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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Nope, currently in RnD , running into stability issues at +150, still working on a revised version, thought i had it last night , 200+ on a wiff of fuel, and not flying, until i loaded the craft into a vanilla save and discovered that the tiny ctrl srf that had been the key to success was a mod part (profuse cursing etc edited) I think I've reached the limit on the light cat design though. I will post the craft, just so many other projects and even with 24hrs a day it's not quite enough time to do everything i want
  2. Hey, well adding mass has certainly helped, the noobshaft managed to knock on the door of a whole 20 rads, this is a major triumph and i permitted myself a small woop I know it's not at all stock, so some evidence may be required so here's a few pics of noobshaft, note at present it's only running 85kn so potential for a bit more yet
  3. I've noticed this as well, I have made a two part turbo shaft {inspired by one of your many other posts ), literally just a cowl with thrust transforms and a turbine shaft complete with vanes, decouple and thrust bearings and this does exactly what you describe, after reading your post I'm going to add mass and see what happens, as ALL my tshafts fail in exactly the same way, the front end of the shaft drifts through the collider in a way that makes no sense to me, I'm with you on materials, whats the point of a metal material that has the same integrity as a cloud
  4. HI i've seen this a lot and 9 times out of 10 it's caused by an error, try alt f2 (cmd f2) and see if anything is reported there, check the log especially find the parts that are misbehaving and check that all modules and animations are being found correctly. If you can;t make sense of it post a log (not pastebin, use dropbox or something so you can post the complete zipped log) and I'm sure someone will be able to find your problem or likely causes. Is every single mod you have installed compatible with 1.1.3 or whatever version you are using? (be aware that using updated for 1.1.3 mods on old pre 1.1.3 installs is likely to cause lots of problems)
  5. just sorting out an IVA but i will get that image sorted soon, its probably horrible FE as it was being pushed by two panthers, though it didn't seem to be munching a lot of fuel, we''ll let the numbers decide, cheers
  6. Added! and about to find out if there are any repercussions, also added ammo and cannon shells
  7. Hi, in all the years playing KSP i've never done a challenge before. Soooooooo hydrofoil;s aren't mentioned not mentioned in the rules , therefore I tentatively enter my challenge cat, with a score of 56.36037 mass 17.576 speed 144.3 parts 45 It goes a lot faster and does actually take off around 190ms which may be an issue, because then its a god awful aircraft
  8. i Like that idea, lots of things that would be otherwise difficult to define contain EC, unless someone can point out a valid reason not to add EC, fuel and oxidizer are already defined so it completes the set. disclaimer (I do not have any ties or connection to this mod (or it's maintenance, i have enough projects of my own) and my experiments are purely that of a curious c# illiterate and as such are likely to unexpected unintended results)
  9. Cool if that is the case then i've thought of some other parts that would be liable to destruction damage, as a plugin noob (though improving ) can i ask if the following items are game defined strings, or will this particular bit of code look for parts with the string included in the name, from my basic understanding they are defined in the game code, but better to check with someone who knows more public static List<string> PartTypesTriggeringUnwantedJointBreakEvents = new List<string>(8) { "decoupler", "separator", "docking", "grappling", "landingleg", "clamp", "gear", "wheel" }; Plenty of other ways to get this done so either way it's no biggy, but still nice to know
  10. Hi seems to me like you're aiming to make a planet the hard way, all the tools and info you need can be found in the thread below
  11. Nope just an identical sister ship that put up a very spirited defense of KSC island, i think it was the 122mm rocket salvo that set it alight, which in turn destroyed everything forward of the main superstructure, finally blew up sending all but the aft hangar to the bottom. (I'm still working on balancing those LBP parts so at least they are destructible now.)
  12. Hi nice work on getting an update out, I'm wondering if alongside wing, fuselage, engine etc as parts affected could you possibly add Bow, stern , hull ? (Can't remember the last time i requested something from another mod maker) No biggy if it's more hassle than it appears. I'm thinking with the current proliferation of ship mods it could be a worthwhile addition (in fact I've just had a look through the source and can see how it would be done, I'll take a swing at it myself, and let you know if it works out as expected) A short while later... It was fairly uncomplicated to do and has so far been successful, no errors relating etc, and as mentioned by others if it lasted a little longer it would be perfect. Below bow hull and superstructure ablaze
  13. Hi, i may be a little off here and just a touch rusty , I've just checked the cfg's and most if not all the disengage and engage effects for all engines are simple sound_vent_medium or sound_vent_soft and I'm wondering if your effects are outside the time range allowed for that clip part, after all as stock it is just that hiss/bang when you press the stage button. Also I've noticed that having sound_ RR_Olympus_Startup instead of just RR_Olympus_Startup can be what is required, there are some rules about where and when sound_ should be the prefix but for the life of me i can't find them or remember them, (senior weekend) I also have an inkling that what you are really after is the spool up and spool down effects rather than engage and disengage
  14. Anyone for some hull numbers? (tedious mod of the year)
  15. @V8jester ( also relevant to @Redlemon) Hiya I'm not sure what is going on with everybody's FPS but I've just tested all the weapons current and yet to come and they all work. although KIS is null reffing like a good un () But as you can see below it does work, included in the link attached is an EVA manager and cfg that works for me, and the ammo pack with required modules as pictured below. Extract the archive, delete current plugin folder from FPS and replace with one from zip, Also included the complete ammo folder, delete the current version of the ammo folder and replace with the one from the zip Usage, equip weapons and weapon pack pictured below, in the usual manner, when selected from inventory and equipped the BD gui may activate at this point, if it does select armed and choose weapon from gui as per normal and then check weapon toggle, even though BD is loaded it still needs a manual toggle of a few of the weapons. TEST FIX If non of that works I'm going to need to see a log ( i know about the KIS issues ) what I'm looking for is other interactions and errors. ( Looking into the 1.2 future i can see issues with all BD stuff as the current default gui it uses for all weapons is being phased out, this'll affect everyone concerned with weapons mods of any type)
  16. Hiya, and thanks i think? you beat my alt record by 6500 mtrs (mind you i did use a balloon) And while I'm well aware of the deployment issues, still not found a fix, I don't like that they are so temperamental, I suppose though with the way other things are refusing to interact properly with EVA that we should be thankful for the odd times when they do perform as they should. (not thankful, it irritates me that it's so near and yet so far)
  17. It relies on a bit of tuning it is not automatic, the sub has ballast in every compartment so is fairly easy to trim, the keel can help but is not really needed, a better use for the keel and ballast tank is to use them to lower cg of ships, but to use the pump/tank close transfer for bow and stern hull parts and fill mid tanks first, once reaching submerging point you trim using fore and aft, it's almost impossible to have an auto system that does all the thinking for you without a massive plugin to back it up, Fengist has a make it sink module that helpsish if you have no clue but experimenting with the values is the best way forward and once you are used to the parts can be trimmed quite quickly
  18. Hi you can only have an intake that has a defined resource List Here You can define your own resources without issue and they'll work for all kinds of things but for an intake to recognize them will take a plugin of some sort ( this is my current understanding, could be wrong )
  19. @Fengist All present and correct now Cheers
  20. @Fengist I Say old chap it appears that the downloaded ZIP contains no data, dl'd twice to make sure
  21. Great stuff i shall be testing it immediately Re the video, even though I mod ( and i feel your pain with the 300+ reloads to make this work)i couldn't help laughing a lot cheers
  22. Hey all, updates today for Boomsticks, SM_Marine and the Large Boat Parts pack,  New Parts for SM_Marine and the Large Boat Parts pack, and mainly missile tuning in Boomsticks

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