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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Hi, you can have transparent cockpit and any other IVA windows with visible kerbals If you use RPM and a modder has kindly done the work on the cockpit such as this below PS i suggest a mod as your post is in the addons discussion sub forum
  2. Should be fine as long as used with current KK
  3. Hi the easy way for you to proceed is to extract a stock fixed solar panel using the blender KSP mu importer, you can get it in the tools section of addons. Then you can see the relationship and transforms you need.. The item you need in a solar panel is a transform called sunCatcher, it is this that is used by the game to determine how much exposure to the sun the panel has. To incorporate it into your cubesat it would be a case of just adding the solar panel part module to your cfg and adding the sunCatcher transform in unity. You will only be able to have one active solar panel though as multiple suncatcher transforms doesn't work very well, and I've tried multiple modules in the past and that seems to mess things up quite badly. In conclusion you would be much better off just making some ultra light solar panels for it instead
  4. Hi all, just a quick heads up, there are parts in that release that were never meant to be there, they are works in progress, that just got caught up in the excitement. As for the parts they are anything that's not natively HL so the Zeppelin, and the Zeppelin kit are very much experimental and works in progress. @JewelShisen@dunclaw we can either remove the "escaped from captivity" parts now or run with them and let the players watch as they improve. If they stay the zepkit folders should be reduced and the duplicate textures dumped, when it's final I'll swap everything to dds. The Zeppelin 1 part hull is getting a new and removable/re-positionable gondola, the whole Zeppelin thing was thrown together in about 3 hrs and it shows rofl. There will be at least one other large one part hull, because it's almost finished, that I'll submit later, and will take requests for other shapes EDIT On second thought I'm going to remake the single envelope Zeppelin from scratch, it's a bit meh for a release
  5. Hi, The MODEL tag just references the mu file, it is used, in that particular case when several models are grouped together sharing the same folder and texture. For your mod, if it has it's own folder and texture the using mesh = model.mu will be fine
  6. Hi yes i looked previously for comparison between and HL and Kerballoons, and although the end effect is similar they both use very different ways to get there. In other news currently investigating integration of an Air-park type code, that allows craft to be parked in flight, enabling you to go and fly something else, very handy for circumnavigation attempts. and something similar that would work for marine craft as well.
  7. Airships in 1.1.2? what really, well maybe, thanks go to @dunclaw who unlike yours truly has a good deal of coding experience. and it now lies twitching on the table waiting for the next lightning strike. Obviously there is still a lot to be sorted but the signs are promising
  8. Hi, Not really and yes sorta , that's how it always used to be, before BDA had it's own editor category, I'll track down the ones I've missed for the next update, i did notice a few more than you've mentioned though. Regardless of the section it appears in ( however untidy it may be) it will not be causing any known issues, Then again the forums not what it used to be, in regard to feedback, so if i miss a little detail like that, I don't usually find out from the players So thanks for the report
  9. Hi the only thing you can alter about that effect is contained in the cfg, The effect itself is a small mu file containing what looks like to me a simple looping animation. You cannot change that, the only way to get the sparkler effect would be to create one in unity and then call it from your cfg, There'd be no point exporting one to blender either as the settings and scripts that form the effect do no export
  10. Hi, I've thoroughly tested it to death and I cannot replicate your issue, perhaps if it continues you could send or post a link for you game log. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hi all. UPDATE Version 30/04/16 update Added AGS 155 turret Added AGS type railgun turret Added dual 105 turret Added turret mounting plinth for AGS style guns Update This update adds 3 New turrets and two mounting plinths for the AGS turrets. Two turrets feature AGS angular style enclosures, and uses animations to fully retract and cover the guns when not in use, giving the turrets a very low radar return. These turrets are available in 155 and RailGun versions with fire animation and effects, For the AGS turrets I have created a pair of mounting plinths in the same angular shape. One full thickness and one half thickness allow for lateral mounting of 3 turrets without the forward turrets preventing the safe firing of the rearward turrets Also added a more conventional (though with sci fi leanings) styled dual 110mm turret, fairly standard fair except for it's very low profile
  11. Hi nim, everything in that screeny are just some of the many many items i make for my own pleasure but never release. I don't like releasing mods, and all that goes with it, half as much as i enjoy making them
  12. Hi, technically you can fire anything from the simple javelin launcher, we've tried weapons that are tube based like "Man-portable air-defense systems" . Early trials of the replica javelin launcher proved it to be so much hassle to use, placing the missile in the tube with the correct orientation was not easy or enjoyable, a lot of which is due to the angle the launcher is attached to the kerbal. Then there are issues with the missile colliding with the tube itself if not perfectly aligned. Stack nodes do not work with KIS which only leaves a surface attachment, as you know not the most accurate attachment method. Yes we can and did try removing collider and the weapon collision check, but that leaves the missiles sticking out of the side of the launcher, which may be OK for some people but most player wouldn't like it, we didn't. Thinking on though I'm wondering if we could tweak some stuff on the AT4 and actually make it a guided instead of unguided rocket, the AT4 uses a specially made hydra(H70) style rocket and that is automatically loaded by BDA, a feature that is missing from missiles. The down side is whereas an FPS missile launcher allows you to carry multiple missiles in the kerbals inventory and so reload the weapon. A rocket launcher is one shot only, there being no way I've found to load rockets while in IVA, though you can use hyper edit to reload rockets anytime. I shall ponder this further.
  13. Hi , thanks, all the testing is done, both in 1.05 and 1.1, I've just got a little tidy up of the files to do. After reviewing some testing pics I've decided to make a custom spacer for the DG turrets, as they look so wrong sat on something round, for multiple turret arrangements, so they'll be the same shape as the base, can't decided on angled sides or straight so likely both. So short answer is probably later today but definitely before the weekend
  14. !/ while in sph or vab place weapons in kerbals seat or personal inventory 2/ launch kerbal 3/ send kerbal on eva 4/ press r to activate backpack/mmu this places kerbals hands in correct position for holding weapons 5/ open kerbal kis inventory and select weapon of choice 6/ assign weapon to kerbal 7/ click on weapon to activate using BD armory gui, and guard mode Guard mode is best used with normal weaponry, rockets and missiles can be troublesome. Generally guard mode is effective against other armed kerbals and vehicles. Missiles and rockets are best aimed and fired manually. As already mentioned the guard mode is still in development and was never intended for use by Kerbals and as such the results can be variable depending on the situation
  15. Hi doesnt matter anymore, call them whatever you want, . As long as the transforms are referenced correctly in the cfg. previous incarnations of ksp that used winglet instead of part module used obj_base and obj_Ctrlsrf (maybe) . As i say though that all changed just before v1 think.
  16. Hi simply because it was designed by committee! The position of the wings has a massive influence on how it flies, the more forward of the positions ( my favorite) makes for almost perfect horizontal flight characteristics, and the further back positions (the committee's favorite) make for much better VTOL handling at the detriment of horizontal flight behaviors . so mount the wings depending on how you would like to use it Thanks and maybe, there are several other projects on the production line.
  17. Hi An explanation for the missing/unreleased parts will be found in the current and new Boomsticks thread Please address all comments etc in the current thread HERE, this thread will be closed and locked. @sal_vager Would you or another moderator please lock this thread, cheers it's very outdated now Cheers
  18. It still is, just not using this thread anymore, for requests, help or anything else go here, Download available on SpaceDock and first post of that thread http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/133074-boomsticks-the-better-late-than-never-edition-10511wipnow-with-ned-and-ost/
  19. I'll look into that, and yes it should use the 30mmExplosion model. I've sorted that for next update, likely this coming weekend. Thanks for the feedback Edit i could only find 2 that should really be altered the aforementioned XM and the GunshipChaingun, or do you want more explosions generally?
  20. Excellent and grats. Always pays with engines using an air intake to have a small reservoir of intake air in the cfg, the higher up the cfg the better, Having a small air supply allows the engine to start and spool up on it's own supply until it becomes self sustaining, without this small air supply the engine in some circumstances may not be able pull enough intake air to start (never had it happen myself though) Really liking the budget special, esp the pulse jet style motor
  21. Did you add a thrust transform to the model? if so is it inside a collder? is it pointed the right way? These are the main issues for new engine modders, check those, and if it's still no good post an image and or unity hierarchy of your engine/thruster
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