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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Yes, sure. I recommend doing that already, but I will only reopen submissions some time after the new one starts. Also, the current bracket system makes the current "points" system unfair, so I will wipe it and everybody will get points depending on how well their crafts performed on the tournament.
  2. Obrigado MKellerBR, esqueci desse detalhe.
  3. They don't fire yet, I will look into that tomorrow, why? It will take a while to balance all of them, and that kind of stuff. There are a few that were added after this pic was taken, and others in development, by the way.
  4. When the first tournament ends. I will also release my pack when that happens. New battle incoming, this one will take a bit longer to upload.
  5. Está jogando no modo carreira? Você precisa atualizar a sua tracking station (ou jogar no sandbox/ciência). Só pra esclarecer uma coisa, seus três primeiros posts precisam ser verificados antes de aparecerem no fórum, caso sejam repetidos apenas um deles será aceito. @EdusacconBR: Sim.
  6. I am double posting just so that someone who read the previous post doesn't miss this one. As good news, the video is now super small, 400MB for 5 minutes, I can totally handle that. New battle(s) incoming! Also as good news, this round is much nicer to watch than the previous one :3 New battle is out!
  7. Back to running battles As bad news, my desktop and ksp hate each other, for some mysterious reason I lag even on small crafts. The weird part is that sometimes I get something insane like 130fps and then the game stutters like there is no tomorrow. It has 8 cores, so it's expected to not run super well on KSP, but the game is just unplayable on it, I will stick to playing every other game on the highest possible settings on it for now. And my internet is not that awesome anymore, I am going to cut the recording down to 30fps, and do it raw as the shadowplay encoder is so great. Depending on how long it takes to upload them I could bring the resolution down to 720p, but I hope that reducing the framerate is enough. The idea is to be able to upload two videos in a day whenever I have time. I will stick to 1080p if I am only going for a single battle though. And will go after getting a better internet on the future.
  8. Sou moderador do fórum inteiro, e responsável pela nossa seção em português.
  9. Lembrando que esse é um tópico de ajuda e não uma discussão sobre MechJeb.
  10. luiz, sua gata é o chupacabra, você que não sabe. Ou sabe.
  11. As landing gears stock sâo frágeis mesmo, sempre alinhe elas verticalmente pro pouso e pouse sem sideslip.
  12. @Azimech: they give a weight advantage but the stock parts are more resistent @Veeltch: remember that not all KAX AJE props will be allowed, and that using KAX with AJE is not set to stone, they are not very flexible, I will try other AJE pros on the future.
  13. @Gustavo: O Zais tem http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/131095-Os-Say-My-Name-Lifters%21 @Brendo: Adicionado àlista de vídeos a fazer.
  14. @Veeltch: The camera mod is amazing, the only problem is that it's not as good for a dynamic environment. It can be used to track the target, but gives a bit of motion sickness, and requires editing. I will try it again and see if I can work with it easily, I will suggest changes to the mod for every difficulty I find, to help enhancing it. Each strategy requires a specific design, my plane was made to go as fast as possible and conserve energy, I just didn't fix the nose to give less drag, it was a test plane not meant to battle I just gave it a paintjob and AI settings.
  15. Yes that is a good result, as long as you conserve that energy while turning. But we are probably going to use AJE on the next version. And you remind me to give some info about what is going on. I finished moving and settling is taking a bit of time, unity stutters on my desktop for no apparent reason even if I run it at 130fps. I will wait for the update that will make use of the many cores it has, but for now running on the laptop is better. The plan is to finish the whole Round 2 and losers bracket this week, reminding that the losers bracket round one will be one single video with all the battles, because it shouldn't be too interesting. I may have got a slightly better cooling solution which would allow me to use scatterer or EVE, but I still need to test that. The weapons pack is progressing nicely, the weapons are ready now its just make them fire and tweak everything, which is not that fast, but I will be able to release the dev mod thread when the guns are firing. Meanwhile VintageXP is working on some bombs.
  16. @Crisk: those are not the same graphics, the lower one takes higher AoA before stalling but has a lower peak L/D, just like it should.
  17. @cantab: at least for now, airbrakes behave like on stock. This may change on the not so far future.
  18. Uso os dois, mas ultimamente com esse problema de as configs de controle resetarem se ele não estiver conectado estou jogando só com o teclado.
  19. ISRU é utilização de recursos em sítio. Isso significa utilizar recursos locais no caso de uma base em outro corpo celeste. Mineiração é um exemplo disso.
  20. I am always open to suggestions, but I don't think that making them extra heavy will be good, that is not their purpose. Now ammo, for instance, was made totally free for this very reason, Phearlock gave a very nice example on how to work with it. By the way, you will be able to have more guns on the next version of the challenge than now. Yes I also considered fixed loadouts, but remember that real life is not balanced. And having premade loadouts wouldnt be as fun. I mean, we end up already having fixed loadouts anyway haha. Thats a main reason why we need the AI to use many weapons. I guess I know how to set heavy fighter requirements, but will have to experiment first. Reminding that I am out for a few days before I run more battles.
  21. @Browning: yes, it would be amazing if the only limitations came from the game itself. But, as you said, unfortunatelly the game does not offer that, so it has to be done artificially. I am thinking of better ways to limit the weapons, but first we need to see if the AI will be able to use more than one weapon at a time.
  22. Sim, o modpack sim pq ele é só uma lista, você não fornece nada só direciona o ckan pra fazer os downloads @Gustavo: 100 mil toneladas? Acho que tem algo errado aí, haha. Diz 100 toneladas?
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