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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Right after I set up the battleground for the first biplane battles I noticed some illegal parts, the airplane will have to be resubmitted (the owner has been warned about it). Because of this there will be no battle today, my bad. But tomorrow there will be! @Kunighit: you can resubmit until your airplane goes to battle.
  2. Since there are many piston monoplane entries I will have to organize the battle table, but I have time for a biplane battle! Will run it right now and update this post with it if no one posts after me.
  3. [noparse] [/noparse]Your plane looks amazing. Oh, just noticed, no tweakscale, use procedural parts instead, please. Tweakscale is too buggy. It's fine to resubmit it, no need to hurry either. Guys I don't think I will be able to start today, I have too little time. I will try to get at least the first battle, as I need to setup the tournament battle tree.
  4. @Baha: I meant either turning active guidance off or nerfing their steering limits. Ah, also, AI won't turn off after it's on for a few minutes, but that's minor.
  5. Thanks, that goes as a suggestion then. Since you are working on the AI, I have noticed that currently it does not use hellfire against the enemies, nor launch missiles after you rescale them and/or restrict their movement ranges. It doesn't even select the missiles for firing. Maybe steerless missiles should be handled like a very slow and big projectile bullet or something like that. I also noticed dificulties on engaging ground targets but I will wait for a preview to test this better.
  6. We have a best-looking piston monoplane candidate right there There are many submissions so far, can't wait to start.
  7. @Azimech: nice nose. @TUKE: yep, the problem is that the AI refuses to use it, I have no idea why. I simply took the PEC-3 and resized it, and it won't to work, the Weapons Manager won't even select it. Will see what else I can do, but its not like jets need more than 2x M3s, haha. The modpack will have rocket launchers on the future regardless.
  8. Será que vai ser o suficiente pra liberar o Em-drive? Hehehe.
  9. I am not going to change the weapons heating, it's a design and strategy choice, if you set your AI to always be far away you are going to waste all of your bullets, or the enemy bullets Yeah I did not bother with that yet as it had no gameplay impact, but I am going to remove explosions from some weapons and try to make others smaller, thanks for the tip. But cannons stay explody, they have cannon parameters. The next pack update will have fancier descriptions and color changes, maybe some texture changes, but nothing that affects how they work at all. By the way, from which weapon is that?
  10. @Azimech: Yes I could make armor plated versions of some parts and add them to the pack on the future. Or even have dedicated amor parts. And oh, by the way, this weapons pack will become a full mod with custom models and everything! There will be also bombs and maybe some turret or rocket pod, but for now at least the internal weapons are confirmed. @TUKE: sorry for changing the colors I just made them look cool because they were too bright, etc. Please pm me telling the tracer color of each weapon. I may also remove/nerf the tracing of some weapons just because.
  11. @cantab: Every design is a supersonic design, you just need to go fast enough. Neat airplane, I have once made a challenge where I fixed up the crappiest possible oldStocksoup flyable designs, was fun. http://i.imgur.com/SFRsaf5.jpg
  12. The M1917 is at the wrong place let me fix that, thanks. What do you guys think about me streaming the battles?
  13. Okay we already have 4 submissions! First two battles happen today in about 13 hours. Keep submitting, the system is not limited to a fixed ammount of submissions amd can even accept late entries. This is ongoing and will not simply end at a point.
  14. The challenge is now officially open! The weapons pack will only be updated with better descriptions and small fixes as required. Now you can start submitting your craft either here or via PM! Make sure to re-read all the rules, some may have changed slightly. And verify the allowed weapons, some weapons are only allowed on specific categories. At first we will have a normal elimination matchmaking, but the crafts which lose will have a second chance, the battles start as soon as I have 4 submissions on a specific category. Good fight for everyone! *turret added for biplanes. @TUKE: gameplay balance does bad things, it hurts but had to be done.
  15. Não está mais, ele acordou e agora está totalmente ativo
  16. I am testing it right now, I need to balance it first. But I will simply add it to the allowed weapons for biplanes only and make it cost 10 points
  17. http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2015/08/03/philae_rosetta_comet_lander_s_first_science_results.html Achei muito interessante, estamos aprendendo muito com esse lander. Só demorou um pouquinho, mas parece que agora ele vai resistir mais por estar protegido do sol, algo assim.
  18. It looks cute! Btw, those are minimal values, tinny jets are OP And you can use two of that engine, that helps a lot @sal: LOL, awesome. That turret is disallowed but I make an exception here... Actually I will try it then see if I should re-add it
  19. No, sorry, you can't. Two aerosports should do the job, their low speed thrust is very high.
  20. Well, that is cool, do you have a link? Anyway, we will continue not using them for now, the challenge is already balanced and IMO we have enough mods. Also, people are already working on their planes, so that would be a bit uncomfortable. Since the assets are public I can add some cockpits to the challenge pack on the future. Cockpit style is more a design choice, they don't screw up aero as much as it seems and are an order of magnitude lighter. Adding new engines is also a problem, we already have everything that we need. Lets run the challenge like this until KSP updates then we move on to AJE propellers and everything gets magically balanced
  21. When BDArmory updates we will disable the new radars and continue to use the old method, as that is not the point of the tournament. Ok, so if anyone wants to submit in-private can do it via PM, but must at least share one prototype with us, doesn't need to be the same airplane. There are no subdivisions further than the classes stated on the OP, so it's all vs. all inside of a class (Biplanes, piston monoplane and jet). But the best of a category may go to the hall of fame if it's good enough (best heavy fighter, etc.) I guess I am being convinced to share my hangar, this is aparently less "competitive" than I have thought... ...nah, beat me first!
  22. Ok so, we put a LOT of effort on our planes, do you agree it would be more fair if the submissions were made via pm, so that the first to submit doesn't get drawn back? And are you allright with sharing the crafts or it would be better to keep it private? For one side keeping it private gives a much nicer feel, you need to watch how the enemy behaves and learn with it, but on the other hand it's a bit harsh on newbies. I would go for a mid-ground and share prototypes on a special section of the challenge, a trainer craft repository, what do you think? *btw you can say that I will have the crafts so I can cheat, well you have to trust me here, I won't touch my craft after opening the round. When at my pc I will share my secondary trainer, it's an experiment gone wrong so it should not be hard to beat. It's good for testing the behavior of your craft, when mine fights against itself it doesn't do anything that it does against other craft. @TUKE: biplanes are hard, go for piston monoplanes. Rly, if you are not a FAR veteran you should avoid biplanes.
  23. @Phearlock: it looks so exotic, amazing. My strategy was a bit different, it's more on the heavy side so I can reach around 430km/h on a straight line at about 400m alt. Mine is basically an energy fighter 8.5gs on a dive, now that's something. Mine weights 3 tons, it handles like crap below 200km/h but is also super easy to land, the static landing legs are strong. I stay very far away from stalling at any situation, but I can only fight at high speeds, now I just need to tweak the AI to fight like I want it to. I only have one weak side, but I dare you can ever land a single bullet there. @TUKE: Awesome!
  24. I will see if I can find something about your issue later, it could be moving turrets but I didn't have any problem with that. Sorry the toroidal 8 is not allowed. I set up my sig using tables.
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