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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Hi while this kind of thing is generally frowned upon in KSP I love it, I've done quite a few similar projects from the alien drops ship all fully working with APC and working bay for the same, all the way up to ThunderKerb 2 a full scale flying and full of toys replica, and a full fleet of RTF Warbirds before the aero changes sent them off into the To Be Fixed folder I know that these things can be quite troublesome in set up, especially the damnable colliders, and I'm looking at all those undercarriage wheels and picturing a 300 line cfg. So if you get hung up or want a second opinion drop me a line
  2. Warning wall of text follows Hi I saw the thread in which this idea was proposed to you earlier on today Creating an animated part depends on what software you intend to use to make the animation, they are all subtly different but usually end in the same result, for example , many many animated parts are made in blender, lots of parts are mad in 3ds max, quite a few in maya, and there's several other common modding tools that are used by KSP modders. Personally if it's a simple animation I'll do it all in unity, like an opening door or such , but if it is more complex requiring some rigging (IK etc) I will use 3ds max, as I'm fairly comfy with max rigging. Now for a simple flag unfurl, as as first animation I'd be tempted to first make the flag pole, a cylinder with a bump on top will do, then make your flag part, noting that, IF you want to be able to use stock style KSP flags the flag dimensions need to be correct for the flag dimensions, can't remember offhand what they are. Then you would map a flag texture onto your flag part, doing both sides, then map your pole (). Make the flag a child of the pole, placing the flag in the position you'd like it to deploy. Now most software that will make animations will use Key Frames, these are small bites of time. Before starting any animation ( bearing in mind this is your first go) Move the flag pivot to the edge closest to the pole, just the pivot, then scale your flag, using that pivot as a center, until the flag just disappears into the flag pole. Stop Right it can either go well or badly from now on, for personal preference I try never to actually grab any geometry when I'm animating, I always use dummies, dummies are for this purpose, like a little handle you can grab easily that is linked to the flags pivot, arranged so that when you scale the dummy, the flag will scale the same amount. OK so you don't want to learn about dummies just yet, so skip fwd, Now use whichever method is needed to start making an animation in your chosen software, probably some arrangement of key frames, set the length of time you want the animation to take, and make a key, some will have an auto key, but you'll find that out I'm sure. Now drag the time bar to 5seconds after that point and grab the flag pivot and very carefully scale it out a bit. DO NOT DO THIS in any view apart from the left or right side views, Orthographic or Perspective views will cause the scale to be in all directions rather than just laterally. and press the set key button or whatever it uses, this will lock that position into the animation At this point I ran off to see if this would actually work this way and resemble something passable and yes it does. Anyway Continue along the timeline adding keys and scaling the flag until it is back at full size., make sure you save everything and then export to unity, don't forget to check that the exporter options are actually set to export animations.. Here's a link to the fbx that made the flag in the spoiler, you can put that straight into unity or your modelling app and see how its put together and if you get stuck on the next bit I'll be around
  3. Unless you post your log to dropbox or google docs nobody will be able to help you , it is not a broken craft file! it is a log of all the processes, mods and textures that are running in your unreliable game, any fault will be clearly indicated there, But if you are prepared to go for guesses I'd say the wankalatotor is jammed against the gonglethrop and there's nothing to to about that except throw the faulty machine out of the nearest window Required reading
  4. Hi all the Redux of this mod is now on SpaceDock now include is a previously unseen Ju87GunPod (realises he has no image of this and runs off to get one) Nothing new apart from the Ju87 gun pod, so if you don't really want it keep what you already have. Once I've published Boomsticks for testing I'll redo a couple of thing here and there, with this in mind and the HUGE discontinued tag on this thread i will be supporting it and NED from the main Boomsticks thread
  5. NeverEnuffDakkaRedux HI all It's here I've finally gotten my act together and published the mod redux to SpaceDock, feel free to download and praise or abuse as you see fit. There are still a couple of items outstanding, a 75mm scorpion turret and the AS90 but whats included and working compensates for the loss. Three tank hulls with integrated coaxial cannons and associated turrets, little and large Gustav Rail guns, the base of which is subject to revision (it's just awful But required as the gun is a beast) The leviathan rail gun that does fire electric charge, the turrets most of which feature a BDA targeting camera built in. In the case of the main tank turrets this camera is also viewable via the IVA RPM monitors Please note that in future due to having three turret mods going I have decided to roll them all into the Boomsticks main thread, and it will be supported from there Mod re released under (CC BY-SA 4.0)
  6. HI from the log it looks like you have BDA installed wrongly your path is BD Armory/GameData/BDArmory/Parts/radome125/radome1snub/bdRadome1snub' it should be BDArmory/Parts/radome125/radome1snub/bdRadome1snub. Go into the BD Armory/GameData folder and drag the BDArmory folder into the main gamedata folder the delete the now empty BDArmory/Gamedata folders
  7. Hi for the rockets audioClipPath = BDArmory/Sounds/rocketLoop For all the projectile weapons fireSoundPath = NED/Sounds/shot explSoundPath = BDArmory/Sounds/subExplode The second example contains a path within the mod itself, and one of course to BDA, the sound files can go anywhere or be called from anywhere, just create a Sounds folder either in the part folder, if you choose to have the folder within your part folder it should be "sounds" whereas if you follow the normal pattern and place outside the part folder it should be "Sounds" note upper case. drop your chosen sound in there and enter the path in the cfg
  8. Hi as with all these things please post a the log from your game, it will enable some fault finding rather than guessing
  9. A log of these incidents would help rule out some of the possible culprits, how many mods, what mods, are they all 1.05 versions rather than patched fixed or fudged versions, I've seen most of the oddness you describe during my time in KSP and a lot of it I've caused, so post a log, let us see whats going on behinds the pixel curtain.
  10. Hi all been a while since my last update I know, I've finally I think finished the mod overhauls that I'd previously committed myself to finishing and re publishing, so I can finally do the file clean up DDS ifying all the textures, and generally making sure that I've not missed anything and release the thing for tests, It's quite large now so that in itself is a good deal of work, and that's without even considering more witty descriptions for these Kerb destroyers. (currently listed as KIA or missing 75 kerbals, truly shocking) Even though i thought I'd added everything I Keep finding more things to add, but I'm really going to stop this or it'll get out of control. but i was looking at one of my dog fighter things and noticed that the stock avionics nose cone seemed to have an ideal mount point for a built in cannon, So it's now got one, it's likely the most stock alike part I've ever produced, mainly because of course is that it uses the stock textures and avoids my cack handed texturing skills . Unobtrusive but quite deadly.
  11. Hi all some good news for those interested parties, had a brainstorm after posting the other day and manged be devious means ( fair enough, i remade a large part of the hull) to get the Centurion to something like a passable state AND include a basic Iva. I've arranged it also to use it's built in targeting camera system as RPM cameras, good or what, so you can now view the cameras from IVA on the usual RPM screen, This feature has been extended to all the other turrets where possible .With the finalising of the Centurion I'm going to release (in next couple of days) what i have done so far , It will include 1 item previously not released that was hiding in the asset files kindly passed on by PrototypeTheta, that being a miniaturized Gustav train gun, it's still not small but doesn't take 1100 kerbs to operate! There are more views of the Centurion and the rest in the album a couple of posts up the page
  12. Hi don't think you can, I think you would need to be able to access the base model ( pre export) for the plume you wanted to alter, sadly there's no point exporting one with the ,MU exporter from the squad folder though, as particle emitters do not export. Altering or animating the color of new plume is fairly easy though, using the multitude of settings within the particle emitter editor, but getting it looking right either takes ages and many attempts or is a matter of luck, getting the right values from the get go But for just base color you would need a material with an attached texture, and use either and alpha blended or or additive shader, blended alpha for smoke and additive for flame, check the animate color option and set the colors you wanted the plume to include
  13. Hi as it stands you can have a multitude of wheels combined in one unit, the snag as already mentioned is the steering. as in combination they all steer the same way, so ok if you want to travel diagonally but useless otherwise If for example you wanted 8 wheels on your rover you could split it into front and rear halves, four wheels front and four wheels rear or even 4 lots of two. Below is the hierarchy for the little yellow truck dual wheel units I did for LLL way back when, and the cfg for the same based on very simple but effective suspension, much like the tr2l set up MODULE { name = ModuleWheel hasMotor = true resourceName = ElectricCharge resourceConsumptionRate = 0.7 canSteer = true controlAxisType = Forward steeringModeType = AutomaticSteer brakeTorque = 100 brakeSpeed = 2.5 impactTolerance = 3000 overSpeedDamage = 65 WHEEL { wheelName = wheel wheelColliderName = wheelCollider suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint damagedObjectName = brokenWheel rotateX = 1 rotateY = 0 rotateZ = 0 } WHEEL { wheelName = wheel001 wheelColliderName = wheelCollider001 suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse001 suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint001 damagedObjectName = brokenWheel001 rotateX = 1 rotateY = 0 rotateZ = 0 } steeringCurve { key = 0 20 key = 10 6 key = 30 2 } torqueCurve { key = 0 10 0 0 key = 30 30 0 0 key = 40 0 0 0 } } MODULE { name = FXModuleConstrainPosition matchRotation = true matchPosition = false CONSTRAINFX { targetName = steering moversName = trackSteering }
  14. Hi, as these things go it is the chieftain ( and AS90) turret and hull that are the problem items mentioned in the post, the trouble being they are stuffed with junk geometry, that is faces and polys that are not visible. This is far from optimal or even passable, the texture space allowed is 1024x1024 and the whole uv map is squeezed into a strip that occupies less than 2% of this space , culling these faces in order to sensibly map the model has proved to be very difficult without ruining the integrity of the external faces, so it's been slow going. ( in reality it would be easier just to remake it properly, but that's beyond the scope of this update) I have now decided to pretty much give up on fixing these issues and just get them firing and rotating as they should and call it a day at that, but because of the aforementioned issues it will not be able to have an IVA . So yes they'll be back , but nowhere near how I'd like them to be ,
  15. Just create a sphere with many fewer segments than the fuel tank, align with the main object and make it a child of the main object, export to unity, add convex mesh collider to the sphere then remove the mesh renderer and mesh filter, you should be left with a low poly collider on a higher poly object
  16. Nope it's purely a function of this module MODULE { name = ModuleLiftingSurface useInternalDragModel = True deflectionLiftCoeff = 1 dragAtMaxAoA = 0.3 dragAtMinAoA = 0.0 }
  17. Too late I exported the mu, and ran that through max and unity, here's the working file so you can take a look at how its put together, all working in game , though the lift is very high for the size of the part SquareWing Lots of good tutorials listed in addon development links, explain it far better than i could
  18. Hi, just dl'd your file to see if i could assist, sadly I am unable to open c4d's in either unity or max, any chance you have an fbx version to hand?. Couple of points, combined control surface require no animating, all it needs is to be correctly named and oriented, and the game code takes care of any movement. As already mentioned by PJ the scale isn't an issue , that can all be fixed in unity. I think the trouble you are having is mainly due to the collider, as your part is high poly, there's a good chance that unity will create a high poly collider for it, this is an issue as colliders are not allowed to have more than 250 something faces, the part will still compile BUT it will not have a collider attached and is without a doubt going to spam the log with errors, check your log. As your part is a simple shape I suggest doing the following.In C4d, with your model in viewport, create a box that has 3 divisions top and bottom, drag this cube over your model and manipulate until it forms a shell around your wing , as closely matching the shape of your wing as possible. As you have allowed a cut out for your ctrl surface. I would end this shell on the edge on which the ctrl surface will be attached . Once this is done , make the shell a child of the wing part, name the shell wing_Collider or something, save and export to unity In unity you should now have your wing part with it's child shell, check the scale, adjust to suit, and drag wing into the hierarchy. This is the clever bit really, select the wing_Collider and apply a mesh collider and check convex, Delete the mesh renderer and mesh filter components you should now have a working collider. did a quick test based on your pictures and a collider with only 82 polys is easily possible I've included an image for reference. If your wing is aligned with the base at zero, the attachment point in your cfg should be valid plus you'll need something like this In order to place an attachment node for the control surface in the cut out provided node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.617101, -0.3105965, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
  19. Arriving soon in a Future Weapons - BDArmory Sci-Fi Addon near you, book early to avoid disappointment
  20. Which likely means that whoever Richard Kerman is he downloaded from my link, extracted and repacked the files for some reason, then uploaded to Space dock, (dunno about you but this business with randoms uploading other peoples mods to spacedock is beginning to yank my chain a bit)
  21. Hiya, i think the reason the files in the zip are odd date wise is because it was moved around a bit between installs, shouldn't be anything amiss, as nothing inside the folders has been messed with, and it's running fine in all 3 of my installs ( why 3? 1 is my long running game, one is an unmodded version in which i set up new mods and the final is a heavily modded version i test my stuff in for compatibility before release) As already mentioned to Gaalidas I have in the past made parts for this mod and would be happy to do so again
  22. If the transforms are correct in the cfg it should fire, the null refs are likely because of either a typo or simply that the item the plugin wants is not there, it's not actually missing the fire transform so it must be a problem with the yaw and pitch transforms, or you have named an animation clip that is not attached to the part. As to the second part of the question I don't think it's possible at this point to get that combination working, i tried, i think, every possible combination of modules and hierarchies over the course of two days and was never to get both working at the same time, so in the end all I have is a tiger turret with a nice prop attached, the only example of multi turrets is the Jernas (? think that's what its called) radar unit, so although i didn't actually try it may be possible to have a gun and radar or similar, still working on a rocket and missile turret in combination with a gun, so cant say for sure if it can be done
  23. Hi all thought it time i give you all a little update. It's very close to being finished, still have one problem item though. I've re textured the turrets to make it easier later alterations and things like kerbal paint. while hopefully staying in keeping with the original color schemes(ish) The exception to the color is the Challenger, It's color is as yet unfinalised, I like it as it is right now, but it may be too dark for some people Thanks to work for another mod, the Challenger hull now gets a coaxial machine gun mounted at the driver view port position, it also gets a basic IVA featuring of course lots of RPM . and space for four kerbals . I'll likely fit a coxial gun to both the centurion and scorpion hull, doubt I'll get an internal into the scorp but there's a good probability that I can squeeze one into the chieftain hull, this will of course take a bit longer, but still shouldn't be much longer.
  24. Hiya in the absence of any files from the original author, why not just export the models etc through blender, use a converter for the textures if they are MBM, and you can get on rebuilding, this is how I worked the revamp on Old School turrets and NED. (edit.. the nice thing about doing it this way is that you can incorporate all the new changes, without having to work around the original setups) It was only much later that the original assets turned up , and with OST in particular I'd already released the fix by that time, So push on buddy, if you want a hand exporting and sorting let me know.
  25. That looks right to me, apart from aim Pitch and aimYaw being deprecated ( the old names, though as long as they are correct orientation it doesn't matter) what do you want to change?
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