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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. I think you'll need to add KAS module grab to the MJ unit in the cfg. Not done this for a while as I've been KAS less for a bit due to a conflict, i'll check and see if I still have the old cfg's which kas'd everything I thought was carryable by an average kerb
  2. Hey, Patiently awaiting the completion and arrival of this smart plugin, I've a load of stuff that turned out not to be doable with IR and this seems like it''s slightly better than perfect for my needs, can't wait,
  3. Hi all, I really liked the look of this little shuttle and downloaded it to see if it was as useful as it looked, and because I enjoy resurrecting old lost mods and projects like this where the original developer has had to abandon it. So I loaded it up and noticed that the collision wasn't awesome, so re exported it back to dae and redid the cut, separating the wings properly, and while i was at it I opened up the cockpit for JSI and added a small cargo bay, that done it went back through unity. I then discovered that the scales where slightly off and the transparent cockpit appeared floating above the craft, so back to max to make a new internal with the window for the glass . Then back through unity again. Thanks to the new SP+ parts just added by squad we have a new lifting body module , so now instead of relying on a supersized control surface , the whole underside of the craft provides a lifting force, the side effect of this is that it no longer needs that huge flap and the little flaps in the wings work really well. So i disabled the cfg for the ctrlsrf added some extra stuff like the animated bay doors, some built in RCS etc. I tried not to change the appearance of the vehicle as a whole as it almost looks right as it is, IT's a bit tubby for my taste but I can live with that. I'm just running some tests with it and a load of parts from the deep space mission pack mod that i also am reviving once done I be happy if Niemand is agreeable to make it available to anyone who misses the tubby little thing. And some images from testing
  4. In one of the games I used to mod they had a sliding uv shader which was fantastic for animated signs , lighting effects etc I've always wished for one in ksp, you could do all sorts such as tinting windows during atmospheric flight or re entry , color changing landing lights, ooo and some real moody lighting around KSC, looking fwd to experimenting with that
  5. Hi, happily using 64bit with no issues and no crashes in over a week, even though I'm constantly adding and changing parts , plus reloading the game database 20 or 30 times per session, the only difference between this and crash happy in my case is the adoption of the force_opengl parameter being added to the shortcut. Prior to this it frequently CTD'd , crashed on loading, crashed on changing scene, crashed everywhere!!! Running with a 2.5GB Gamedata file . Using AMD and ATi with compatibility settings appropriately set in the launcher
  6. Hi, does the texture mover have some adjustable parameters? could it be used to simulate an animated belt or chain texture? Is it purely random or is it adjustable as to direction timing etc? Really like the look of the new smaller wheels although I dont as you know build small, still awaiting docs so experiments can continue. thoughts/requests ; I'd like a medium track unit that mounted via a pivoted arm to the chassis, with something like a 30/40 degree swing of the track, this would enable a better climbing ability as I've found that although they behave as expected on reasonably rough ground and the translation between a level and sloping terrain, they have trouble climbing steps etc and frequently become detached in the process. The tracks have surprised me in how useful they are, and have rapidly become one of my fave things to use , although I still feel that they are a bit wooden, perhaps more panzer(torsionBar) than T28 (christie) for my taste. As an aside I'm working on a smaller surface mount landing gear type skid that retracts into a housing a little larger than the stock gear, although the skid still acts as the lid, so it's not perfect but it's getting there. PS still got originals of all the parts if you need to revert, don't remember making the skid that big!!
  7. Hi, Kerbal constructs allows for animated scenery objects, although they'd have to be placed individually. Static objects don't need to have a collision mesh, many of the scenery objects in KSC++ for instance don't have a collider I've a feeling that several dozen animated trees in close proximity could act as a Kraken attractant There is some work being done on day and night cycles, though how you could incorporate weather eludes me and I'm fairly certain that the animation calculations plus weather on the aforementioned several dozen trees could lead to frame rate drops etc
  8. Hey, You really don't need two animations as the closing should just be the opening played in reverse this cuts down the amount of space needed by the context options , and afaik without a plugin there's no way to have an animation run when you activate a part, moduleAnimateGeneric just doesn't have enough features. Try the plugins from Bahamuto or Firespitter
  9. Cheers B thats what I thought, I now have smoke effects when firing although it'll take a bit of tuning, I've got it as a child of the main muzzle transform so it's activated every muzzle flash, although as that transform is only active for a split second the emission is still a bit too low.
  10. HI , I've a question regarding the number of guns per unit. Whilst rumaging through the source code to find an answer for myself I found a little bit of code that "checks for number of guns for fire reduction" according to the comments. Now is this accessible for a single unit or does it refer to the whole vessel, from this line I'm thinking it's whole vessel, but then I'm no coder, foreach(BahaTurret bt in vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing<BahaTurret>()) The reason for the inquiry is that I wish to create a multi barrel weapon, lets say 4 firing units for now, that will fire one at a time rather than all at once. I've carried out some experiments with various cfg settings multiple modules etc currently available but the results have been less than successful , So is there any way this is possible with the current plugin or is it out of scope for the present? And while I'm here I'd like to add smoke effects to the firing anims of a couple of my latest developments , I really want the phalanx to be lost in a cloud of smoke just like the real thing, so is this possible currently or as above. Cheers for the mod, still finding new ways to exploit various parts of it, and getting some hugs grins in the process
  11. As mentioned in the intro the mag cannon is not at all as meaty as it should be, I'm well aware that the performance doesn't match the size , It's early days for that particular item and making it as powerful as it should be is high on the agenda
  12. The addition of tweakscale is very experimental, as it's not required in most cases, there is a chance of some conflict always, and I have not encountered similar issues with my install although I will check it again just to make sure, BDArmory parts do not feature tweakscale as standard and issues like yours may be the reason. Do check your log for instances of error however, while i can't fix any issues tweakscale has with the BDA plugin I can fix issues with the parts themselves
  13. Hi I can confirm that if you can already make a KSP part that you can make any weapon you chose, it's fairly easy once you've dl'd B's unity package . Hydra type rocket launchers are more time consuming and fiddly but still doable . Bombs are too easy although getting mine to be controlled by the WM took a bit of tinkering. So go for it, although if you've never made a part before you'll want to master the basics before starting on a weapon system of your own
  14. Links fixed , sorry for the confusion, screw up. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. as always assumption once again is the mother of all screw ups, I'd assumed that the KS link was the same and forgot to delete the old dropbox version. Thanks again RE alternate fire sadly the rockets and guns use two very different systems so it's not that easy, I've made rocket launchers but not bothered adding them as there's not enough variety of designs to be worth pursuing. trying out some ideas
  15. It's something thats bugged me since a made it, i'd much rather have it fire in the manner described , I looked at that when I finished it but couldn't get it to behave , I'll take another go as I've had another idea regarding the how.
  16. The new update has just been pushed up to Kerbal stuff after getting a couple of pokes from interested parties. Everything as mentioned previously is included, even the weaponized mk1 cockpit and a laser version of the huge mostly ornamental MAG cannon, it will destroy things but is not quite a planet popper, and the laser version is a bit limp to say the least, but it looks good,. Toying with including the thing below if anyone's interested comes with built in weaponry, IVA for 4 but could be lots more and has RPM cams to deal with the lack of iva rotation in the turret, large cargo bay, and lighting and quite a few animated bits n bobs
  17. HI , I should really start parting those one parters I've made so many of , but in the meantime and while you wait for someone to make this mod I've sent you something new to play with( slightly off topic I know ) the new lifting body module is awesome for one parters. This is without doubt the best flyer so far and feature packed. PS not forgotten about spiteful, having a real mare with the gear and of all things the tail vert stab
  18. YUp as you say RPM doesn't seem to care how many camera transforms you have as long as they're aligned right they work, currently have six sep cameras fitted to a turret with no issues
  19. HI I use the Fs prop spinner for all kinds of things, see the KerbalFoundries APU for instance which uses fs to spin the turbine , You will at least need a separate rotating object aligned Z up , theres no need to worry about the blades just the hub with blades as part rather than a sep object will do fine And something like this in the cfg will work fine, the rpm has been experimented with since FS first arrived so I reckon it'll work fine for your purpose MODULE { name = FSplanePropellerSpinner // the module propellerName = AltFan //the part that spins rotationSpeed = 250 //the rotation speed of the rotating part, can be set to negative for counter clockwise rotations windmillRPM = 1 // the no power freewheel effect for when shut down but before rotation stops on its own spinUpTime = 2.0 // the time taken for the rotating part to reach set RPM } PS check the FS thread for the FS documents which are some of the best documented modules around
  20. Hi , I've a feeling you could just create the part as per a normal ksp part and use a module manager MM cfg to give it the remotech feature such as the example below (I use something very similar to fit remotech to other non antenna parts). nothing fancy needed in the way of programming, in fact non at all, so go for it, if you get stuck I'd be happy to port it to the game although it'd probably need reanimating etc in unty, as c4d historically tends to spit out models that are studio rather than game quality. @PART[[COLOR="#FF0000"]YOUR PART NAME HERE[/COLOR]]:FINAL { %TechRequired = largeElectrics @MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric] { %allowManualControl = false } %MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { %Mode0OmniRange = 0 %Mode1OmniRange = 5000000 %MaxQ = 3000 %EnergyCost = 0.6 %DeployFxModules = 0 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.3 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } %MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {} }
  21. Memory's a funny thing I remember it looking better than it does, but that was of course a long time ago and even the most average of ksp mods looks so much better, and as for the colors, the stockalikers would have a fit
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