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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Hey just a thought regarding flaps, is there any solid reason they have to be visible? If not why not simply go the route of a transform, and a box collider? you could still have a basic texture for your tuning, then switch to invisible but still effective on release.
  2. AS a long time creator of jfl(just for laughs) ships I can tell you one thing thats not going to make you happy, module ctrlsrf only works once on a one part ship, which means you have to link control surfaces such as both elevators being essentially one part, or both flaps being one part, I have built literally dozens of these things, and they ARE all compromised in some way, I'd suggest biting the bullet and making separate parts for the wings, It is of course possible to make want you want with liberal application of plugin power but without it you will have no choice but to make some serious compromises as regards flight characteristics, there are plenty of hacky ways to get them to fly , such as calling the whole part a winglet, mainly though they rely on thrust to get them airborne and keep them there, with a couple of very notable exceptions. Ultimately one parters are just a bit of fun not for serious use or expectations of performance, But can be a true nightmare when it comes to modules and hierarchy setup as the pic below demonstrates and that is quite a small example.
  3. Got say buddy they are some of the coolest engines I've seen out in the wild for ages, damn fine job
  4. Hi, i've found this as well, in my dumbass silver kerbal mod,, there is an iva that actually fits inside of a kerbal sized models helmet, which amused me a bit
  5. Cant help with the blender but the part tools is easy, make sure you have the latest part tools which are a set of files not a unity package, once you have unzipped the package anywhere except in unity, create a file in your assets folder called Plugins and simply drag and drop the items contained in the unzipped folder into the Plugins folder in your unity project , unity will the import the files as shown by a dialogue box on screen if dragging and dropping is troublesome or any reason you can click on the new plugins folder and select import new asset and browse to the part tools folder and import them the normal way
  6. Yup just checked as I was also sure that the basic ksp log reported what mods are loaded and installed and sure enough it does, it tells you the mod dll's it finds and loads and then list mods found and loaded by subdirectory of Gamedata ,in my case it starts around line 114 of the standard KSP.log ( without it doing this posting an error log would be useless) so why add another app when all you have to do is look, copy, paste
  7. You cant add parts to an animated part and have them move with the animation unfortunately, to make a boom that can have things like KAS attached to it you need a plugin and Infernal Robotics parts or custom parts made to IR spec are the only things afaik that can do this. It is the reason for this tutorial after all, believe me when i say we've all tried to do the very thing you want and ended up making an IR part which is not difficult if you follow the simple rules
  8. If your model has an origin of 0,0,0 and is aligned Y up and has a scale of 1 ( just like an empty game object) you can leave out creating another game object and apply the part tools directly to the root part, certain kSP addons like Infernal Robotics parts will not work if you make the model a child of another game object. tried to get a pic of what I mean but Imgur's having a legs in the air moment, ah no here we go,
  9. I see from the pic above my reply that you have a folder called materials, are your materials in there? is your model set up in the scene window,? ignore the inspector for now. If your model is set up in scene window you should be able to drag materials straight from your materials folder onto the model. So this is the process, you have deleted the no name material, that's why the cube is pink, because no material means no shader, no problem as you can create a new one in unity, so create a new one, once you have it will appear in the materials folder. ok? cool, now click that new material, if you didn't name it on creation it will be called no name. and add a KSP shader to it , by clicking material and setting preference in the inspector window. now drag your model into the scene window. Next drag material from folder to model , that's it, to make sure of this I did exactly that as I was writing this, rinse and repeat until all parts have materials desired.
  10. Hi, we've all been there buddy. Believe it or not it's as simple a dragging and dropping the named material onto the object/objects either directly in the scene view or in the hierarchy, makes no difference which method , though while dragging the material onto the part in the scene you can accidentally apply it to any other part , so for ease of use just drag the materiel not the texture onto the part in the hierarchy view
  11. After playing with the reworked HelicalDrive for a little while I only have one thing to say, it should definitely be call the HypnoDrive. These have to be the best amphibious things ever created for ksp
  12. Hey, Just got the stuff from github, still got a brain filled with non sentient custard. Will make a start on it today, looking forward to the challenge The big wheel was a moment of madness, it's all one part and has a glitch that prevents release. Although I'm really not bothered by how something looks it MUST work correctly.
  13. Cheers for that input, lofi, as my eyes scanned and brain processed the panhard rod suggestion , the brain has already thrown together the model, just got to make it real. As it appears that with IR you can have only one active joint per part it rules it out of advanced suspension use, sadly, other experiments are still ongoing. I have however fixed the shock rotation issues, resolved by setting the lookat transforms in a very non stock position. with left and right having Y pointing left /right instead of the usual fwd or backwards Sorry all for the delay with the update my brain has been filled with non sentient custard this week and while experimenting with the tweaksclale settings and SCALETYPE also mounting the forks I've somehow broken them, damn it. and can't work out why or how. If anyone has any idea whats causing this error InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object I'd be very grateful for any input, it is produced when attempting to attach the forks to any object, although all my other IR stuff is working and attaching fine. Question, would it be preferable to users if the wheels came a a separate download from the adapters?
  14. Hiya, long tine no speaks i know, but I really should chime in here, I unfortunately agree with Nathan here, the one parters I've sent you to play with while great fun are severely compromise aerodynamically, if you study their behavior you find that with a couple of notable exceptions , they are only flying due to thrust and not any aerodynamic forces. To get the best out of them you need to at least part off the main wings, tailplane, and vertical stabiliser. I know this'll cause issues as the wings will not easily by attachable using stock symmetry mainly due to shape and position of attachment, the same issues that are present in the glider. I have some interest in some dev work on an upcoming mirror plugin that deals with this very effectively by reflecting the part to the other position, so that unsymmetrical designs don't end up with a wing with flaps fwd and a wing with flaps aft. check out the KerbalFoundries thread in the last 6 pages or so for details. And of course I'm always available to help with any issues. Cheers Spanner
  15. Hey, I could definitely take a look at them to see if it's something that I can do, and do them any justice be happy to.. I'll extract one of the ones I've got and check it out, unless you'd like to supply a link. Pm me with details of requirements so as not to clog thread. closing down for today sooooooooo tired. l8r kerbs
  16. Hi, I see you've considered fixed wheels and rotating tyres, thought I'd drag something out from under the tarp , without the repulsors its a wild thing virtually uncontrollable, with a nasty habit of rolling over when braking , with the repulsors it is very controllable and stupidly fast, definitely a wheel concept to be pursued, works well with smooth steering , makes for a very smooth ride. Not really that difficult to set up unity wise either. I see the unity repulsor setup has changed considerably since the initial development versions(still got them btw) must have a go at the new style hierarchy . I did discover that I actually prefer the type that included the arm suspension, from a spanner standpoint it just seems like thats how it would be. Any further updates on the helical drives? quite happy to test the water use features prior to any release
  17. Yes indeed the animated 250ms Barge is one of the 200 plus unreleased things, well spotted lofi A perfect example of what really works in KSP's ocean substitute. plus it sounds so cool.
  18. Hiya, wasn't referring to any particular parts when I said smaller rover, was meant to infer ANY small rover constructed from any parts, as most of my rovers go from med large to huge. I've done the forks anyway, although the tiny scale may only be any use for micro rovers, the scale is at a more sensible size for general use, still not quite sure how the originals ended up so large. @lofi yes i was somewhat saddened by not being able to make it work, I have a feeling that it is doable if ksp would recognize the unity physics joints. Ultimately it was a lack of skills I reckon, That said I'm quite happy with the compromise and I will always have the original and versions, should some super cool dude work out a way for the constraints system to include joint roll as well as pivot. It's also an avenue that has loads of exploration potential left to investigate. PS I'm also looking for suggestions as to what other parts could be more versatile or dual purpose, what about a RockoGoo rockomax adapter with the mystery goo experiment contained internally ?
  19. I can bash out an especially small set for the smaller rover, that should scale to tiny quite happily , the downside of course is that you'll only be able to pick up tiny stuff, not that the strength of the forks will be compromised, just that a tiny rovers mass isn't enough to act as a counterweight to much more than a battery pack. . The updates as mentioned will have them defined as SM_RoboticForks. Thanks again.
  20. Hi , just curious as to why changing the resource from EC to charge allegedly makes thing better, aside from the fact the most of the rovers wheels out there for terrestrial use would really be powered by hydraulic motors anyway. Not saying you shouldn't ofc just wondering why when a properly set up APU ( auxiliary power unit) would provide EC on demand or by throttle control. As you have no objection to plugins maybe check out the Kerbal Foundries thread a s a range of such power units are shortly to be released, and theres always my version which will come out at the same time, for those of a more agricultural leanings and it require no hacky universal resource generators, no EC, no fuel = no engine start = no EC . Also what do you really want in wheels , all the stock ones are less than amazing, although reworked versions can be transformed once thrown back to unity.
  21. HI, exactly right, thats not the point at all, and I'm not getting rid of the old version of the beam axle because I really like using it. The mix and match wheels has been interesting but I may be able to push out a little private test soon. The new axle has non of the body roll and is a much better simulation of rock crawler style suspension, especially as, it is set at present in semi droop mode, which basically means a massively reduced spring rate, just enough to act as a bump stop. Whats the benefit I hear you ask? , well unlike a stock ksp suspension where if you cross very uneven terrain the spring will actually force one or two wheels off the ground, this suspension attempts to keep a wheel on the ground, for a s long as the suspension travel lets it of course. This is a test version , as such it is possible that suspension travel could be increased be a fair bit before design limits are exceeded What i'll do is make a couple of test shocks we can mess around with, if I do a basic setup on the IR I gather you have the required experience to tweak and abuse as you see fit , if that is the case I'll bung you a link and you can have a play. I've decided that for now I'm going to remove the smoothSteer from the wheels and push the next update, the problem is that it's not my plugin and I'm not inclined to harass lofi into making my bit, thereby stopping him from being awesome elsewhere . I should really just learn how to make plugins, and I could fork it for this project. Well winters almost here, so plenty of long dark nights to fill. Cheers for your continued interest and input colmo, it's much appreciated.
  22. Hi, common issue that one , you did nothing wrong , the stock wheel module seems to get a little confused with that particular layout of wheels, just click the front axle usually and invert the steering the New version of the beam axle does away with the IR in favour of standard suspension and does not have theses problems. Also in multi wheel applications it can be a pain inverting the steering on half the fitted axles I know. Thanks for trying them out. Here's a pic of the working version of the model I posted previously, unfortunately I could not convince any combination of FX modules and constraints required to make that previously shown axle work. For the uninitiated beam axles by their very nature as well as going up and down , achieve most of the actual range of movement by rolling around the suspension center , which in the the case the previous pictured axle would have been the differential case , the round bit in the middle:P . After spending far too much time trying to make it work , I eventually bit the bullet and split the axle into two halves, and although it's not exactly what I wanted it does provide a very close approximation of multi link floating axles, I'm just working on a little bug that keeps rotating the dampers 90degrees and It'll be up for test along with the Diesel turbo generator but without the APU plugin feature so for now it's manual only. Once it's all debugged I'll post a little preview vid of the RedNeck rover . Thanks for looking
  23. Hiya, The only other way I could see it being doable, and something I do quite a bit is use a sphere anchored to the nozzle pivot, and just cut away what you dont need, with luck you could pull it off with 5 parts, body nozzle sphere pivot and what looks like doors in your piccy., and if it all fits nicely you may be able to attach the sphere permanently to the nozzle making for less animated parts
  24. Yup they were capitalised, sometimes it's soooooooooooo stupidly simple, cheers nli
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