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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. This may seem like a silly question but are you putting the model through unity? rather than just dropping your dae in the gamedata mod folder.
  2. Plus ammo is a resource just like anything else and so can be added to any other part, less than two minutes to sort, and if you really wanted to go mad a MM cfg could add an amount of ammo to any chosen parts
  3. Very unlikely as I find that color does not affect performance, and with one exception they are all parts of other projects which require the texture as it is. However the textures are easily accessible and there are plenty of tutorials for changing textures for personal use.
  4. Just want to thank you all for your continued support of this mod, special thanks of course go to LORDPrometheus for his continued maintenance and persistence in trying to keep this mod going, it is his intention to move his maintenance to a new thread, as a lot of the early stuff is either so outdated , or stacked up under dusts sheets that it's only fair to give him, a clean slate to work with I've have PM'd him with the go ahead, also with a germ of an idea which would still allow me to contribute, still got so many toys i should have thrown out there, once again cheers guys Spanners Boomsticks , a small pack of alternate weaponry to complement the very cool BD Armory plugin and parts pack New update available now with two new units and revised internals for the MK1 weaponised cockpit (see foot of page for full changes) The WIP MK1 Cockpit weaponsied with 2x 30 mm canons built in This pack comprises parts developed while experimenting with the BD Armory plugin and as a spin off from other things I'm involved in. They are all as far as I am aware fully functional and fit for purpose, please note that I'm color dyslexic and if the textures look ok it's more by luck than any skill on my part. Some of the parts have been made tweakscale compatible , especially the large artillery as they tend to look a bit puny when sat on a 40 meter ship deck. For these weapons to function you WILL need the BD Armory plugin available in thread here The pack includes New Phalanx CIWS in 30mm ammo config New 30mm single unit ball turret for the budget conscious user Large dual and single barrel 105 mm artillery turrets, Now with reduced rate of fire and rotation more inline with reality. Also the smaller has has a light retexture A smaller dual barreled cannon suitable for smaller armored vehicles, but still packing the same punch. NOW detuned as it was way over the top, with reduced range and power more inline with it's expected uses Fixed barrel 30 cal cannons intended for aero use, test have been very successful. Available in a nice slippy aero shell or a rugged all workings visible M30 style . Unchanged Twin and single unit minigun pods 1x 30 mm auto cannon, of the type that is seen suspended beneath many aerial death machines, capable of sustaining very long bursts of fire. Will quite happily mount either way up. Features almost a full hemisphere of movement allowing for 360dg coverage from a fixed point. Now includes RPM camera transform Quad 50 cannon in a marine style housing, simply it makes things go away . UNCHANGED And a belly mount (if you want) minigun turret also featuring almost a full hemisphere of movement UNCHANGED Changelog version 0 25.64.1 23/10/14 1/ converted all textures to png to avoid possible glitches and memory issues with tga format. 2/ added phalanx CIWS and 30mm single barrel ball turret 3/ Added smoke effect to some weapons, experimental 4/ removed tweakscale from some weapons to avoid unpredictable behaviour Downloads Kerbal stuff download Download direct from dropbox License All Rights reserved. Note I am not a 3d artist, I never did art, so don't expect perfection, these are released so those who have expressed an interest can play with the parts before they're forever lost on my hard drive. They work for me as they are, if you'd like to push some part of them further contact me, and as always if you like them cool, if you don't , well the resource is there so try and make your own
  5. Hi really enjoying the well behaved nature of this mod, I do however have a slight snag , I do a lot of modding and reloading via altf12 and have noticed that each time I reload I get a new KK icon in the vab or sph, I can usually get away with a couple or three , for short periods but any more than that and it's crash time. Probably wont be an issue for most users, but could you take a quick look at it, as no other plugin is affected or displays the same behaviour. ( using 64bit as i can't even get 32 to start since 0.24) Cheers
  6. Hi thanks for that, those issues had all been brought to my notice and addressed in a now abandoned update, as the modding scene is now flooded with all kinds of wheels and rover I don't see any point in pushing this pack of random stuff any further. Plus i'd rather make stuff for others mods and packs than deal with all the PR thats required to establish and maintain a mod I may still release the RockoDoom an armed Rockamax fitted with an 30mm minigun courtesy of DB's marvelous armory mod. but thats about it. Cheers
  7. Hi, sounds like a great idea, unfortunately if you have a look through the modding sections you will see a lot of very time consuming development being spent just to get 1 set of gear working never mind, multiple sets , there are some very neat things in the works but in reality due to the outright complexity and variations that are really needed I doubt it's even possible to make anything but a very simple gear part procedurally, I'm not even sure if procedural wheels are possible, they may be though, and that would need to be a first step on the way to a concept. In short don't hold your breath
  8. It looks to me a though the model and the iva are displaced or not correctly aligned, Go back to unity and load the scene that has your exterior model, now spawn your interior, Create a new empty game object for this test set it at 0.0.0 and make your iva a child of it , you can now rotate the interior without messing it up. now grab the interiors game object and rotate it 180 and 90 respectively so it lines up with the exterior , if it doesn't go back to your internal external scene ,tweak to suit and re export your iva,
  9. Hey, have a look at another internal cfg you will see a couple of lines MODULE { name = InternalCameraSwitch colliderTransformName = Window1FocusPoint cameraTransformName = Window1EyeTransform } This is what sets the player view , to create the focus point just create a cube place it approx where your window would be , rotate it and scale it until z faces in direction of travel, now delete the mesh render and filter to just leave you with your box collider, check the is trigger box, and rename it to the same as the colliderTransformName. Now create a new empty game object, rotate and pos are around where you'd like your eye level to be , it seems common practice to place this toward the front of the canopy as this will afford a better view than if set around the kerbs seating position Once rotated till Z faces direction of travel rename it for the eye transform If you've already placed the seat transform and added part tools, just export as you would any other part to the folder you have chosen, with a basic internal cfg you should now be able to spawn your iva
  10. RE WW2 and fighter guns in particular , what kind of thing would you like to see?, a surface mount browning type with shell eject ?or just something in an aero dynamic pod, surface mount of course , with a barrel sticking out of it, As my inbox is now filling up with requests to release the stuff i've been making to complement this excellent plugin, this thing maybe available shortly PS this little mod and developing parts for it has been responsible for the deaths of more kerbals than all the failed rocket flights in my 2year ksp history
  11. Hi rather than me writing a page of difficult to understand directions, how about you tell me where you are up to and and can walk you through it, it's not fiendishly difficult to do but it is to explain properly as some of it is very counter intuitive
  12. No i'm not confused. While i appreciate your findings, I can only say that it seems to work in reducing bend and wobble on my colossal parts, which are considerably larger than anything in the stock game or nasa packs, Although i will check my results and parts to see if this is just wishful thinking on my part.
  13. @ Apache810 You should have two different mod folders for this mod to work, you need the BDArmory which contains the parts etc AND the BahaSP folder which contains the controlling plugin both present in your gamedata folder And there is a good candidate for a static gun already In the pack in the radially mounted howitzer, a quick cfg edit will give you a fixed gun minPitch = -10 maxPitch = 10 yawRange = 20 Is the bit of cfg that controls movement change them all to ZERO 0 and that will fix the position.
  14. Nobody ever told me you couldn't do it , is it really a loop? I see at as 3 separate nodes attaching to 3 other nodes, on the opposite part or whatever arrangement
  15. This is what they do, available in various formats including flush surface mount types the KF repulsors are the only viable option right now, I've been testing them since inception , hieght adjustable via action group etc., and now with added water crossing abilty they are perfect And any nonsense about a sliding collider in contact with the ground has been tested and considered useless, ANY collider contacting the ground causes terrain grabbing and instability . And as I'm likely one of the only people apart from lofi to know exactly how they work and can construct them I can categorically state that they are a very long way from being just an invisible wheel. PS re maximum speed , in my tests the fastest surface speed achievable while remaining in contact with the surface is around 750ms, past that point the vehicles own centrifugal force seems to want to fling it into orbit at the slightest ,mistake on your part
  16. Hiya, been there had the wobbles, my fix was to double up the nodes and in some cases triple them laying them out in a triangular pattern, simple fix perfect results, i always do this now with larger the stock parts.
  17. Hey, I've not done it yet as I was waiting on you, but if can get the stock textures i'll get it to you in a couple of days, coupla things, shroud or no shroud? engine base plate or no engine base plate?. either ways it's bo biggy.
  18. Fair enough , if you wanted to go the whole hog I could export an lvn via blender and move the thrust transform, and pass it on to you, Thinking on it though, in fact it may also have some clue as to if there is another transform for the fx, i'll get back to you... A short time later. I exported the lvn as i mentioned and although the blender plugin can mess things up it's fairly clear whats going on there are no extra transforms for FX , the thrust transform is right at the top of the engine bell, which of course makes your effects overlap, I don't know how many others do it but unless i actually want the effect to appear inside the bell I usually set the thrustTransform on the bottom edge and usually the engine bell will have a collider, I think the reason it's so far inside the LVN is that the stock effects stand off the nozzle by quite a large amount and on smaller engines the flame appears much further back than it should. The downside is that unless you get into unity there's no way to win via cfg edits (someone correct me if i'm wrong)
  19. I was wondering if it doesn't work why do squad use it in their cfgs for the NASA engine and others, and if it doesn't move the effects what does it do? MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform engineID = KSX runningEffectName = running_closed exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 2500 heatProduction = 400 [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]fxOffset = 0, 0, 1.5[/COLOR][/B] PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 0.9 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = Oxidizer ratio = 1.1 } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 380 key = 1 280 } }
  20. I think he's modifying an existing engine rather than creating a new part, so didn't make that suggestion, as you need to access unity to do that.
  21. @Spork of Doom, have you downloaded the example unity package? Have you made parts for KSP previously, if the answer to both of these questions is yes then Its extremely easy to copy the example there, you don't have to worry about adding anything because its all there. I've made a few of them now so a few things I can tell you is. The only animation you really need is for recoil, known as fireAnim, unless you don't want recoil off course. The transforms for the example in the package must be followed, so your aimRotate, and aimPitch are exactly as the example, my advice is to set it up in your modelling app before export , makes life easier. You can duplicate and reuse the examples fire and muzzleTransforms and just drag them into your model. multi barrel weapons are easily doable just by adding extra fire transforms etc . Miniguns only use 1 fire and muzzle transform per rotating unit, unless you want a bullet storm effect that fires multibarrels in one go, downside to this is that you empty a magazine in seconds and the cycle times are long, due to the fact that my test example fires 16 shots at once! in a couple of seconds it's reached the maximium rounds per minute, you can increase the rpm of course but it all gets a bit silly then. When animating a turret do not rotate the animation as part of the deploy, this seems to confuse all the rotation and fire transforms and it all gets very annoying. If you do have a go at making weapons i'd be happy to help out with any probs Minigun for m577apc
  22. HI, not actually checked this yet, but I have a sneaky feeling that the effects root will be the thrustTransfrom, which is often situated rigth on the edge of the bell, you could try something like fxOffset = 0, 0, -1.5 in your engine cfg under module engines and see if that helps at all.
  23. Hi, great job on breathing some sort of life back into this idea, although I've only really just started experimenting with static objects, they've become one of my favorite additions to the game. Very happy with the plugin so far , loads all my created stuff no problem at all , just got to sort out some images for the landing sites. Looking fwd to the animate on click etc as a few of my buildings have small animations for tracking dishes etc. This seems a better place to ask this question than the half dead kerbtown thread, Q/ I've recently become interested in making heavy and futuristic weapons ( i tend to make parts for any decent plugin that shows up) for the bahamuto plugin and was contemplating some kind of active static targets for practice etc. So for instance you could set up a target ship in booster bay and either target via aircraft or ground based, and on shell hit the animation would play, in the case of a ship it'd roll over and sink. Now if you had an animate on collision facility would it be able to register a hit from a projectile? in my experiments it sorta works with solid objects but not sure about the projectile. Cheers
  24. Hiya, haven't seen some of those models in years( no exaggeration) If you'd like to part the gun from the apc and send it to me as a dae I can rig it for Bahamutos stuff. I reckon a 105 would be nice on there. Dont bother converting the ship , it'll be a disappointment, real world hulls dont work in ksp and I've been there. Nice work, and it doesn't matter if nobody else likes it , as long as you enjoy it who cares what anybody else thinks. I started modding doing just what you're doing, cutting and modding freeware stuff into other games, but theres a lot of satisfaction in making your own stuff from scratch plus you don't have to put up with other peoples compromises Any chance I could get hold of the dae for the daedalus I've got some ideas I'd like to try out on something thats almost finished. PS re apc, looking a the pic again it's likely to be a 57mm or similar so maybe a 50 cal conversion would work neater and avoid the heavy recoil from the 105 which will roll a narrow vehicle over
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