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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Which is bad, if that continues I will have to enforce a min thickness. Well, if you don't want people testing against your craft you can send it in private it's not like you can't share pics anyway There was going to be no battle today, but I guess that I have some time, let's see.
  2. It's great that you are interested on making your own BDArmory weapons, but if you want to discuss it further it would be better to create a new topic for that.
  3. @ferram4: that's becaise I didn't make a full report yet, when I was to go deeper into it I stumbled on another issue. @TUKE: don't worry about it, I will add music when it's possible.
  4. Olá lipedm, fiz um vídeo sobre construção básica de aviões, caso ainda não tenha visto: Aí pra alcançar altitudes elevadas recomendo usar uns boosters pra se lançar pra cima, e depois ejetá-los.
  5. Chatterer, hmm I can do that. I can also play something on the background while I record but I can't ensure consistency (monstercat anyone?) Biplanes are delayed because of occlusion calculation issues, which I am consistently annoying ferram to fix, but it may take a bit of time. I guess that biplanes with stock wings can fly already, but I have to test them. I am going to travel today so I may only be able to record the next battle moday.
  6. @nigelxw: yes, no turrets for piston monoplanes nor jets. @TUKE: if I was to add sounds I would have to edit and render, this way I can make one battle per day and not one every two days.
  7. New battle incoming! This is the first time someone lost due to lack of ammo, oh well. But the battle was nice
  8. @Littlerift: I will look into that. If anything, the knowledge database seems to be precise.
  9. @TUKE: yes the first round was the best one, I wish all rounds lasted exactly as long as that one. Was good to see a match where one does not simply turn around early and tear the other to shreds. This was a very balanced match. But both planes climbing like that caused the head-ons, which were beautiful, IMO. I will update the Leaderboard later today.
  10. Not really, but still. If I allowed it I would have to allow a lot of stuff, and that would be a problem. Announcement: Leaderboard added. After today's battle I will look into updating the weapons pack to the new BDArmory 0.9.1 We will be using legacy targeting for the battles.
  11. Você deve estar com partes demais ou mods dando conflito. Sei que o KIS é um mod que causa bastante problema com coisas muito grandes.
  12. Olá, sejam bem vindos ao fórum. Qualquer dúvida é só pedir
  13. @Darren9: It's not that complicated, just one question: Would you ride that airplane? If the answer is no, you need a more enclosed cockpit. That one seems fine, but have you checked the thickness?
  14. Also, no precoolers, they are past rocket grade tech @Littlerift: testing the same design under different engine configs is not the best way to compare the engines. Each engine fits a niche, that consists on completely different designs. Try to build an airplane to make use of what the turboprop has to offer and you will notice that the other engines won't be as good for that design. There is no "plain better" here, just design choices. But of course I will not tell what it's meant for.
  15. Nah, it's fine, I am already done with that. What is keeping me busy is the FAR bug I mentioned above. By the way, private submissions always have higher priority so if someone updates a craft and posts it here but already sent it through PM the PM version is going to be used. I will not check the sending dates to verify which one is the latest. We will have a hold on biplanes by now until that bug is sorted out, by the way. Kerbals will also receive an aerodynamic model from FAR, a feature made specially for this challenge. Right now FAR simply ignores them, increasing drag of open cockpits, but not a lot. @qromodynmc: got it Now i just need to verify it, which I will do later. There will be a battle today, there was none yesterday because of that damned bug, it was going to be a biplane battle, hence the problems.
  16. But first we need KSP 1.1, FAR wing overhaul and me on my desktop pc. After KSP updates and I get to my desktop, we will be able to go to 250-ish parts per craft, or more, up to 4x4 battles (thats 2k parts, who cares.). Then add scatterer, EVE ultra high res and record at 1440p 30+fps :3 (1440 in case I get a monitor of such resolution, not sure yet which res will be available for me). But for now I am tracking down this major issue where FAR occlusion on biplanes is way higher than it should, to the point where removing a pair of wings increases total lift (lift on the remaining wing is like 250% higher).
  17. Stock struts are heavy to the point that I am almost making custom ones for this pack using MM, really. What do you guys think? Custom struts would be good? They would be in three types: 1kg, 5kg and 10kg. Any other part modification that fits this challenge can be added to this pack.
  18. @BahamutoD: Amazing update, can't wait to try it out. But until everything is working, could you provide a download link for the version 0.8.3 on the OP? All dogfight tournaments need that version now and some people have not yet downloaded the old version. Here is mine, by the way: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130035-WW2-BAD-T-World-War-2-BDArmory-AI-Dogfight-Tournament-OPEN
  19. The longest match so far was 5 battles on a total of 30 minutes. I believe that the max that one battle is going to last is about 12 minutes, 8 minutes for long ones and average 4 minutes.
  20. All Weapon Manager modules are set to 1s scan interval, 360 degrees view angle and 5km range. @Darren9: Eh, that cockpit is not really "safe". would be better to have something in front of the pilot. I am adding this as a rule now, open cockpits must be safe. This does not affect any of the already submitted craft that did not receive a notice for it, by the way. So, if you already submitted and didn't receive one when you did, you continue to be fine. By the way, I really dislike people using wings so thin. Such wings would not have enough structural integrity, and some submissions are starting to force me to add a rule to limit min thickness.
  21. Nossa, 11 partes, mas e quantas peças somando tudo?
  22. Gostei bastante da ideia de proteger os equipamentos!
  23. Yeah, no tweakscale. @Darren9: The AI is completely dumb about shooting things on the ground, unless its a cannon or some extreme precision gun where it aimbots. If you get on the tail of another airplane, yours will have a massive advantage, if you are close enough almost all shots are going to land regardless of you being aimed at it or not. Think about it, this weapon is meant for a very special case, and excels on what it was made for. So, you just need to be close enough and its the most deadly weapon in the pack.
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