td] [/tr] [/table] RULES: [table=width: 650, align: center] [tr] [td]Submitting: - Submit the craft by posting a valid download link on this thread and stating that it's a submission, or sending it to me via private message, pictures are welcome. - Every player can have up to one active vessel per class. - If one craft is eliminated from the tournament, the player will be allowed to submit another craft to that class. - Submitting the same craft again is allowed but not recommended, as long as it's not abused (if your design fails, deal with it, haha.). - You can resubmit your craft until it's announced that it is going to battle. Craft: - Your craft must fit the definitions of it's own class and contain no more than 80 parts. - Open cockpits must be safe, that means that the kerbal must not be too exposed nor sit on extreme parts of the craft. - Turrets are only allowed with a kerbal comfortably sited behind it (no kerbal hanging on a wing or something like that). - It must fly with FAR and be able to takeoff on it's own when using the AI. - The craft must contain at least one Kerbal pilot and both BDArmory's Weapons Manager and AI module, which can be clipped anywhere. - It must not contain rocket grade parts other than max 4 fixed radiators, which are only allowed on open cockpits. (Oscar-B and the shortest 1.25m tank are exceptions) - Scientific instruments are allowed for aesthetic purposes. - When present, the cockpit reaction wheels must be turned off. - Parts can be freely clipped, as long there is no abuse and no resource stacking. (fuel tank inside fuselage is ok, fuel tank inside fuel tank is not) - When FAR updates, you will have the chance to update the settings of the AI and control surfaces of the active airplanes you already submitted.[/td] [/tr] [/table] LEADERBOARD: BRACKETS [table=align: center][tr][td]Competitor:[/td][td]Piston Monoplane:[/td][/tr] [tr][td]nigelxw[/td][td]Delilah Mk2a[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Phearlock[/td][td]KF-Spike 5[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Gojira[/td][td]KZ-211Z[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Darren9[/td][td]Daz Mk5[/td][/tr] [tr][td]erasmusguy[/td][td]RasTech K4U[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Azimech[/td][td]Rotzooe3.2[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Jakokidda123[/td][td]F-82 Twin Mustang[/td][/tr] [tr][td]tetryds[/td][td]Maelstorm[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Kunight[/td][td]Sanka II V2[/td][/tr] [tr][td]VentZer0[/td][td]VZ-38[/td][/tr] [tr][td]TUKE[/td][td]Dukes L-19[/td][/tr] [tr][td]qromodynmc[/td][td]deithwen 1-a[/td][/tr] [tr][td]worir4[/td][td]Speegle MkI[/td][/tr] [tr][td]sal_vager[/td][td]The Manx[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Alphasus[/td][td]Piston Fighter[/td][/tr] [tr][td]QuesoExplosivo[/td][td]Stinger[/td][/tr][/table] HALL OF FAME: BRING IT ON! VZ-38 "Tanking is not only about taking punches on the face, it's an art." SO CUTE! Delilah Mk.2a "Shooting around and looking good." BADGE: Add this participation badge to your signature! New badges will be made for accomplishments on the future.
  12. Bom se fosse se eu tivesse crashes... O que acontece aqui é que eu uso aquelas features que quase ninguém usa, principalmente no editor. Com o tempo o editor começa a quebrar, e eu vou fazendo os workarounds até que chega num ponto em que ele está tão instável que pode acabar desde colocando uma parte com 20x simetria até bloquear todas as respostas dos botões e ficar com uma peça fantasma presa no mouse, não me deixando nem salvar. Isso quando ele não destrói o universo, mas pelomenos o universo volta com reload do jogo. Crash ainda tá de boa, poderia ser muito pior...
  13. The WW2 tournament will be a new thread, we are just discussing here until I post it. Whatever else goes on on this thread should not be affected by it @t3hJimmer: do you have ww2 guns sound files? Can you get some? @ZML: forget about COL, welcome to FAR. @PixelStory: You will be able to submit planes which look however you like, they don't need to be replicas. Just try to keep it sane, haha.
  14. Okay, don't need to be that fast, haha. IIRC you can freely distribute BDA patches. Would be nice if they also had sounds, I don't know how hard it would be to find. The challenge is going to have biplanes, piston monoplanes and jets, propellers from KAX and the smallest jet from AJE, just be careful to not install both at the same time. The propellers are OP, but KSP planes are super heavy, so a 40% nerf seems like a good start, I was checking that on my free time that is why the OP is not ready yet. Edit: forgot to mention that biplanes are limited to the weakest propeller engine, also with nerf, at least until we have decent nerf values for the other engines too.
  15. Due to time constraints I will have to post the WW2 thread tomorrow, sorry. But I am getting a very cool banner for it
  16. Ok I am writing the OP for the WW2 dogfight thread right now. Yes, I was thinking about that right after I posted, it seems like a good idea, we already have that small jet engine from AJE that can be used perfectly. It will be very hard to make good fighters with them though, seems fun. I believe that would be a bit too much, haha. We mostly need balanced guns which compare to some WW2 guns, don't need to be replicas in performance, just fair.
  17. Sim, quando você dá crash o jogo gera aquela pasta com a data no seu diretório do KSP. Abra ela e você irá encontrar um arquivo chamado output.log, ele é enorme mas tem tudo o que aconteceu no jogo. Faça upload dele pro dropbox ou mediafire e me mande o link que eu vou dar uma olhada, não sei de mods que leem ele, até por que não seria muito cômodo. Mas provavelmente é memoria RAM, o KSP só consegue utilizar 3.4GB, se tentar passar disso ele crasha.
  18. Ok I will set up the WW2 thread then! Will do that today later, when I am home. Anyone can run the battles so that helps a lot A resized Howitzer? You are a genius. We can also tweak the hidden vulcan to use it as a .50 This is going to be epic. Edit: we can also get sounds for the guns.
  19. @Azimech: Oh, I heard it was already working, nevermind then. I still much rather KAX propellers, we can just set a max allowed throttle. Also max wing mass ratio. But we don't have glasses for making cockpits and that takes a lot of time. We can even enforce using certain cockpits from a mod, but making one should be optional. Adjustable landing gears would not be needed if we had a landing gear between the smallest and medium one, but it's a good mod, I guess it's up for voting. Is there a ww2 airplane weapons pack? Not that important, just wondering. Maybe we nees a whole new thread specifically for WW2 planes?
  20. The tournament was really cool. About the WW2 variant, tweakscale is too buggy, we would be better with procedural parts. So, I believe that the only mods we need are: -FAR -Procedural parts -KAX -AJE -BDArmory -B9 proc wings (maybe) The bug while using KAX with FAR was solved so we don't need to worry. It's also important to note that the least mods, the better.
  21. Já arrumei isso uma vez, mas isso é um bug do DMP. Ele ainda não foi corrigido, então até lá vai ter que usar drones mesmo.
  22. Para de matar todos os kerbals, ashusauhuhsahusauas.
  23. Eu também Caça stealth, WIP: Provavelmente vou precisar do kerbpaint pra arrumar o cockpit e o intake. Feito para voar no FAR.
  24. Está aqui: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/101575-T%C3%B3pico-de-discuss%C3%A3o-geral-para-discutirmos-sobre-coisas-sem-sentido E o Brendo postou uma imagem. Enfim... Talvez eu devesse levar essa shuttle pra Duna. Odeio shuttles. Acho que já disse isso, bem, é verdade.
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