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Everything posted by Sesni

  1. Nice video, but this goes in Live From Mission Control! Oh yeah you should also say Kerbin and not Earth. I think it bugs everyone.
  2. We're (Kerbals) cooler than humans because it doesn't take five million m/s of delta v to get to our farthest planet!
  3. A : Fix this bit "make an base on Bob" (Do this : make a base on Bop) B : Will there be more???
  4. Broken pics spotted! Other than that, nice work. EDIT : They're fixed now. Guess it was just that way on my end.
  5. Any mod 'round here wanna move this to Live From Mission Control??? P.S Read all of the subforum titles BEFORE posting.
  6. I know. I wanted my plane to look good instead of look stupid with five million winglets. (And besides, I suck at planes SO much, I can't even fly the BEST plane.)
  7. Post your images on the thread. You know how to do that, right? Also, it's not a glider if it has engines.
  8. Oooh I love aquatic laythe-bases (The only one I have seen is awesome.). Also like the gliders you've got here.
  9. Jeb represent! Keeeeep usin' those SRBs!
  10. Yeah. I like all the crafts on the forums.
  11. Welcome! I suck A LOT at KSP. Not much for tips but start looking for easter eggs! (Unless you've already read about all of them)
  12. HOLD THE PHONE! Retrying this with better vehicle right now. (You should make a bonus for picking more kerbals up that don't start in the CM, and a point chart instead of JUST leaderboards.) Nevermind, my luck is too bad currently to even TRY building something stable.
  13. The "Jeb! We gotta get outta here!" rover. Just leaving, except my seat for Jeb (Who was waiting for a stable plane from the WW1 challange I ragequit on because I suck at planes) had popped off, along with him. Timer ended like 20 seconds ago, just slowly driving forwards until I stop. Stopped at 3.351 KM away from Jeb. Highest speed 21 m/s Dunno why my MET is 7:18. I put the timer on my Ipad at 5 minutes. Also, I don't trust the end-flight gauges. Pretty sure the wheels I used can NOT go 175 m/s. Note : You should have a leaderboard for all challengers, in each of the current leaderboards.
  14. Here's my first plane. These two screenshots are unmanned for testing purposes On the runway (In the background, Jeb waiting for a stable plane.) It took off at about 100m/s (Mind you, it had gone OFF the runway by then, although I do not have a screenshot.) After it crashed after going into an uncontrollable set of loops Yeah, I suck at planes.
  15. This ship is designed to get in, take a high priority target, and get out FAST-ish. *Yawn* I'll test launch it tomorrow but here's some pics. You also might look at the rocket and go when you realize it's that much rocket for 75.75 tons (Funny number huh?) to get into high Kerbin orbit *Realizes I forgot to put RCS thrusters on it* GOD DANGIT Anyway, here's pics : It uses Mechjeb and Procedural Farings. Still highly in eperimental phase, I'll try to make this more organized tomorrow as well.
  16. Granted, but the kraken eats it on launch EDIT : I wish to go to Laythe.
  17. Wrong place, needs to be in live from mission control.
  18. The first landing of the ERV-1 (Exploration rescue vehicle 1.) "Jet" landing with a (somehow) resurrected Jeb eager to drive. Jeb and the Jet with "Tank" Rock. I named it that because it looked like a tank from the first named rock by me "Hal Rock" that I did not take a screenshot of because I marked it with a flag. The tank rock is northeast of Hal Rock.
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