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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. What worries me the most is the insane grins the kerbs get on their little green faces when firing weapons, glad you like em And i did give the deagle a sensible firing pattern, esp as i couldn't resist making the the AE model, hand held cannon indeed
  2. Desert Eagle,,,,, check M16 A1 ,,,,,,,check Still tweaking bits n bobs but i like em
  3. Nice animation on the breech loading, definitely completes the model, having done a few myself I can appreciate the time and effort it to to get it right.
  4. Hi They wont stay on the end of the barrel, the time it takes to initiate the effect and the time it takes to play mean that the end of the barrel has moved on quite a long way by the time the effect finishes playing, its just the same with ground vehicles although less noticeable due to lower speeds Also without exception you can weaponise pretty much every part in the game, although it can take some effort in things that have IVA's attached
  5. Hi all pleased to announce the conversion of all textures the much better DDS format Old_School_Turrets_WWII_Turrets_for_BDArmory rev 3
  6. Thats a good question, could be rather annoying if it does, in all likelihood it would make that tag obsolete.
  7. While i know what InterstellarMeshSwitch does I've got no experience of it's use. It's sorta self eliminating if the version that does not have that module works and the one with doesn't seems like the cause is obvious, I'm sure that the mesh switcher was originally intended for less dynamic objects than a wheel., such a wings etc, I see the are only 4 wheel types, not what I call an excessive parts load, perhaps it'd just be easier to ,make up the four sets until you can get help from someone more experienced with InterstellarMeshSwitch than i am {which wouldn't be difficult)
  8. Hey, not seeing anything wrong with the hierarchy, and there appears only good things regarding your part in the log, so if the cfg is good all should be good, have you got the config setup right? as that can make a world of difference especially a typo or two. What I will say though is that developing a new part in a modded game is asking for major headaches, it seems that KK is throwing a fit, (but we all know that's half broken) and that will have knock on effects, and without a doubt wheels are one of the fussiest things there are to get right. Do your self a favor and test your new bits in a clean game, just the mods you need to make the thing work, and lets see a log then and the wheel parts of your cfg Fairly certain its either a knock on issue or a cfg one
  9. Thanks muchly, not a missile guy but that Rotary Rack is very impressive, and is that a napalm shell i see burning across the surface of the water?
  10. Down at the bottom of the inspector, when you are viewing the particle emitter setup is a section called animate smoke, mess with that and the material selector below that has a tint setting for darkening the smoke
  11. The BDA plugin takes care of that for you, no need to mess around with animation, just getting the levels right
  12. You'll need access to unity and the models, otherwise it's simply a case of adding a ksp particle emitter script to the muzzle transform, add an additive material and a texture for the smoke, adjusting the rates and values until you get a decent result in game is the hard part and may take a few exports to get just right
  13. Hi BahamutoD I have just finished updating the Old School Turrets mod to the latest 10.1 spec, and beaten the rust off my modding skills (such as they are ) and made a download available in thread. As such would you be kind enough to include the mod in the list of compatible parts Cheers Ps Really liking the changes to the turret setup since the early days, makes life a lot easier, and a thanks for assisting LORDPrometheus with keeping the Boomsticks mod alive ( soon to have a rebirth) , much appreciated
  14. Post a log, otherwise it's all just a guess Also a pic of the unity hierarchy
  15. Excellent, ill take a look at that in the daylight, cheers Still got random mod zips from 0.18 myself
  16. Pm me a link for the model and I'll run it through unity to see if there's a prob with the model itself or your install of unity
  17. A terrible necro i know, but has anybody got a link or the files to to this mod, all original links dead, attempting to contact PrototypeTheta with intention of reviving and bringing it back up to working and current condition, Cheers once again apologies for raising the dead
  18. Hi, re the Dakka mod, any chance i could get a link as all media fire links are dead, I would very much like to either rebuild it or help in the rebuild just finished the  Old School Turrets mod, Boomsticks is just about ready again would willingly take this on as well

  19. Form the pic it looks a though you made a separate collider in blender or whatever, you should also delete the mesh filter , that may help If not try applying a mesh collider directly to the model itself rather than a child of the tank object. Aside from that i don't see anything there amiss
  20. Hey been trying to get in touch, I've just posted a link to an updated version of your mod an the thread. I see though you have been active in the BD armory thread, if this is a prob let me know asap

  21. Do you have a pic of your unity hierarchy? the only time I've had stuff like this occur is when putting mesh colliders on spheres or rounded objects. Never more angular shapes, a pic of the model would help also, and double check of which item you actually have the collider on.
  22. NOW Fully compatible with BahamutoD's Armory v0.10.1 OST Redux This re worked pack contains the 6 original turrets and a new 20mm flak turret, so 7 ways to wreck the space center all have been rotated and cleaned up to meet with the BahamutoD's Armory v0.10.1 plugins current specs, some of the effects and scales could still do with tweaking. Fully tested in modded ( 40mods) and unmodded ( this mod and BDA ) installations of KSP with no issues found, Please report any issues Wirbelwind FlakTurret KV1 panther Tiger 1 T34 T60 Luchs Enjoy Don't forget you need to have BahamutoD's Armory v0.10.1 installed for this to work Old_School_Turrets_WWII_Turrets_for_BDArmory rev 3
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