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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Hi guys like many it seems I've just returned to ksp and modding (yay) just a quick question, I have some old static addons I made way back in 2014, some of them feature animate on click, for things like lighting and radar scanners and stuff, so is animate on click still a thing?? I've rummaged the cfg's for this and the latest kerbinside but can't seem to find it anywhere ( forgive me if i've just miissed it though)
  2. Hey all we'd really like to get hold of the copy of the source for this mod if anybody has it still stashed away a link would be appreciated
  3. What type of collider are you using for the airlock? it sounds like you are trying to use a convex mesh collider on an empty game object, only use capsule or box colliders for hatches, especially if just starting out
  4. Already has multiple fire transforms, deviation per transform 1mtr, 500 mtrs max hits around 3sqm or 9 kerbals also has own sound files and a reload anim, i'll pack one for test later. Currently working on javelin, would like to get it in game and set for test tonight
  5. Its the one you haven't got yet But seriously I can't tell you which one it is, due to the handicap previously mentioned , just a generic pump action thingy. Probably for the next update though as it's so close to kick out time for v3, Mind you with the right folder structure,a later download could be just merged into the main with no real issues
  6. Ah i see you have the crawler parts from KSO, animating the tracks is definitely the hard way to do it. Also just animating the tracks will not make it move, for that you'd need a wheel collider setup driven by the idler wheels. KF used a texture animator in conjunction with wheel colliders to give the impression that the track moved , the track mesh itself is static apart from moving with the suspension, it doesn't actually rotate. Another thing to be aware of is that there is no way to have two tracks driven on the same base, not without a plugin, you can separate the tracks to individual; units and place them on the bogie though and that works. As for the animation issue , it looks to me as though you didn't centre and zero all your transforms before animating the part, although it very difficult to tell from the image what is actually wrong apart from a misplaced mesh, maybe a little video or gif would help to illustrate your issues more clearly One last thing, as it goes the tracks are one of the hardest parts to make and get working correctly I have ever made and they are certainly not a project I'd recommend to somebody starting out or with little familiarity with unity. But it can be done weapons testing yesterday, note whats being used to carry them
  7. Properly armed and properly attired for the occasion is the only way to go
  8. Yeah you got me, never thought to look there, but still relevant, what is the airDetonationTiming duration, is it adjustable? could it be?
  9. Hi post the log, otherwise wild guesses are all you'll get, with a log we'll be able to see whats going on, Got to say initially it sounded like a mod conflict, but with that clean install I'm suspecting that something is not where its supposed to be
  10. Hi quick question regarding airDetonation = false and airDetonationTiming = false, i see them in the cfg but cant find a turret that actively uses the options, are they valid ? if so is airDetonationTiming a float or a defined time in seconds, trying to generate something resembling flak Cheers ps loving the aircraft combat videos
  11. Hi, do you have a DL link for the tanks? I need some vehicles constructed from stock parts in order to test several new weapon types and they would be ideal for the purpose
  12. The funny thing is, as a Brit I've never seen many of these in real life , in fact apart from a few dozen shotgun shells and one mag from an ancient SLR L1A1 I've had very little interaction with firearms
  13. Erm it seems as if the cfg rules all, in this case at least, but then again isn't that how MM works, by inserting values into cfg's and overriding standard or stock behaviours Some other items I'm developing have had some silly values attached and had the desired results, have a couple of turrets firing 37mm cannon shells that technically exist nowhere other than in the cfg definitions for shell mass and behavior
  14. Hi, no great fan of universal magic ammo, but it does simplify things a lot, as we are piggy backing off other resources anyway some compromises have already been made , don't think one more will hurt too much. Although the realism fetishists will not like magic ammo. (whats realistic about 80cm green guys with big guns anyway) the benefits at this point seem to be stacked slightly higher than the detriments We have to decide on a standard for this universal ammo though, so i can develop the weapons and manipulate the numbers to suit. The grenade launchers however should be kept as they are, unless there is a very good reason not to use the BD provided cannon shells with shell mass tweaked to suit
  15. Links I've posted should be fine as they are Drop Box links https://www.dropbox.com/s/m2af3w7jlc1u3u7/Old_School_Turrets_WWII_Turrets_for_BDArmory rev 3.zip?dl=0
  16. Bill praises the flame retardant proprieties of his space suit Or if one is good two must be better.
  17. But its all very close now and newer stuff too, having a much fun in testing
  18. Hi lo-fi, np, cant just let one of my favorite mods of all time disappear without a trace
  19. No unity = no modding of KSP, like most game engines , it requires a specific file format that can only be generated using the unity software, the days of dropping a dae in the gamedata folder are long gone
  20. https://www.dropbox.com/s/a6sjbm64cwjrdw2/Kerbal_Foundries_Wheels_and_Repulsors_ALPHA-1.9g.zip?dl=0 There you go, latest release and for me at least, works faultlessly in 1.05 kerbal stuff is still MIA
  21. Agreed the current situation is far from ideal, but It's a bit tricky as I have had no contact or communication from the original author, as such the fix is very informal
  22. I'll say now that those shapes and 9000 polys does mean you are going to have real trouble in unity , convex colliders can only have 250 something triangles. been there, paid the price, learned my lesson. As a quicky maybe fix select the whole model, find the utilities tab, looks like a little hammer, click it, scroll down find and click Reset XForm, if that doesnt work there are a million max tutorials on the web
  23. Looks like either flipped uv faces, or flipped geometry ( all the hallmarks of a ripped model)and i'd like to bet the poly count i stupid high as well which will likely mean issues with colliders etc ps if its anew thing this ksp modding, try easy stuff first , unless you like being totally disheartened
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