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Everything posted by Sesni

  1. God I liked this the second I started hearing it.
  2. 363 : We, at the last second before crashing, we change the ship's objective to being a fireworks show, so all of our missions are successes.
  3. No. The user below me has been playing KSP since 1.20.2
  4. I want to see the next part!
  5. I knew all the youtuber references. Also, is 24 island a reference to 42???????
  6. HOLY MOLY (1 day late but the 4th is my birthday.)
  7. 356 : We go send our astronauts to interstellar space for no reason
  8. Just read the whole thing today, and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD I NEED MORE
  9. Happy exploring! (and game crashes)
  10. Well, I hope you have good launchings!
  11. Sesni


    You're supposed to make your own thread...
  12. Manufacturer : Sestonion Corporation Faction : Hanland Purpose : To ram spiritwolf ships and survive to ram more. Will put pictures later, test later, and add a download if people want it. Friggin game didn't save it for some reason. Nevermind.
  13. It'd be nice. (But maybe not that aircraft carrier.) My windows 8 laptop might be able to handle Levelord's base, as it can handle Team Fortress 2 with some lag when I try to use voice, and other lag in Mann Vs Machine.
  14. 70 : Teams red and blu are fighting a horde of robots (MVM)
  15. The Sestonion attack fleet moves in, going in to orbit of Boop. As they do not know the name boop, they name the system as this : Ignus : PLP-1098, Boop : WM-1 Doop : S-10986. They have not discovered other planets yet. It contains a squad of modified tanks named "Laythes" used for heavy fighting purposes in space (Instead of on the ground, as the main varient is for that.), and an hour later a colonization fleet, along with scientists come into orbit. After that, three "Sack", carriers named that because when in dire need, ground forces call them "Sacks of reainforcments" containing AAAPs, "Maggies" (It's an Amphibious-armored-anti-personnel vehicle), AAPCs (Amphibious-armored personnel carriers) "Magpies", a few de-orbit rockets for all of them, and small weapons to defend the carriers. All of the vehicles have state-of-the art armor, that has won many wars, and parachutes to drop into water. The Sacks and Laythes stay in orbit, as they have detected the Zerbals,
  16. I wonder if someone could get a cool boat and floating base on laythe, I'd like the save.
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