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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. É tintas, ele quis dizer tintas. Cada vez que vejo mais coisas sobre esse filme mais decepcionado eu fico. Pena de quem vai estar por perto quando eu assistir.
  2. Of my mod? Only if it drops real fast. There is no deadline but we will release new parts as soon as everything is ready. And AFAIK BDArmory itself is only going to update when KSP updates.
  3. You can find ww2 weapons on the mod linked on my sig. A 30mm cannon will be added on the next update.
  4. Pessoal, essa thread aqui é para postar imagens, off-topic é aqui: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/101575-Tópico-de-discussão-geral-para-discutirmos-sobre-coisas-sem-sentido E não, imagens no imgur não expiram a não ser que você selecione para expirar.
  5. Older versions of BDArmory (older than 9.x) were not tested with our mod, you will have to use it at your own risk and abstain from reporting bugs. Which mod gets broken if you update BDArmory? @FGF: great suggestions!
  6. Não vou dar spoiler do que vai ter. Torpedo não, bomber não carrega torpedo. Pintei de azul por motivos. É que o procedural parts so tem cores fixas, dai eu ia pintar de verde mas mudei de ideia haushsahusa.
  7. Fiz um bomber pra testar algumas coisas que virão no meu pack de armas :3 Ficou meio sleek demais mas eu gostei. Se colocar umas asas com sweep vira um B-1 Lancer, haha. Motores AJE do KAX.
  8. Geralmente o pessoal fica mas eu não, so espirro as vezes quando tem poeira.
  9. Enquanto isso aqui em curitiba tava muito seco e calor, dai deu ventania, choveu, ficou calor denovo, aí saiu sol e esfriou e agora eu n sei mais.
  10. @Veeltch: Whoops, that was weird. Fixed. And you should be not sticking things to these bombs, they disable FAR and use stock aero on themselves when deployed, having things hanging on it will not be good. @Fatal_Gam3r: Look, everything on the pack was made to be useful, it's a lot of work put on each of these parts to create and balance them. So, we cannot add everything just because it's cool, what is the point of being cool if it does not have a purpose? That does not mean we will not add more than one part that fills the same role, but it does mean we will not add a part that does not fill any. Yes, bombs are cool, that's why we made the ones currently availble on the pack. We *may* get more bombs any time, a bigger bomb could be useful for instance for a greater area damage against ground vehicles, but again what can't you do with a bunch of 1000lbs?
  11. I can answer that: 1-FAR does not account for wing thickness yet. 2-Way less important than you think it is, but it also helps to streamline the craft so it's not always a bad thing. 3-Not max, but you already have four deflection positions from retracted to max deflection. 4-Not gonna happen. At least not anytime soon, AFAIK.
  12. Mainly for balance reasons, the stock BDArmory ammo boxes don't really meet the requirements. This is specially important for BAD-T. Another important reason is that this pack is meant to be fully standalone, the objective is to not need anything from BDArmory other than the plugin modules. At the same time, it would be bad to replace BDArmory's ammo resource to balance it because that would become a mess. I tried to make them as straightforward to use as possible, and all calibers are shown on the weapons names. Don't think that this was an easy choice, btw. To make them use the stock 20mm ammo just change ammoName to 20x102Ammo.
  13. While I agree that 600m min should be the limit low, an aircraft built to get to 150m faster will also reach 600m faster, even more if the other airplane does not accelerate as much while climbing. What I am thinking about doing is spawning both very far away from each other, but I am still thinking of how would I do that. By the way, the next semifinal match was just ran! But first I need to see with erasmusguy if he would be fine with it being made public, it was not one of the most fun matches, you know. But there we have our finalists! Maelstorm vs KF-Spike 5 Both airplanes were designed to be light and powerful, with 20mm cannons and a lot of turn rate. The battle will happen soon. Who are you betting on? Remembering that the winner's craft will be made public after the final. About the losers branch, I am thinking about quick best of three 1x1 battles, no upload, just to show who wins.
  14. That's huge. Give me a good reason to implement it and I will consider your idea.
  15. Olá, tem alguns links sim na Central de Ajuda (que está meio desatualizada). Minha sig está meio cheia no momento, quando as dicas de FAR virarem vídeo em outro canal eu coloco os dois ali
  16. I hope that my sig helps if you are using FAR. I heavily recommend using it, esp. for fighters. Be light, powerful and fast, those are the tree main things to consider, you usually have to pick two tho.
  17. @ferram4: Yeah I also want them to explode, but during my testing a cannon type weapon with zero explosion parameters did not behave exactly like a machine gun with the same bullet speed and mass. I will see if I can find anything on the source code and balance explosive shells on the future, cannot promisse it for the next update though. @TUKE: our next update will have some turrets. There was no reason to animate any of our weapons so far.
  18. Thanks Littlerift, typos happen when you have a lot of other stuff to worry about... ...and I just noticed that my typo indicator was turned off for no reason, what is wrong with you Notepad++? The next update will fix these errors. I will probably rewrite some of them too, it was just not the highest priority for this first release. And it's not just the feels, each weapon has indeed a very specific purpose. But I'm never going to spoil it
  19. We are still implementing muzzle flash and smoke. This mod is just the tip of the iceberg, there is a lot more to come.
  20. @ferram4: Boom boom boom. @FungusForge: LOL, that would be awesome. @Mrpijus123: Haha, we expected those guns to be wanted, but first we created one weapon for each role and some variations, so that you can build any type of aircraft using them. Now we can focus on loadouts for specific airplanes so that people can use the pack to make accurate replicas. So, yes, the Mk.108 and the MG 131 are definitely coming. Well, I cannot ensure that this is going to happen, the variety of weapons is going to grow, having three versions of each of them would just add a lot of cluster and make them less unique. What I can ensure though, is that non "special" weapons like the Vickers S or the ShKAS will always get at least two versions. I agree though that the names should be a bit more standardized, I will work on that. But I will have to talk to VintageXP about having more models for all of them. @everybody: thanks for the support! I hope you are enjoying the pack as much as we enjoyed making it.
  21. It looks awesome! Unfortunately, those rocket pods are not ready yet, I don't recommend using them for anything other than looks. I will remove them on the next update until they are ready.
  22. O BDArmory tem um código que previne que você atire em si mesmo, quando a hélice passa na frente da arma ela não atira. Mas as vezes acontece um bugzinho chato que a arma para de atirar quando está atrás da hélice, mas é só arrumar o posicionamento. Na vida real foi bem complicado, tiveram que criar um sistema que sincronizasse a arma com a hélice, até então a traseira das hélices eram blindadas, aí o tiro batia e desviava.
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