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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Gostei muito dos motores novos, o motor de caça estava fazendo falta.
  2. Yep, as soon as possible. Won't tell a date and risk being wrong but you can get hyped if you will.
  3. Biplanes were not producing enough lift on the released FAR version, that was corrected on the dev build especially because of this challenge, now they produce realistic lift, it was actually wrong. I recommend saving your design for when the challenge updates, it's not that hard to takeoff anymore and biplanes became super agile! Another modification to FAR that was made for this challenge is that now kerbals receive a baked voxelization model, before they were just ignored to prevent issues, this reduces open cockpit drag. And a bug was found and fixed because of this challenge where some wings would get shielded for no reason.
  4. Não tem só aviões na Rússia:
  5. É o Sukhoi T-4 Ele fica muito estranhos nas fotos, muito mais bonito pessoalmente.
  6. Fui pra Rússia, fiquei uns dias na casa de um amigo moderador. Foi a melhor viagem que eu já fiz. Algumas das fotos (aviso, elas são enormes):
  7. Está usando qual sistema operacional mesmo?
  8. @Scoundrel: that looks amazing, why don't you go the easy way for now and make that part a weapon, you can fire it and remove the missiles like the rocket pods do.
  9. Just to inform everyone that FAR will update soon, and some crucial things will change, like critical mach speed being properly implemented and some other stuff. If you really know what you are doing I recommend you to grab the dev version now.
  10. No, but why would you want to do that? I find it much easier to have two installs, that also helps preventing that things get messed up.
  11. Parabéns, EdusacconBR! Estou quase devolta àser ativo poraqui denovo, quase.
  12. One day, I just need one more day. Will be back to posting them this saturday
  13. @Hammer Head: "COL being under COM" is not enough, and that is also only for subsonic. Set the right speed and altitude parameters and run a derivative test, watch your Mw. When supersonic, the body generates a lot of lift, and the tip a lot of drag, if you are longer it gets harder to stay straight. Other things that can help are either starting your gravity turn later or going slower, or both. Every rocket works better with a different ascent profile.
  14. @Xgkkp: check out my sig on how to setup your control surfaces after you fix the issues mentioned by Voculus. It will help preventing waving, but first you need more pitch stability which is what making it longer will fix.
  15. @TUKE: hard to tell, I have an infinite ammount of stuff to do right now.
  16. No, I will continue with what was already submitted before reopening, on a standard tournament format. I will reopen submissions when everything updates, so its going to be really awesome. I didnt post more battles because I was AFK.
  17. Brendo, é só não usar sempre a potência máxima nos motores, esse motor é muio forte.
  18. Calmae tenho mt coisa pra fazer mas vo ver aqui. Blz vo resetar o server tb.
  19. @Endersmens: that seems cool, what about integrate it with KSP 1.1 com systems when it releases? This way you could block the craft from sending data when flying at certain areas or if its com systems are jammed, forcing you to leave the area alive to send the coords. @Baha: I did not have the chance to try out the latest version but is it possible to fight without using radars?
  20. Both FAR and BDArmory are being updated and my mod will come soon, so I think its a good idea to close the current round of submissions and run all of the battles then we can update. This way I can organize them into a normal tournament table which will not affect the battles that already rolled, they will just be added to the table. Planes that didnt fight would not be able to update anymore. What do you guys think? This way you can all go experiment with the latest BDArmory and FAR when it updates and I can tweak the weapons on my pack without being stuck on the current specs, and even add more!
  21. Olá PauloAburame, seja bem vindo. Fiz um vídeo sobre como fazer aviões, como eu ensino o que fazer os requisitos não importam muito, só fazer com o que você tiver disponível. Fazer shuttle eu não recomendo, pelo contrário, evite disperdiçar os seus recursos, a não ser que já tenha uma shuttle pronta. O recover do veículo não é tão grande, é muito complicado de construir e o risco de acidente é muito alto. Engraçado vc falar, meu onibus espacial consegue exatamente isso, ir pra Minmus, ou pra Mün se não disperdiçar combustível. http://kerbalx.com/tetryds/Onibus-Espacial Com um tanque extra na cargo bay acho que vai e volta de Duna mas não testei. Recomendo que vc pilote o meu pra ver o por que não vale a pena, lembrando que eu gastei um tempão pra fazer voar direito.
  22. Ops, sorry, there is a lot of stuff that I had to do here because of my trip and I was not able to record for today. My bad for hyping you, Azimech I will start posting battles again on Monday.
  23. @Darren9: never underestimate how FAR I can go for this challenge But I mostly want things not looking absurd, really. Good one Azimech, your turn today, against... let's see...
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