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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Não tem erro, está certo sim. Só faltou que os radiadores também são bem úteis para os motores nucleares.
  2. Okay guys, just be careful and keep the conversation civil, I will not tolerate personal attacks if they happen.
  3. @MKellerBR: é +- isso, cada peça tem uma condutividade e capacidade térmica diferente, e agora tambem muda a temperatura interna e a da superfície. É meio complicado, um dia eu faço um vídeo explicando certinho, mas sim se vc colocar peças isolantes na frente do motor ele não vai dissipar calor e vai explodir (o deacoplador conduz pouco calor).
  4. @Climberfx, achei a solução para o seu problema. Que eu me lembre a config do seu controle reseta sempre que você abre o jogo, certo? Tenta configurar ele e depois setar o arquivo de config como somente leitura
  5. Sim, a magnetosfera de Júpiter bloqueia a radiação solar, e a das luas bloqueia a de Júpiter, haha. Algo parecido com isso, mas nunca é tão simples.
  6. É sempre complicado sair dos limites do universo né, hehe. Sim, o wiki sobre a magnetosfera de Júpiter em pt é bem completo, recomendo a leitura: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetosfera_de_Júpiter Também recomendo dar uma lida em algumas fontes se possível, sempre é bom ler as fontes.
  7. Esse aí é o pai do Kraken, ele não destrói a sua nave, destrói o universo do seu save. Gostei da missão, quero lembranças de Jool. Por curiosidade, sabia que os arredores de Júpiter são bem hostis? O movimento de metais mais pro interior do planeta gera um campo de radiação intenso, chegar perto é muito perigoso.
  8. Eu preferiria vários, mas toma cuidado pra não ficar enjoativo.
  9. Yes, that is true, the best part is making more complex wing shapes, what bothers me the most on stock are that the edges are often not compatible, leaving visible spikes and not blending as well as they could. I am using procedural parts bumps there beside the intakes. Forgot to mention that I am using AJE too, so that craft is a transonic one, flies the best at Mach 0.75. Still tweaking it. What surprised me was how fast it is to build with b9 proc wings, I thought it would take a while to tweak all the parameters and fine tune everything, but I was wrong. I am using that one, yeah, but area ruling and AJE make me wish very bad for procedural intakes.
  10. What I like the most is the diamond reticle at the target. But yeah, everything is looking amazing. As as a suggestion, can you make it so that the GUI follows the KSP color pattern? That would make it feel more like it belongs to the game, just like the FAR GUIs. @bartekkru99: but it is already, from what we can see.
  11. Giving mods a chance: Procedural parts, adjustable landing gears and b9 procedural wings, I didn't think these mods were so good.
  12. Ficou muito bom. Daria pra por ele em outros módulos tambem, achei mais bonito que o mk1 do rasp.
  13. Marte deu overheat fazendo aerobreak na sua cápsula, acontece, hehe.
  14. Para postar álbums você pega o código do album e coloca assim: [noparse] [/noparse]Reslutado:
  15. It would be interesting if the layout mattered, like pointy parts, sharp angles and big cross-section, as well as how the radar signal bounces back. You could use some raycasting for deflection, and other stuff, as I said before, if you need something just pm me
  16. How is this radar targeting going to work? Would be interesting if at least the size of the target mattered.
  17. Haushuashhsausauhsa, boa. Eu não sei o que pode acontecer com saves ou DMP se usar mods de planetas, mas pra quem gosta de explorar parece legal. O problema é que eu não tenho muita paciência pra ficar saindo de Kerbin, não tem nada para fazer quando eu chego nos lugares...
  18. I was about to explain all the differences and what are the effects of different sizes and aspect ratios of your vertical and horizontal stabilizers. But I am afraid that someone could take all that I say to heart and think that it's more important than it actually is. You carry mk3 parts, oh my god. Never thought that using the cargo bays like that would look so cool, both from inside and outside. What happens if you try to close them?
  19. @capi3101: what is the fun of having it as a rule of thumb? As I don't like other people having fun... usually 3/2 (rectangle) Even though there is a lot to them, vertical stabilizers are not that big of a deal, you just need enough. If going too fast too low or it's too big you need two, that's all. IMO it's something that you can save for area ruling.
  20. Yeah but remember that changing the aspect ratio heavily affects the lift characteristics, a wider shorter vertical stabilizer is not as strong as a narrower taller one with the same area.
  21. Thanks for the reminder. I did not even notice that, haha.
  22. Igualzinho àKerbin quando eu jogava com foguetes, hehehe. Bons tempos. Alguém deveria dar uma limpada nesses debris aí, haha.
  23. Not yet, but I am working on it since a very long time ago. Now I just need time to record and edit the video series, the scripts are all finished. You can find some specific stuff on my signature. Wanderfound also has some guides, they may be linked on his sig.
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