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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Hey all, just a few more screenies from the balancing trials (tribulations expected soon)
  2. Hi, well thats novel I've spent the last few days trying to make them do just that thing, and here you are saying it's a stock feature But more seriously I've not heard of these parts sinking spontaneously. TO clarify , which parts are affected?? are you using the latest version of this mod? do you have the community resource pack installed? what other mods do you use? IF needs be can you remove all of the not boat parts parts from the vessel and post a craft file
  3. Is there any reason why not to just use tweakscale? aside from not being able to scale one edge only i don't really see any disadvantage
  4. HI, i'm surprised you can even launch with the log spamming those errors, it all starts going wrong after it loads tac life support, and it goes down hill fast from there, I don't use realism mods so I can't advise on how best to sort that out, though I have a suspicion that something that you installed is out of date and needs updating either that or its an incorrect installation of part of the set . That doesn't explain the issues with VenStockRevamp which is generating a lot of errors in fact most of your log a good 15MB is filled with errors from that mod alone. Once you start seeing the dreaded Look rotation viewing vector is zero Your game is over and if it runs at all it will be at a terrible frame rate and be filled with the kind of problems you describe. As you can recreate the issue by restarting and adding the same mods over again, firmly points to something wrong with that group of mods. Normally I 'd say split you r mods in half and try each half to see if the game runs better or the same and then swapping to the other remaining half , but that doesn't work with the mods you have installed as they all need to work together The best thing i can advise it to check the relevant threads to see if any similar issues have been reported, and always the CKAN thread as they are most likely to point you in the right direction
  5. Thats one hell of a long list of plugins, is that only 5GB of ram? you could easily be having memory issues due to there not being enough . The error seems to start with contract configurator, and simply it was unable to load the plugin (in simple terms) You are going to need to check that all those plugins are 1.1.3 ready and not for an earlier version, and if they are all up to date, which I doubt, then you'll need to take half the mods out and see if it will run, if it will, swap for the other half and try again. It is very unlikely for any plugin for earlier versions 1.1 etc will work in the current game. so I wouldnt waste time trying, if it's not updated don't use it. SO try reducing your mods first and see what happens and when, and post another log if needed
  6. That's about the size of the problem yes, All Rights Reserved! it's certainly not due to any reluctance on my part, I know enough now to fix a broken plugin, but still not enough to write a complete sinker module from scratch, and this works so well with these parts it's a shame not to be able to use it. The game however must be played within the rules, and I have ARR mods of my own so I fully understand the reason for it. I could go with a simple yes or no answer right now, as i really want these things to sink and by hook or crook they will. If turns out to be a big fat no from kimiko , I'll set up some resource convertors in a balanced flood /pump situation, so that losing a pump due to damage would cause the vessel to take on water and eventually sink.
  7. Yup that'd be great, I need at least one person to give me some feedback/erreps and it looks like you're IT again (got to have a huge sort out before i start, all my installs are getting messy and a lot larger than intended (130 mods/modlets in one of them) ) Cheers
  8. Nothing stopping me showing you an image or two though The final stages of the first proper sinking, balancing these to not be indestructible and yet not too fragile is a lot harder than i expected
  9. Hi thanks for the thanks The missile sizes i know are an issue with some players, there may some avenues to explore, that don't necessarily need any changes to the parts. As chief necromodder i thought I'd catch this one before it breathed it's last. Some thanks are definitely due to be pointed toward @LORDPrometheus without his cooperation and blessing none of this would be possible
  10. Scansat does that with the Altimetry scanner, what it doesn't do is put a big arrow saying land here, you need to do that bit yourself How much more detail could you want ( yeah i know , cross sectional 3d view, rofl)
  11. Hi all, by the time you read this you'll know that for the near future I'll be looking after PEW, some may YAy and some may groan, but rest assured my only purpose is to keep things ticking along and while BDA is being updated quite intensively right now(and things may change) it's best not to let good mods fall behind. So I'm not 100% up to speed on any issues you're all having, if any, So if there are annoyances and irritations let me know, In a clear coherent fashion please (comments along the lines of "It's broken! Fix It!" are likely to earn a fish slap and minimal support) As mentioned above my main role is to keep the mod alive and maintain compatibility, so new features are unlikely (unless LP's bundle of source files contains an abandoned or unfinished items) But fixes and sensible tweaks will be carried out as and when the need arises. cheers all.
  12. Hi not had any response from the Author @kimiko and as it's ARR I'm unable to (for the purposes of you lot) touch it as of yet
  13. Hi, i just dl'd and checked out whats going on with the oceans (in my role of necromodder ) I've a feeling that the trouble is stemming from the shader used to color the oceans, I seem to recall some changes to the alpha shaders since 1.0.5. I'd imagine that in an ideal world the water part of the model would use Unity's translucent specular . You may get lucky with messing around with the texture but i reckon the only real fix would be re exporting the models fixing the shader and exporting them back into KSP A short time later.... I couldn't resist, and was a nice diversion from a mare of a UV unwrap. Turns out it is a shader issue, Once I'd worked out what worked best it looks quite smart, The planet surface uses an alpha cutoff shader, I added a bump map because it was easy (and gives the surface nice definition), and the ocean layer which actually sits inside the surface model, not the layout I'd expected. uses a specular shader with the shininess maxed out, and voila shiny oceans. The mod has an open source license so it is a candidate for updating with no issues.
  14. A little preview of some parts that are about to be tested and all being well turn up in the next LBP Update. The Parts Carrier hangar deck section and attachable working elevators, up to six in large and small sizes Carrier short bow section Carrier short stern section Carrier short hull section Cruiser short (5mtr) hull section The two previously advertised VLS tube holding hull sections A couple of Ventilator style Air intakes So it will finally be possible to build a carrier that's not quarter of a mile long
  15. Thanks for that review, great that you enjoy/ed using SM Marine and even better (for me) to get some feedback on the newer parts Hi, somebody, knowing my necromodding habits, mentioned that they'd really like to use it again, Once i found a copy it was the easiest wake up i've done for a while, simply a little tweak in the cfg's to bring them up to the current KK specs and launched it, it all works fine, it's sad that it's not a current mod as it's great looking. It'd be a good candidate for revival if it wasn't ARR'd to the dozens of contributors, and i really dont fancy tracking each one down and asking for permission. I'll drop you a pm
  16. If the mod has a plugin then it's very doubtful as there were many code changes between the two versions. If however if it is just a parts mod with no plugin dependency you stand a good chance that it will work without issue, there being no noticeable changes to the part or cfg between the two versions.
  17. Hi, yes and no, I have dummy cranes but never saw the point in including them in a mod. You couldn't have a functional animated crane as KSP doesn't work that way. You can make one with custom Infernal robotics parts, and I have those too, (snag is for some reason that i don't fully understand they're all broken and attempts to fix have failed dismally) So yeah a crane is possible, you could have a two part assembly with a KAS winch and there you go insta crane. As for how many times a creation from the LBP can circumnavigate Kerbin, with the (ludicrous) amount of fuel they have in the current release using a pair of suitably sized engines, somewhere between 42 and whatever time it takes for you to give up playing KSP. The fuel quantity is just an easy way of adding and adjusting mass, I'm pretty certain that most users of the LBP never use more than a tiny fraction of the available fuel. A heads up for the near future, as these are not spacecraft and don't need rocket motors I will be removing all the oxidizer from the parts, the storage capacity will remain but you have to add the oxidizer yourself if you want to use rocket motors. This is part of the process of removing some of the parts mass and using other available methods to achieve correct(ish) buoyancy and stability
  18. Hey, yup you got me, rofl's. but it just goes to prove that nobody ever reads the first post once it's a couple of pages back, you being the first to ever mention it
  19. H sorry no i can't and i doubt if Laythe2 has any after all this time, another thread reader may be able to supply some craft files, the trouble is that although the parts are limited in variety, the list of mods players use to make the ships is pretty much endless. Not to mention the half dozen weapon packs that get used. All that being said, the ships are not difficult to build , if you just use the correct sized parts for each type of ship they come out, less weapons pretty much as you see them in the image.
  20. Something like this? 16 mounting points fits both sizes of launcher.
  21. Hi, yes there is a descriptive blunder there, it has been both at one time but at present it's just GPS, as this is the mode i found most useful. I will update shortly . I'm pondering a way to make guidance switchable ( i foresee an increase in fun factor if i can make this happen)
  22. Hi all , next update will feature a couple more parts designed to take the Malfunc weaponry MK 41 vls tubes, the sub part pictured below will hold 16 tubes, including combinations of long and short launch tubes.
  23. Should be ok with the latest version of BDA nothing significant has changed in the BDA set up, and just running a quick check shows nothing untoward so I reckon it's good for 1.1.3
  24. Hi, just confirming that this part kindly provided by Themorris is in the current Large Boat Parts modern pack, it appears in the structural tab and is called Medium Modern Hull VLS-Section. And thanks again
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