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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Hi adding the IR modules is extremely easy, Its very fussy with it's hierarchy and the fixed mesh HAS to be the base object or things get really weird. Both the rotating module and the traversing module suit being used for many other things very well. Such as the example below with rotation instead, which because of the new location for the wheel colliders can still drive in this position, which is great for getting unstuck. Oh ps just posted the unity diy wheel package in my other wheels thread PPS the octagonal base parts are part of a very old mod called magnetic modules that i have kept and updated with IVA's etc for personal use
  2. Hi all, just bring to notice that I have now added a DIY wheel package for unity 3 onwards in the original post. It is complete and ready to produce a really great performing wheel, it's not pretty but it works extremely well in all situations, Try it and see
  3. The RokoLite adapter a standard Rockomax tapered adapter fitted with two powerful spotlights, unlike other items of similar type the lighting is not tied to the deployment so fully deployed the lights can be either on or off. The unit also carries a small rechargeable battery unit to ensure constant lighting performance. A new introduction that seems to be needed the RockoPanel, Just like a standard RockoMax adapter only much more useful this one is complete with twin suntracking solar panels, everything else is pure rockomax so no problems in use are expected although panel output may need tweaking to suit certain tastes and feedback. Download from Spacedock Emergency dl should Spacedock be unavailable License: CC BY-SA 2.0
  4. HI, sorry to say this has been brought up many times and every time dismissed, why? simply because any decent mods are constantly updated so the mods in the pack would need constant updates and second because all the various addon creators would have to be contacted and their agreement sought, you may have noticed that 90% of addons for KSP come with a license, in some cases the licenses are very restrictive. I for one would not relish the job of just keeping up with the updates to even a couple of popular packed mods never mind a complete pack
  5. Hi all got to agree with comments regarding power drain, have similar issues using the latest plugin modules elsewhere, as nothing has changed my end I presumed it was a new feature and slapped on one of my UniGen units although even that which will quite happily power a huge starship and all its toys seems to be working very hard to keep up
  6. Heres your POC (proof of concept) IR fitted repulsor, I know it's not a KerbalFoundries model but as lo_fi well knows I'm a module abuser and it's still testing plugin suitability for other purposes Pretty simple just an engine in a pod with a lo_fi repulsor integral, And an IR rotating joint built into the leg, another thing with more transforms than parts!
  7. Re items moving with animations, after many attempts myself and exactly as many failures I bit the bullet and instead of an animation I made the whole part, part of the IR tree, in the case of a deployable bay or launcher the main body would be the fixed mesh and the bay part the moving mesh, actually not that difficult to do, once you've setup a few but it is very sensitive to hierarchy positions. I'll have speaks with MW and see if theres anything suitable for a demo currently in production.
  8. I always build the item, be it a ship or a solar panel in one part, uv map the whole object, then cut it up tweaking the map for bulkheads etc as i go, otherwise I have a horrible time trying to match edges patterns and colors, and if the model has several cloned/duplicate parts I always make sure to fully map a complete object before cloning, although this does lead to shared uv's it's not something I have an issue with.
  9. This is dead easy, It'd be a mod to make IVA's actually interactive, releasing Kerbs from being trapped in the seat for the whole journey, I already have a couple of huge IVA elements that are useless without it, admittedly a Kerb can enter them and drift around but ideally, once inside the hull of the vessel the Kerb should be considered INSIDE with some form of basic gravity. This would allow those of us who enjoy making IVA's to go mad, individual cabins, rec rooms, hangar bays, large domed outposts etc etc ad infinatum , it'd be great
  10. Very interested in seeing how this goes, always looking for new wheel control modules to play with and use in my many experimental vehicles and suspension setups , there can never be too many, good luck making a unity reality a KSP one.
  11. Hi , the torque links could be added as a completely different part, I would animate the gear with as few parts as possible. Then import the models for the torque links, this way they are separate from the animation hierarchy. I have run into similar problems myself and it's always caused by the rigidity of the animation hierarchy, in the sense that parts of the hierarchy are fixed in position so if you move them or rename them it breaks the animation. As long as the torque links LOOKFX have something to look at it will follow, you could also use constrain fx to fix the torque arms in position on the landing gear using placed and childed game objects at torque arms pivot points, and in the cfg match position=true, match rotation=false. It also seems to me that you'd be better treating this as an animated rover wheel rather than landing gear, the landing gear module is pretty useless for stuff like this.
  12. hi looking at your part I'd say the node_attach is what you need for the radial attached parts, the node attach does not show as a ball as does node stack. Node attach is mainly used for surface attached parts like the radial pats of your pic, by using node attach you can also make use of the symmetry tool in the vab/sph and the editor extension mod which allows up to 32 times symmetry I believe. To use the node attach ideally you would set the part to be attached to have it's base at 0.0.0 not essential but easier to start, then specify the node in the cfg something like node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 which basically means surface attach at 0.0.0 and have a node that is z up( this usually takes some experimentation before perfection is achieved) Which would work if your attachable part is at 0,0,0 and in the part you wish them to be attached to you would in the attach rules have something like //Attachment rules (Stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision) attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 which allows things to be surfaced attached to it Using the attach nodes means you dont have to specify nodes on the core part
  13. Hi all brake torque is one of those many things that will never be perfect for all occasions, ideally it would be adjustable for each rover you built. However watch this space, as in the near future, with Lacks permission the wheels will be rebuilt to use a very special and very clever custom wheel module, that makes the wheels behave so much better than the standard module that is controlling the wheels concerned. In the meantime you can either (A) alter the brake speed and brake torque in the cfg, by altering the following brakeTorque = 10 brakeSpeed = 0.5 Brake torque is fairly obviously the amount of torque applied to stop the wheel rotating, and brake speed less obviously is the speed at which the braking torque goes from 0 to full on, tests have proved that altering the brake speed is a better adjustment than brake torque, as it still allows firstly for a decent stopping power, while creating the effect of heavier vehicles taking longer than light vehicles to come to a stop and a much nicer effect of adjust brake speed is that you can safely apply small amounts of braking in low g without taking off or flipping. ( build heavier rovers or of course © put up with it for a little while Cheers Spanner
  14. Kerbin Cruise lines face liquidation Since the start of their obsession with space travel Kerbals have forsaken traditional more traditional holiday opportunities model in game via KerbTown. How many Kerbals are on board?
  15. That most be really frustrating, you have my respect for sticking at it all the same, I'd think the best bet is for you to adopt a stockalike color scheme, as then at least you'd have a reference, although as CB affects different peoples color perception in different ways that could be really rubbish advice, but although not restricted as you are, I'm awful with color, black and white and shades of grey fine, but when it comes to proper color I'm decidedly average. Hope you manage to work something out. Cheers Spanner
  16. Personally I'm not fussed, but I don't put up with unsolicited ads at home and I don't want them with my mods, so I'm quite happy with anywhere that gives me a hassle free download, although I agree with the principle of a central location for mods, it's a very rare thing and only a couple of games I've ever made mods for have provided such facilities either on a dedicated forum or at another location. Out of choice however I send anything I do for others via drop-box because it's so terribly convenient.
  17. Yes Capt initially something along the more simple setup like the tr2l which can actually be turned into a decent wheel once reworked but following that when I get a moment a full blown shocks and suspension arms setup the whole works
  18. Ha look at me double posting . Anyway, a little something else I could share with you, thought of keeping this to myself, for a mod, but then as I don't do direct releases anymore, preferring to work as a sub contractor ( blame these guys SpannerMonkey 52,014 Total File Downloads ) I thought I'd stick it somewhere useful anyway Here is a unity grab of a multiple wheel unit with two individual and fully function wheel and suspension units, note that each wheel has to have a unique name for the vital components and these have to be exactly the same in the cfg for everything to play nice, and yes it will work with landing gear although things can get a bit more complex when animation is involved, as animations can get seriously deranged by renaming or moving of parts, I suggest getting your hierarchy a close as possible in your modeling application before exporting to unity. And here is the cfg part that controls it all MODULE { name = ModuleWheel hasMotor = true resourceName = ElectricCharge resourceConsumptionRate = 0.7 canSteer = true controlAxisType = Forward steeringModeType = AutomaticSteer brakeTorque = 100 brakeSpeed = 2.5 impactTolerance = 3000 overSpeedDamage = 65 WHEEL { wheelName = wheel wheelColliderName = wheelCollider suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint damagedObjectName = brokenWheel rotateX = 1 rotateY = 0 rotateZ = 0 } WHEEL { wheelName = wheel001 wheelColliderName = wheelCollider001 suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse001 suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint001 damagedObjectName = brokenWheel001 rotateX = 1 rotateY = 0 rotateZ = 0 } steeringCurve { key = 0 20 key = 10 6 key = 30 2 } torqueCurve { key = 0 10 0 0 key = 30 30 0 0 key = 40 0 0 0 } } MODULE { name = FXModuleConstrainPosition matchRotation = true matchPosition = false CONSTRAINFX { targetName = steering moversName = trackSteering } } And yes it works with more than two wheels as long as you have the parts with unique names, , I currently have an 8 wheeled chassis unit on test, albeit with some special tweaks for the smoothSteering setup created by lo_fi(cheers again buddy), I've not found the crunch point when i can't add more wheels but undoubtedly I will:0.0: Feel free to ask any questions. Cheers Spanner Please do not duplicate the wheel unit pictured above as it is property of Lack Luster Labs inc , cheers
  19. I have so many pm's in which i answer relevant question I thought it about time i started sharing some of this stuff with you the wheel creators. This from a convo regarding some dev work I've carried out on behalf of an unreleased/unfinished mod Reply yes you can change the wheel, you need of course your new style wheel, import it to unity then simply remove the existing and drop yours in it's place, it is VITAL that the part ends up in exactly , not just close exactly the same position, . I generate a large part of the hierarchy before I even start , you will notice that a lot of it comprises bare Named game objects /Transforms with colliders attached as required, it is CRITICAL that the wheelCollider, suspensionNeutralPoint , suspensionTraverse and steering share the same origin, not just close but exact, easily accomplished by creating an empty game object naming it the correct name then duplicating it and renaming to the next item you need. If its not perfect BAD things will happen and you will go mad trying to work out whats going on. Hope that helps a bit, note that you can duplicate the whole object complete move it to one side and work on a duplicate, moving and changing as you wish, while having a standard version to compare to, Note also the setup is not standard squad so use my ref images and ask for clarification if you get stuck . To ALL I shortly intend to release a complete unity Package that contains a complete simple fully functional wheel and suspension setup, the package will contain everything you need to create and understand how it all goes together.
  20. Great work on this guys, nice work including us of the more mechanical leanings in the discussion, i know it's far to easy to say all this in pm's and gchat or whatever (guilty of this myself) rather than sharing the process and some thoughts, much appreciated
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