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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Did you use the rotation gizmo on absolute mode with swap to angle enabled to make sure the V tail is perfectly straight?
  2. Problem is, you get a lot of of dihedral effect from wing sweep when you are fast, but not when you are slower, so it can be dangerous if you fly the craft at different situations than what it was designed to be stable at.
  3. But that decreases roll stability, check what happened to the X-15.
  4. As you go faster your wings start to become less effective. What happens then is that you have too little tail and too little control to compensate for that. It's weird to imagine wings getting worse with speed, but that's super/hypersonic, it's not meant to be very intuitive. @FGF: That is a delicated thing to suggest, as I said before, if you have too much dihedral effect it will overcompensate and can become unstable, esp. on small crafts.
  5. I changed my cargo bay for a jet engine fuel tank and I think I can turn it into an SSTO. Lol. Are you waiting to compute the points only after everybody is done? My missing entries are supercruise speed and range. The goal I set to myself is to pass 150 points But I think I should have at least tuned it instead of applying on the first test run, eh, too late.
  6. The FAR version names are the names of engineers or scientists who developed important improvements on the areas of aerodynamics and fluid dynamics, in alphabetical order It was weird that I had the name of the previous version but the number of the latest, minor thing. No photoshop skills sorry. I am not sure if adding AJE right now would be good, maybe for a next challenge it can be AJE-only.
  7. No problem. Also, it does not really matter if its high before you place the wings, area ruling is a tweak that you make when the design is about to be complete. Adding things doesn't mean it will get worse, you often add things to improve it. Check stock FAR Blitzableiter and FAR Colibri.
  8. You should try to keep the yellow graph as close to zero as possible. What is killing your transonic efficiency is a very high wave drag area, 4.05m² is a lot. Aim for something smaller than 1.2m² at first, with time you will get the hang of it. A low-power transonic design is recommended to have transonic wave drag area of less than 0.8m².
  9. Vc é DJ Tetryds? Não sou, só gosto daquele canal em específico. Eu poderia tentar, mas não planejo fazer isso não. Agora que eu li, pareceu que aquilo tinha algo a ver com o meu estágio. Não, eu faço estágio numa empresa de engenharia.
  10. Também estou trabalhando, fazendo estágio nos meus últimos meses aqui na Alemanha. Pra quem não conhece: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ6td3C9QlPO9O_J5dF4ZzA
  11. @FourGreenFields: I don't think it's very safe to have exploding parts Fuel tanks validation: 51,2 points of fuel payload (3,2 points from the NCS adapters I forgot to count the last time). Edit: I have no idea why my FAR says Froude while showing, but even if it was the previous version that does not change any flight characteristics at all.
  12. The only thing that could be done about it is making supermaneuverability a requirement* but then we would have almost no entries. Not that it's too hard but stock jet engines gimbal is too small even with FAR's 1.5x boost. *Good-looking VTOLs are exempt from any requirements.
  13. I heavily recommend NEVER placing anything on the top of your wings. It's a terrible practice and when more complex wing interactions get added it's going to kill all of your designs. This is for everybody.
  14. @Nansuchao: It's a lot easier if you post some pictures of it
  15. That is because they are behaving just like they should. Remember that lift is generated by a low pressure gradient on the top of the wing, not high pressure on the bottom (when subsonic). So, adding flaps anywhere other than on the trailing edge is not going to help. For leading edges, they decrease the angle of attack of the leading edges, so that the rest of the wing can be at a much higher AoA before stalling. That, or they simply stall first and leave a gap to replenish the air on the top of the wing, also allowing the wing to sustain a much higher AoA.
  16. I think that the points list could be changed to highlight what gives points, for example: Super Cruise: Every 0.1 over Mach 1 while in supercruise is worth 1 point (Super Cruise @30% thrust, inc 50% nerf for turbojets).
  17. Uma shuttle tem a mesma capacidade de um foguete mas é tão complicado de construir quanto um SSTO. O maior problema mesmo é a complexidade, se você vai gastar um bom tempo desenvolvendo um veículo faz logo um SSTO que sai bem mais em conta. Claro que shuttles não são inúteis, mas é complicado demais pra pouco ganho. Se você já tiver um modelo pronto ou a funcionalidade não for o seu objetivo principal pode fazer sim. Ví várias pessoas falando de shuttles, e está meio difícil para eu fazer vídeos, será que um sobre isso valeria a pena? Seria informal, sem muita edição, mais um "filler" mesmo pro pessoal ver que eu não abandonei o meu canal, haha.
  18. Pra gravar eu uso o audacity, mas pra fazer streaming não sei o que ficaria bom. Qual é o problema do microfone? Tem alguns programas que processam a voz direto da entrada de áudio e geram ele em outro canal, daí vc usa esse outro canal no streaming. Isso adiciona um pouquinho de latência, mas nada significativo pra quem assiste.
  19. Se usar um programa acelerado por GPU pra gravar ksp fica levinho. Conheço o raptr e o shadowplay, mas que eu saiba só rodam em windows.
  20. Oh O forgot the extra fuel on the NCS adapter. Also, does this fuel need to be external or I can pack it inside of my cargo bay? That would make supercruise much more efficient. Now that I thought more about it, the droptank points don't seem absurd, as anyone could do that. The only problem is when you dedicate a design to farm points from it, maybe make it so that you only get points if you supercruise with them.
  21. Ahh, top speed and supercruise are different things, lol I messed up on the counting. I guess I can supercruise at Mach 2.6 or something, will check tomorrow, thanks for fixing up my confusion, I did not figure out that it was two different tests. Btw, supercruise 1/3rd of thrust is on the top of the 50% max thrust of the TurboJets? And am I forced to use the fuel tanks anywhere? Or is it just how much extra fuel it can carry? Will tweak and test it again tomorrow, let's see what happens. Edit: Also, 48 points for droptanks seems a bit too much, but if I did not read anything wrong again then yey.
  22. I guess you forgot the +10 (mach 1.0 to mach 2.0), +1 for TWR, +5 for maneuverability, total of 60 points. Now I just need to make it supermaneuverable with canards, add radiators and 500l of fuel on droptanks, then go around the planet with it But I don't really have time for that so it stays as is for now. Oh and it went to something like Mach 4.3 before exploding, if that is what you want to beat.
  23. First flight of my new jet, checked out how fast it could go at 10km... The problem is, if I continue to let it go faster it will burn out on the atmosphere before reaching the top speed. I will see if some radiators can keep it alive long enough. But if they don't, how am I going to apply for the challenge? Because it has power to sustain a faster flight but that is only possible when diving, but when diving it's easily possible to go much faster than what it would.
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