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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. It's an implicit requirement, to keep things fair. Same about floating parts and glitch use (though sal_vager's biplane pass because it's a replica and there is nothing I can do about it, haha.). Edit: I am not saying you are using glitches those were just examples of other implicit rules, you just need a cockpit
  2. About the rocket grade parts, that short 1.25m fuel tank is actually allowed, I need to update the OP. And yeah, up to 4 radiators for open cockpits only, can be used on the cockpit only. I will post the full video but after a few mins the sound vanished so it will be a boring ride You will not miss much as I will comment about what was going on and what is the behavior of the airplanes on the short version. @nigelwx: I will try to, but I will only tell who fights against who when close to the battle, because when I do that you cannot resubmit. But yeah, weapon and engine setup sharing seems fair. Neat biplane, on mine the topspeed was 120m/s but the AI has no idea how to pilot it. There is a BDArmory mod that syncs damage on DMP, since biplanes go slow I guess it can work!
  3. Yes VentZer0, your plane is not yet eliminated, all planes which lose will battle against each other and the winning one will go back to the tournament. The battle took 5 rounds, on a total of 29:26 minutes, I don't think anyone wants to watch that I will edit it into a 5ish minute footage and add music, also because after a few minutes the video sound muted for no reason. All the footages will be saved, no one will dare contesting something
  4. One, anywhere But it's reeeeally hard to land a bullet on it, jeez. One of the times you lost was because both were following the same enemy, who stood a lot of gunfire until both of your planes crashed on each other, that was cool. Should I edit out the boring parts? The best moments would get easily lost on the video. I think that you trust that I didn't cheat here, right?
  5. After I tell who will be the next those craft cannot be resubmitted. I will update the submission rules tomorrow. Jets will have to wait, we have a lot to do until then.
  6. So, we had a super awesome fight, VZ-38 against the KF-Spike 5. The KF-Spike 5 won with a 3/2 score, that was a tough 30 minutes battle. That VZ-38, I have never seen a plane take so many 20mm shots and don't even get damaged, or lose a chunk of the tail and continue to fly like if it was nothing. This battle was cool, but you will have to wait until tomorrow (night) for me to upload it as it took way longer than I expected and I need to sleep for sanity sake. Next battle: SankaII V2 versus Delilah Mk2, that is going to be a beautiful fight :3 Not sure if I will be able to perform it tomorrow but maybe I will delay it one day so that I can sync the battles with the following video.
  7. Ah, isso nem é nada, gosto mais da chave de fenda voadora:
  8. Just a question, do you rather plain videos or with comments? It's hard to put music because they are going to last long.
  9. Yes but you only survive 20mm rounds if they don't hit the same part. Also remember that damage on BDArmory is heat (which gives some cool hp bars and regeneration). That means that heavier parts are stronger by default, thats how 7mm works against biplanes but only two are not enough for the other planes. It's also nice to know that you are not doomed on a single shot And I wonder why everybody is underestimating the D-25, I will enter with my trainer piston monoplane just to show you what it's all about, let's see what happens. Yes I will record and post on youtube. Bear in mind that the pace I can make the videos is slow as my time is restricted atm, so I am aiming for one per day, starting today (thats also why I will have to enter with my trainer craft). But in september I will be able to post more often. The yt channel will be created today it's the place where I will post my FAR tutorials after I record them
  10. @Darren9: yeah but sal's entry was a biplane, I won't accept something like that on the piston monoplane or jet entries.
  11. But altitude settings are what defines the behavior of the AI more than anything else. Nah, twins are not as good as it seems, its only good for low speeds but after a few secs it's not faster than a D-25. Guns are strong enough IMO, they hit just like they should. It's not that easy to survive a 20mm shot.
  12. @VentZero: it makes sense that both teams start in flight but I don't change the AI parameters. There is also what TUKE mentioned, a plane that is compromised to takeoff faster would be penalized. I think I will go for the following: One team takes off from the runway, the other team takes off from the side of the runeay angled around 30 degrees to the left. Even a very heavy x very light battle setup does not make them go face to face. Faster topspeed is in advantage because you get away then go back with energy, faster takeoff allows you to engage early if set up properly, so both strategies work. This works for all classes and is very easy to set up. Now I just wish the taildragger wheel didn't behave like if it was a steerless rubberball...
  13. I can place them on the sides, one team going north and another going south, but they have too much tendency to engage frontally, which is more luck than anything, and not very fun. What about 90 degrees angle? I am also thinking that jet battles should be 1x1 then allow 120 parts each, not sure yet.
  14. Btw, I have a doubt about the takeoff profile, it has a big impact on the battle. Should it be randomized between a few different setups or what? I have trainer jet which will probably become my entry.
  15. My piston monoplane has a top speed of 760km/h (820km/h on destructive tests) and reaches that on a shallow dive within less than one minute (takeoff + climb + dive) Max speed during dogfight I have seen it reach was 670km/h. But yes, some piston monoplanes should be able to compete with jets.
  16. Oh so you actually sync the damage and the projectiles are just a secondary representation, interesting. On my tests DMP worked well with FAR, when a craft randomly exploded it would respawn. I am just concerned if my client making the other plane explode will sync and make him actually explode or only effects of the weapons are synced? This is important, esp. for taking off, as some parts of DMP are not super consistent yet. Also, what happens if a desynced projectile hits me when it shouldn't?
  17. @Kunighit: it's a whole different beast. Jets underperform at slow speeds, but perform much better at high speeds, you need to tweak and balance them differently and all that. Think about it as another tournament, performance is relative, no other airplane beats a biplane at super slow speeds, and helicopters? TWR > 1 all the way. Also, I may remind you the reasons why they call it sound BARRIER, hehe.
  18. Does it work well enough for slow things like up to 120m/s? Because then fighting with biplanes on FAR would be amazing.
  19. Yeah, it is, but it works very well. When you mentioned going supersonic I got impressed but wanted to take a look at it first just to make sure, haha. Also remember jets have weight and lenght restrictions, would be too easy to make a minuscle superdrone otherwise.
  20. There is only one model of AJE engines allowed, check the rules again
  21. Guys, do you see what is happening here? By limiting the ammount of wings you go directly against the purpose of this challenge concept, you end up forcing a specific design to be made under mechanics that don't privilege such design choice. The best performing stock jets will not look like real life best performing jets because they are situated on a different environment with different rules. It's like trying to limit the ammount of fuel on a challenge to see who has the most deltav with the least weight. There are two things you can do about it: 1- move to FAR, then you will be having designs that look like real life ones. 2- get over it and try to make something that works on KSP without any relation to what would happen in real life. Since FAR is quite complicated, even more when going so fast, I think it's time to rethink all stock design logic and work with what you have. In resume, clipping is bad, many wing parts can't be bad.
  22. @TUKE: Your jet looks fine but you are using the wrong engines Yoi need AJE (incompatible with KAX) and procedural parts to make a jet, as the one single allowed jet engine type has a non-stock diameter.
  23. Okay, it's awesome to see so many submissions. Just to explain how I am going to handle this: First I will scan my inbox, from newest to oldest, and note down your submission. Then I will scan this thread, if you are already assigned your entry is discarded. This scan will happen before the battles start, if you are already in battle the new entry is discarded. This is some extra work for your convenience, so please always submit the same craft under the same name and do not submit new ones before you are eliminated. I let you change it on the fly, you make it easy for me and it's all good. @TUKE: how dare you? The cops are going to revoke your license if you do that. Heh, of course you can go supersonic, but bear in mind that it will be harder as I reported that the effects were not like they should be and ferram confirmed. So, next FAR update will hit harder on that area.
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