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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Hi all, spending some time working on some requests, one of which was for something like the main guns of the DG1000 Zumwalt, Got to say it was one of the most troublesome animations I've done since getting back into modding. Still early days, there are a couple of tiny issues to deal with, and along with a dual 110mm turret I'll be doing a little Boomsticks update. AS mentioned elsewhere I've never liked the base I put on the NED Gustav, so coming soon for that is a baseless version, this does allow for more adaptability, and should you wish to stick it on a rail car or a tank hull you wont have that great ugly base to deal with. There will be a trade off and that is that lateral/yaw movement is reduced down to around 15deg, don't think it'd be acceptable for something with no obvious rotation point to rotate more than this.
  2. Sounds very much like a cfg or installation error to me, I doubt it's an obscure reason, in fact the odds are against it, but posting your game log would assist in speedy identification of your reported issues.
  3. I saw the gif, I looked closer i saw the position sensor and the pegs on the flywheel and thought, bleepy bleep it's got a real ignition system!!, then i read the text below, truly outstanding. I can see huge scale versions of these in Real Ships, I've got so many questions, mainly how have you managed to drive the pistons? I'm presuming there's no trickery or magic based on your previous productions. what is it's fuel? how is it delivered? Would there be a cylinder limit? (I'd like to see if six cylinders would be smoother) How large is it and is there an optimum size ( thinking here about rotating masses) What is controlling the power output and how is it measured? How durable is it/ could it be? and at least a 1000 more
  4. Ah yes perhaps that,d be the stock colliders spring rate being 3000 or something daft, mine did exactly the boooiiing booom action too, all the settings seem a bit squiffy and the example kindly provided by @nli2work is set way too soft for our type of suspension, currently running spring at 5 with damping at 1.2 is much better, I've found so little lateral grip that a stiff setup isn't an issue
  5. Along with the mod itself better late than never, hope you find it satisfactory
  6. Hi, as i've had no coms from any of the mod maintainers so it's still on the unavailable list sorry( no permissions) Thanks for the favorable comments all the same, and the several demands for release in my inbox Oddly before this I'd only tried the airships once and that was way way back when this mod first appeared but I do agree they are great fun for those not in a hurry That said it worked very well even with my limited understanding of coding I could work out what to fix etc, but with the arrival of 1.1(perhaps), a test proved what I already knew, that it's very dead again. And this time the plugin noob is well out of his depth unsurprisingly. Regardless of this I would like to get it fired up again and am just awaiting some source code being published that references similar terms just so I have a clue whats going on, I know whats wrong but at the moment I just can't glean any clues as to how to fix it. Hi I don't think there are any versions available that work on 1.05, you may find earlier versions but they will be very glitchy if they work at all
  7. Hi just pushed an update to Boomsticks, change log below. Apologies for the part name changes, this was in order to remove known troublesome characters and spaces from part names. Before installing this update please remove any weapons or turrets currently fitted to vessels and delete the BoomsticksRev3 folder Version 10/4/16 13:33:0 update fixed ammo issue on KGV turret applied tweakscale mm cfg thanks to V8Jester removed troublesome characters from part names And thanks to all those who have downloaded so far
  8. Hi I know you've probably checked, and not using blender this is a wild guess, is the geometry reversed? This sometimes happens in max when mirroring items. If geometry is revered flipping normals appears to make no difference, the only way to fix it in max is to reset xform and recheck the normals, sadly don't know if the same will or does apply in blender
  9. Cheers Finally after much culling redoing and generally chasing my own tail. I'm pleased to announce a working version of Boomsticks is finally available BoomsticksRev3 Works in 1.05 and 1.1 with BDA dev version Now available on SpaceDock Not everything made it to release, some things just exceeded was was possible in BDA, and some things just refused to behave or aim correctly. these have been retired until the issues can be resolved The 33 remaining items are all expected to behave , some issues remain unresolved, in particular the effects in some cases are if being kind less than optimal, these are being tweaked constantly and eventually I'll get something that looks right both in unity and in game The tank parts and turrets are on hold due to a new issue with the hulls, but will (KF allowing) arrive shortly
  10. Having fun with 1.1

    lets play the which mods are broken game

    oh look everythings exploding

    business as usual


    1. njmksr


      Not the Skyranger though! :wink:

  11. Hi nearly there just running through the files checking for obvious errors and weeding out the unworthy, shouldn't be much longer,( truth is i got distracted by other projects) but in the meantime as kindly mentioned above, you could try one of the other weapons mods that i now look after. Still intending on releasing a core pack and to have add on packs featuring larger turrets, oddball items, and two new items, Boomsticks Tanks and Boomsticks Aircraft parts. The tanks pack will have turrets and hulls of varying sizes, the hulls will have IVA's albeit basic ones. Currently included are the never released kerminov, a T80- hull and turret, a Challenger 2 hull and turret. A Kerbal sized version of the tank featured in the cod games, flak turrets and large Artillery turrets, you will be able to fit any turret to any hull, The aircraft parts will feature 3 or 4 armed cockpits, one of which is pictured above, the mk1x weaponised cockpit that featured in the original Boomsticks, and any other stock parts that cry out to have a weapon fitted similar to the Avionics nosecone pictured above, suggestions welcome
  12. Hi the problem you are referring to affects every player regardless of install BY default a lot of weapons are still registered with the Utility section, this is because in older versions of BDA that's where all the weapons went. Since BD added a unique category most weapons now appear in both the BD category and the Utility category The only way to fix it is to have all weapon mod authors to set the Category to None this will default all weapons to the BD armory category. Unless you are very comfortable editing cfgs and the issues caused by those edits, the best way to fix it is to ask the mod Author to change the category themselves
  13. Hi you'll want to have a look in the boomsticks thread for news on this from now on as it's easier to manage all mods from one place. I hadn't intended to add much unless something leapt out as very interesting. I've had very little feedback so have no idea how popular or used the the mod is, though I do know that NED currently has a lot more downloads. I do have some other stuff that would fit in this mod though , so we'll see how it goes
  14. Np , you must show pics of your Zumwalt. Oddly. even though i can spend days on one model for a mod. the idea of placing 200 panels to build a ship turns me right off.
  15. Hi, Fixed Oto melara 76mm Camera and Ammo issues. Updated version now on SpaceDock. Thanks for the bug find That'll teach me not to use unlimited Ammo option while testing for release Such a weird error though, when i was researching it I copied and pasted the ammo spec, for some bizarre reason the X in 76x636Ammo was translated as an odd square symbol. All good now, though zombie Jeb died again in the testing process (currently 113 kerbals listed missing or KIA)
  16. I'll check that out, I did have some displacement issues just before upload, which likely explains the camera issue, and the ammo, maybe i missed the definition, as there's no native 75mm
  17. Hi Jester, yup I reckon I can do that, (I bet I know where the animation issue is coming from too.) The gun itself is nothing unusual except for it's guided munitions, Sadly BDA Doesn't allow for allow for auto loaded missiles, I'd like to see if that could be done though. It was quite amusing while researching to find dozens of images allegedly property of USDD As for multiple weapons of the same type, I know it's happening anyway (but i know a secret about a couple of those) but it's not something I'd normally be interested in, I prefer some uniqueness. However in this case the actual deploy animation will be a welcome challenge, rather than the usual push over. ( how the hell do you do those at tags btw? )
  18. Hi, you are not the only one, it happens It seems to everybody, not found anyway to stop it either. Hearsay tells me that it is a bug that has been fixed in 1.1, all we can do is wait and see( i resisted the temptation to slip in the pun)
  19. Hi all, somebody mentioned this to me as i seem to have a talent for mod necromancy. Such a plugin noob i didn't even have VS installed ( is there an up to date plugin tutorial anywhere?) So anyway after much chanting, several serious stares from the wife and another night spent teaching well old dog a new trick, I think I have something that works and can seriously see this catching on. There's something quite cool about flying into the mountains and ghosting to a stop above the highest peak I did have a test run with all the types of envelope before remembering something i did for a very different game years ago, and that worked too! I bet tomorrows gonna be crap (well it was going to be in a spoiler as it doesn't show anything apart from plugin working, but for some reason, spoilered albums aren't working for me right now } Oh btw, it's 40mtrs long and 7mtr diam)
  20. So to get hold of this I have to exchange my Squad key for a steam key and do the usual Steam stuff? On second thoughts I'll get a separate steam copy It has been suggested that getting a head start for the few mods I'm supporting, can't disagree there, I can see the value of having a mod ready to go on day 1 of 1.1 Any info on the unity set up for 1.1 ?
  21. Hey, you just can't stay away lols. (how's the train?) Anyway is there any chance i could get a look at this stuff, very interested in getting to grips with the tracks, something i neglected last time around. Quite happy to beat it with a stick until it works correctly, plus I really need some custom tracks desperate like, as all the native models don't quite fit my projects, and making my own has always been my preferred option
  22. Hi again, as you may know I've also remade and republished both Old School Turrets and NeverEnoughDakka, With the uploading to SpaceDock of these two mods I've decided to roll all support and development of these into this thread, this should make it easier for me to manage and for potential users to get support. In Boomsticks news I'm very close to being done, I currently have a couple of copies our for testing and making of MM tweakscale patches etc, but require a couple of more experienced testers, sorry noobs just wont do, I need people who know their way around, and have the ability to diagnose and understand any issues, as well as being able to suggest suitable changes , PM's welcome from responsible parties As always I just can't leave things alone and have added a couple of more items, see OP, as well having a look at some files I received in the assets for NED, these include a couple of interesting cockpits and something that become the bane of my dog fighter tests, a combat drone core.cockpit , fitted with all the toys, radar, IR , tracking and targeting, and of course 3 low mounted 20mm cannons, in small form it makes for a very difficult to kill opponent. These items will be released as a separate pack as part of the SM group of companies. Also added upon request (War Eagle) is an airborne laser mounted externally in a streamlined pod, very happy with how it turned out, I'm sure those who like the more SciFi stuff will love it , while at the same time it has a very modern and current look about it and doesn't look wrong fitted to almost anything I will be splitting the main pack before release, as it stands there's a lot of variation and i'm pretty sure that even the most militaristic type wont want everything, One of the jobs of the testers is to suggest the contents of the base pack and what should be in the other packs. It is my intention to make all packs simple a case of merging into the base mod, so that items can be added and removed as the user chooses.. I shall leave you with some images to ponder upon. Cheers
  23. Hi its part of a long dead and buried mod, the crawler. As such it's perfect for my interest in dead mods, at present i have the deck and bogies as separate parts , the tracks are of course form my buddies at KerbalFoundries. If you wanted a copy i could set it up for you no bother, as it was all open source there are no issues at all Baneblade?
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