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Everything posted by Azimech

  1. Colonization vehicle for the glorious effort to populate Laythe! It's a very good truck and boat, with mining facility. It can also fly but is not very good at it. Can also be used on Kerbin. Maximum range in the water can be obtained with throttle at 33%. Landing on Laythe is easy, I just de-orbit and let it tumble, it won't overheat and easily slows down to subsonic. Touch down should be done on solid ground using parachutes, otherwise some nosecones might break. Now I only need to build a launch vehicle for it.
  2. I've updated my Space Charger to version 2.0. Note, pictures are from the old version (which was based on the Charger R/T v3.3) Download link
  3. This will help. Oh and ... have fun. All the way. This gem has influenced comedy and sci-fi in ways you can't imagine (yet).
  4. Sorry for the gonzo marketing. Our newest off-road vehicle. This car can drive anywhere. Our test drivers have taken it up mountains, climbing 53 degree inclines. It's fast too, with a top speed of 324km/h (201MPH, 90m/s). Fueled up it has a weight just under 10k kg. It's powered by four J-20 turbojets. Electrical power is provided by two fuel cell arrays. Someone stole your favorite parking spot? No problem. Driving characteristics: adjusted for rough terrain. This means it won't corner like a sports car but it won't roll over either. It's great for jumping and has RCS on board for controlling flight. Not only that ... it's actually capable of flying! Just keep an eye on your fuel gauges. No monopropellant means no control. We are proud to say we haven't installed reaction wheels. Deserts or polar regions, the Mountain Ghosts doesn't care. The passengers won't have to either, it has excellent climate control. The RCS balls on the corners have two purposes. They provide the attitude control but they also offer some protection to the car and occupants in case it rolls over. This is the trip to the carwash. Just remember to remove the koi from the backseat when you leave. The administrator will notice when one of them is missing. He talks to them every day. "Hello? Gene? It's Kelly. Kelly Kerman. You know, from hygiene management level two? Yes, the cleaning lady. Thank you, that's kind. What do you mean? Urrr ... no? Yes but ... Sorry but I need your help! Someone has parked a car on top of mine! Hello? Hello?" Stay tuned for more fantastic vehicles by Lowell. A 77 Industries brand. "Hello? Bob? Hi, remember me? Yes, from the party. No I'm not Brenda. It's Kelly. Yes I know my voice sounds the same. Well, you know ... I've got freckles down there, Brenda has not. Ohw you don't remember. What's Romulan Ale? Oh I see. Hey can you help me? I just wanna go home. I can't. Gene has parked his car on top of mine!" Download link.
  5. Sorry for the gonzo marketing. Our newest off-road vehicle. This car can drive anywhere. Our test drivers have taken it up mountains, climbing 53 degree inclines. It's fast too, with a top speed of 324km/h (201MPH, 90m/s). Fueled up it has a weight just under 10k kg. It's powered by four J-20 turbojets. Electrical power is provided by two fuel cell arrays. Someone stole your favorite parking spot? No problem. Driving characteristics: adjusted for rough terrain. This means it won't corner like a sports car but it won't roll over either. It's great for jumping and has RCS on board for controlling flight. Not only that ... it's actually capable of flying! Just keep an eye on your fuel gauges. No monopropellant means no control. We are proud to say we haven't installed reaction wheels. Deserts or polar regions, the Mountain Ghost doesn't care. The passengers won't have to either, it has excellent climate control. The RCS balls on the corners have two purposes. They provide the attitude control but they also offer some protection to the car and occupants in case it rolls over. This is the trip to the carwash. Just remember to remove the koi from the backseat when you leave. The administrator will notice when one of them is missing. He talks to them every day. "Hello? Gene? It's Kelly. Kelly Kerman. You know, from hygiene management level two? Yes, the cleaning lady. Thank you, that's kind. What do you mean? Urrr ... no? Yes but ... Sorry but I need your help! Someone has parked a car on top of mine! Hello? Hello?" Stay tuned for more fantastic vehicles by Lowell. A 77 Industries brand. "Hello? Bob? Hi, remember me? Yes, from the party. No I'm not Brenda. It's Kelly. Yes I know my voice sounds the same. Well, you know ... I've got freckles down there, Brenda has not. Ohw you don't remember. What's Romulan Ale? Oh I see. Hey can you help me? I just wanna go home. I can't. Gene has parked his car on top of mine!" Download link.
  6. @He_162 The looks are fine! It's a bit heavy though and the CoM is pretty far to the rear. Also the fuel tanks are positioned very low, at speeds above 110 m/s the car often hit the terrain. Also the boost flaps are positioned pretty low and a bit laggy. I've made a modification you can build upon, if you're interested. If you're using Editor Extensions Redux you can simply surface attach an air intake to a fuel tank, then attach a Juno to the air intake. Slide them into place and presto. CoM is placed much more to the front so I increased spring strength to 2.0. Didn't touch other settings. So the car looks cool, the handling can be improved. And the 16 Juno's give it a good acceleration but the mass of those things really hurts braking and cornering performance. Download link.
  7. Based on my Dodge Charger R/T 1969 v4.0 ... ... is now available as a separate craft: the Charger Daytona. Charger has undergone a diet with lots of body panels replaced with lighter ones. The interiour is mostly gone. Also added two Juno's (6 total) and four wheels (12 total), widened the track en lowered ride height, increased grip etc. Wheels have a camber of 2 deg. Top speed: 122m/s. Max acceleration: 1.9G. Max braking: 2.3G. Max G in corners: 7.8. Empty weight decreased from 7.995t to 7.042t. TWR increased from 1.007 to 1.713 (5% fuel). Obviously since this is based on an old design and quite heavy, it won't compete with my newer designs. It's fun to drive though. Download link
  8. A visual artist once told me that if you can't make a beautiful painting with four colours, you won't be able to do it with 16.7 million. So while it's true we don't actually need it to make beautiful stuff, I feel you guys can use some colour in your lives Personally, I'm totally bored with the black, grey and white. Anyway ... apparently Squad is listening to the community and we're finally getting stock texture switchers - better late than never.
  9. Now available as a separate craft: the Charger Daytona. Charger has undergone a diet with lots of body panels replaced with lighter ones. The interiour is mostly gone. Also added two Juno's and four wheels, widened the track en lowered ride height, increased grip etc. Wheels have a camber of 2 deg. Top speed: 122m/s. Max acceleration: 1.9G. Max braking: 2.3G. Max G in corners: 7.8. Empty weight decreased from 7.995t to 7.042t. TWR increased from 1.007 to 1.713 (5% fuel). Obviously since this is an old design and quite heavy, it won't compete with my newer designs. It's fun to drive though. Download link
  10. Nice! Jets are always more fun, even if the original had a top speed comparable with the max speed of the M1 wheels.
  11. The Gilly Rover (It drives fine on other worlds as well.) This rover was built primarily for the most unlikely place in the system. Two ion engines facing upwards help to keep the wheels on the ground or reduce the time between jumps. You can accelerate it to speeds enough to leave the SOI of Gilly if you want to, just keep in mind the wheels don't like speeds above 28 m/s due to a bug/design choice. On other worlds this doesn't occur and speeds higher than 70 m/s are possible. It has a lot of control and propulsion options. RCS all around, reaction wheels etc. Science package too. The "ears" are detachable, they're xenon and RCS tanks with a higher flow priority. Action groups: 1 Toggles fuel cell arrays. 2 Toggles reaction wheels. 3 Cycles reaction wheel modes (very useful!) 4 Toggles downforce ion engines. 5 Toggles forward propulsion ion engine. Recommended Friction And Spring Settings For All Worlds World Front Spring Rear Spring Front Friction Rear Friction Moho 0.2 0.2 0.6 1.2 Eve 1.2 1.2 0.8 1.2 Gilly 0.05 0.05 0.1 0.3 Kerbin 1 1 0.8 1.2 Mun 0.5 0.5 0.8 1.2 Minmus 0.25 0.25 0.8 1.2 Duna 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.2 Ike 0.5 0.5 0.8 1.2 Dres 0.5 0.5 0.8 1.2 Laythe 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.2 Vall 0.6 0.6 0.8 1.2 Tylo 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.2 Bop 0.3 0.3 0.8 1.2 Pol 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 Eeloo 0.5 0.5 0.8 1.2 Download link
  12. First solution: Boost Flaps. Look for "installation guide" on kerbalX. Second solution: search for Drag Race Launcher on kerbalX.
  13. Totally forgot to announce version 4.0. A lot has improved! See the OP.
  14. If I were you I'd install the Juno's in the front of the car just like the real thing. Better CoM. At first my '69 Charger had the jets behind the rear axle. When I moved them to in between the front axle, the car handling improved. And a 1977 car ... yes!
  15. Yes, I know this. I just wanted to help PB666 with his suspicion :-)
  16. What exactly is a "deep blue star"? You're talking about Wolf-Rayet stars? And talking about early, surely Spica went through an early phase. Apparently 40% of Wolf-Rayet systems are binaries. https://arxiv.org/abs/1604.01022 And apparently a close binary is no exception with Wolf-Rayet stars either. http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0004-637X/789/1/10/pdf
  17. Your suspicion might need some tuning. The name Azimech is the alternative name for the Spica star system. These two blue giants orbit each other every four days. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spica
  18. You could say the whole of Gilly is one large jump-fest. But without the adrenaline.
  19. First we have to build Deep Thought. And the answer is pretty useless anyway. I mean ... what is 6 times 7?
  20. You've got a point there. Could be ... bacteria producing hydrazine. But closer to home ... all rocket engines run on bacteria farts (oxygen) + something else anyway.
  21. Laythe is the innermost moon of Jool. You could argue the oceans stay fluid due to tidal heating.
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