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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Hi the weapon icon in the staging list is a solid fuel booster, this does not mean that the game views the guns as engines. From the rest of your post it sounds very much like you have either installed BDA incorrectly or have installed the wrong versions. The latest versions are linked on the last page and there are numerous posts in thread describing the correct installation procedure. I suggest you check that the installation path is correct and that you have indeed installed the correct version for your version of KSP. If you still have problems a screenshot of your GameData folder and a zipped copy of your KSP.log will quickly identify your issue. BDA problems these days are falling in to 3 very distinct camps and they are, failure to follow correct installation procedure, Installation of the wrong version, and failure to read the carefully created instructions for use found in the in game KSpedia. It would be brazen to state that most bugs at this time are known, but it's rare for your situation to arise if all is installed correctly and understood.
  2. It's very dependent on how things go in the world of Kerbal and BDA I haven't actually mentioned it here but on the SM Marine thread, that I'm not going to be doing the 1.29 shuffle. And until all the correct I's are dotted and T's are crossed for the mods 158 parts. which should start this weekend . I really can't justify these days knowingly putting buggy, troublesome, glitchy stuff out. It looks crap and really causes no end of grief to me and the user. Which is why pretty much nothing is released until the testers, at least two of them pronounce it good. In case you're wondering without exception the testers are all players who have shown a more than casual interest in how my mods developed and contributed good, sensible ideas based on the known boundaries or at least what may be possible. ( at the beginning of the year afv's was 3 neglected tanks and junk with no real home, most of whats present is purely due to them asking if it could be ) (and I still have no clue what to do with the airborne afv's ) SO I can't really for sure say, when, I know when I'd like it to be, it doesn't need to be finished, It took 3 years to turn Boomsticks into SM Armory, so there's no rush to finish, but it does need to be as far as possible ready to play. so in the words of Squad SOON Seems like a good time as I have your attention to mention dependencies!!! that is things you will need installed to get the best out of SM AFV's . I've avoided this forever but there's just too many things that fit in the mod that can't without the other plugins. So for the cranes, all of them, and all similar parts forks grabs etc are all without exception powered by Infernal Robotics . The winches require KAS and KAS parts connect to them as per a normal KAS winch The texture switch on most vehicles is done via firespitter and module manager, so if you don't have firespitter installed it simply will not apply the patch And it goes without saying, the latest BDA version you can get as my military modding evolves as fast or slowly as BDA does, and some things will simply not function as expected in earlier versions Cheers
  3. There are two very long term projects, relating, but given what I can do with BDA etc, you'll have to believe me when i say they are likely the most tricky things to get right I've done to date. Especially if it needs to be fully functional which like everything in the mod has to be. IF i add anymore vehicles and the items you mentioned feature as OEM or an option there's a better than even chance that some may arrive, and ultimately it hinges on how much info and decent ref's I find, as some things are not very well documented and research takes a good while, Cheers it's appreciated and in the true tradition of SM you can look but you can't touch a quick demo of what can be built very easily, and all of the vehicles can be mixed and matched and as XOC kindly illustrated look bleepin fantastic
  4. Nice work looks very well thought out, I don't and haven't for obvious reasons played even a hacked career for a very long time. I've not seen it mentioned in the BDA thread previously? which surprises me, given how many have BDA users have expressed an interest in just that kind of thing. . If you fancy a chat about expansions or in particular naval stuff drop me a pm, Cheers again.
  5. Awesome, thanks for reporting back and a mellow one to you btw which contract pack? just in case it crops up again, something old reborn. or something new?
  6. AS it stands today the SM group of weapon mods contains the only functional armor in the game . Some of the vehicles have built in armor usually and if applicable it will only be the fwd facing hull part. Shells will bounce all over the damn place and do, and a bounced shell will still kill a team mate (happened a lot in testing) There of course limits to what it will stand, if you fire a 120 mm gun at the armor from 10 mtrs it will go through and in all probability the ensuing explosion will cook your vehicle. The armor functions best when used at correct ranges and at those ranges (gun appropriate) the armor can with stand many direct hits from missiles and heavy caliber guns and small stuff such as aircraft machine guns light cannons etc will simply spat or bounce For the rest there are currently two armor variants for the afv's plate and cage, both, given the same cfg are as effective as each other . Plate armor comes in several sizes with angle plates 2x1 and 1x1 making it quite quick to throw an armored hull or gun emplacement together There are limitations to how a part can be cfg'd for armor each part can only have one armor module, so for example most gun carrying AFV's will face fwd to target so the hierarchy and cfg is arranged to place the armor at the front of the hull and on the turret though at present most turrets do not have integral armor, it would take the reworking of every turret in order to make them all armor rated. The turrets do have a tough but not OP cfg and more often than not the vehicle loses a track and is crippled long before the turret explodes The armor is still very much in development and has and will be improved over time. It should be noted that the plate armor is OP right now and will be better balanced, while some of the parts of the vehicles that are detachable and would be some armor protection, for example the skirt/flank armor on the M1 is appropriate for the vehicle ( subject to lots more input) (keeping it real for KSP not real world) Below a demo featuring new stuff and a little example of armor working (300mm equiv) Thanks XOC, that fills in a lot of the more obvious gaps and I've been very neglectful of screenshots, must take more also .
  7. After such a long time my abiding memory is of my feeble lfters always seemingly managing to get hooked up on the thankfully blasted yellow thing at the top, I can't recall it serving any function other than making launches trickier for new players than they are today. For ref the offending article
  8. Hi welcome to the forums, Now thats out of the way BD Armory problems have recently fallen firmly into two very distinct areas, the first of these being "FTUI" Failure to understand the instructions. Do you have a weapon manager ( open BD tab in sph/vab select the search by mas option and the weapon manager is about the third item from the top) Without exception ALL BDAc systems require a Weapon Manager part in order to function correctly . Do you have 1 and only one Weapon manager fitted to your craft? If not fit one and retry your weapons. The next possible source of trouble is the version of BDA you are using with the KSP version you want to play, BDA enjoys frequent updates which benefit all player and it is very important to have the correct version. For your reference as a new forum and BDA user I have provided the links for the current approved and supported versions of BDA KSP !.22 version https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases/download/v0.2.1.0/BDArmory. KSP 1.29 Version BETA prerelease testing only do not use in a precious or ongoing save https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases/download/v.2.0.0-KSPv1.2.9/BDArmory. SO please check that you do indeed have the right version of BDA installed, running an incompatible version of BDA for your version of KSP will result in systems failing, parts not appearing, Tabs not working or appearing, in short make sure you use the right version. Hope this helps resolve your issues, further support can be obtained direct from the BDAc thread linked here
  9. Hi, oddly enough I've been messing with just that system for most of the day, yes the targeting pod will lock on the ground as well as a vehicle, I'm sure it's always been that way for manual use. standing by to be corrected As for the missiles ignoring commands I've used BDA's PEW's and SMA's laser guided stuff today (Friday) and in auto guard mode all the missiles tracked correctly or at worst to within within prescribed detonation ranges. SO i can't replicate your issue right now, despite firing 60 or so missiles. 9 different launchers with loadout from 3 to 8 missiles oh and 3 different targeting pods too. 2 from SMA and 1 stock BDA Could you check that the mod is installed correctly and that you are indeed using the correct version, for your KSP (not mentioned in post) Also that the missiles you are using are not failing due to the range to target being overly long or too close (The BDA hellifres for example have a maximum range of 4KM and a minimum of 800mtr) Should that all prove correct and there still be an issue, a zipped copy of your KSP.log will be required in order to establish the relevant details and discover whether it is a bug, in which case a report should be made to the issue tracker on github, links are in first post, or an easily resolvable issue with a quick fix. Cheers
  10. Some consolation for your efforts, the multiple transform name sharing works a treat. Jerkiness is due to rubbish animation sample rate on a 5 min test model, KK not in any way responsible
  11. Hi, well it's like this, everything apart from the Type45 (awesome btw) has been with the testers for a while, the 45 is likely to get to them this weekend, my trials are done, I'm happy, I've got some folder shuffling to do first though as the missile system was finished and in game a while before the ship and the missiles are where the most launchers are right now and thats SMM and SMAFV's, and for that matter than radars in another folder too, so yeah some house keeping to do. There's a ton of new stuff so I'm in no real hurry to throw it to the wolves. I have no intention of updating for 1.29 I played that game over the 1.2-1.22 dice roll and game out of it with a whole load of stuff (for BD FPS btw) that wouldn't work with the release but did in the pre , so wasted time. The next public update unless something changes will be for 1.3, though once at least the testers have had a look for the obvious mistakes in 182 cfgs! (oh crp that's a lot of stuff) some of which are for multiple items, I'd welcome a PM or two from interested parties regarding some pre release testing. my guys seem to have lives, very odd
  12. No a problem it's nice to have some interaction for a change Granted, sadly it's a niche thing in a niche market, and like a lot of what BD created has yet to even be slightly explored and we/I are finding new things all the time that can be done, and for that matter should be. Though in all the time since the creation of boomsticks and it's evolution into SMA I've only ever been asked to make one laser weapon, and with that the only feedback i got was from the guy who requested it, who fortunately loved it That's not to say i will not tinker with the idea and perhaps come up with something interesting but I'm having a lot of fun with missiles right now Re missiles have you tried @jrodriguez modular missiles for BDA? It seems like it'd be the ideal product to perhaps try out some of the things that could be. I've certainly had a great deal of fun with it and btw found it very easy to use. JR also demonstrated at least one hit on an orbiting vessel with his modular missile ( which btw is a whole load better than anything else has manged lately and much better than my fruitless attempts to wake up the HEKV when the new team took over) SO there's hope, I know JR is tinkering with his modular missiles and he's one of those aforementioned clever chaps, I'd expect him to crack it eventually especially if it bugs him enough https://github.com/jrodrigv/BDModularMissileParts/releases https://github.com/jrodrigv/BDModularMissileParts/wiki/1.-Building-your-first-Modular-Missile As for my depth of interest it goes as deep as the game and it's addons (and being told as a child that by the year 2k we'd all be living like the Jetsons)will permit. I'm not a coder so am purely in the business of abusing code created by people smarter than me, so should the code arise that makes space combat realistically viable I'll be all over it like a rash, but while BDAc is likely to be the only option on the table for some time and unable to do the business in space, it all seems like a little bit of a blind alley to me, (I've been down those already in KSP and while a little positive came of them, it did not outweigh the frustration of being able to succeed) cheers
  13. It's odd though that the 0,8mtr tall green guys, alleged stars of the game , didn't give you a clue that all was not quite real world scale. These game devs are a sneaky bunch
  14. Well there's a reason they're never used in a dogfight or combat challenge and thats because the first to fire the lasers wins, Makes for very short battles and in the one instance that it was tried on a challenge craft every battle was over as soon as the laser drew a bead on the target , pretty much as soon as the AI started combat. So boring as hell in my book and nothing you can't do right now with tweakscale and BDAc's ABL turret In all the time i've used BDA(since day1) I've never noticed or noted and heat rise of a craft in response to weapon firing, the internal heat usually trips them out quite quickly. Although the weapons overheat I have no clue at this point if it's something that can be affected to additional radiators, The simple fact that it's almost impossible to attach parts to any turret seems to rule it out ( edit , a little test adding a radiator to the ABL in SMA showed no noticeable or worthwhile increase in fire time) I dunno about that, nobody said when this alleged future is, and lets be brutally honest here, this is all about looks and a cfg, doesn't matter in the end what you call it , "super cosmic blaster " or "spud gun" there are only two options right now, cannons and ballistic types, those so called blasters (either type) aren't anything but a machine gun with a funky colored tracer. The function is unchanged and damage output and method of damaging is identical. It's all in the cfg Missiles are missiles and the performance of some of the latest would have been sci fi only a few years ago , Missiles can be all very samey though as there are rules for the creating of them, just as there are for rocket parts, so while there is some latitude in design, you still end up with a pointy cylinder with fins on and a paint job So I stand by my assertion that future weapons will continue to be the outlet for anything in that vein I produce, unless @Aerolfos decides he doesn't want it of course Don't know about you, but this, even though it's definitely not, still looks pretty damn sci fi to a non military type
  15. Hi do you have the version as linked in post above yours, as it very much sounds like you are running the version with the shader troubles from 1.13. If indeed you do have the correct version and it is installed correctly and no folders have been removed or deleted from the mod can you provide a zipped copy of your KSP.log, no other logs will be needed or are useful Ninja 'd by JR
  16. Sorry to have to contradict you but some of your advice is outdated at best and completely wrong at worst Under no circumstances should you on either steam or store bought versions remove folders from a mod and place them in any other location .In both versions Steam and store bought the installation of mods is exactly the same, although admittedly you have to browse through the steam folders to get to KSP/GameData The only correct filepath for 99% of mods is without exception KSP/GameData/TheMOD/themodsfloders/ It Should never be KSP/GameData/GameData/TheMod Which if players follow your advice is the likely result, and it's almost 100% that moving folders out of a mod to other locations will break the mods functions in some way and possibly your crash game
  17. Woopy Cheers revolving KK sign on its way : Also nice work, though with the hammering I normally give my fps i hardly noticed
  18. He's not wrong sadly ( for lovers of stock finish parts) I have to say that while I can do Ish, stockalike I don't enjoy making the textures one bit. takes about 5 times longer and dozens of revisions. Most of the vehicles have a texture switch so anyone so motivated could make stockalikely textures. Unless i suffer a head trauma and am gifted with the ability to place color on a texture without it degenerating into a 3yr olds art class it's very unlikely to be me. It's a while since any of that AFV stuff has been seen or mentioned so here's the latest album, which features most of the incoming, these are test vehicles in my game, so all features are rarely present or functional, The testers (gawd bless em all) though have gone to town and built fleets of the things and I think it'd be cool if they showed some of the stuff now, it's pretty much done for now, it got large quickly, and while there's a couple of outstanding items yet to be finished I've not been able to do much modelling or texturing lately ( torn muscle in mouse side shoulder) SO yeah the album
  19. Surely that should be : Highest Altitude / Parts * 100 = A score so for instance, 400 / 90 * 100 = 444 Otherwise what are you referring to as peaks? I'd imagine that most things will reach their extreme maximum altitude at the most a couple of m/s otherwise they'd be going higher.
  20. Hi as mentioned a few posts back @LORDPrometheus has decided to resume maintenance and ownership of the mod. This current release is (sadly) the final one I'll likely be involved with, and as such while I will attend to any issues that arise. As he intends to completely redo any existing parts I've pretty much stopped work on this project completely Please refer to the last few posts of the linked thread for further and ongoing info
  21. The IVA doesn't exist , well, is hidden, in the VAB SPH layer and cannot be interacted with (as far as I'm aware) It can be a tricky thing moving an IVA independently from it's external view as you run into issues with camera clipping and occasionally with colliders restricting use of IVA switches etc Here's a view from a radially, surface attached cockpit and IVA
  22. Hi well I already contribute sci fi weapons to the future weapons mod, which works well for me, as it's a low maintenance alternative to having a whole new mod and thread to deal with. on top of everything else. I've no objection to making sci fi stuff as it's all about the making for me, couldn't care less if it's never published SO check out the thread below and make some suggestions there, if there's ref's and/or images all the better, researching requests takes a good deal of time even before a poly is touched, so the more info provided the better. It should be noted though with all the sc fi stuff that it is NOT space capable, that is it's function is space is less than optimal, BDA is not rated or coded for space combat
  23. HI yes there are mods that do this it's a little trickier in some ways than a normal pod and IVA but not hard by any stretch (see the stryker link in my sig for examples)
  24. PSA I'm seeing a lot of bug reports from players installing the wrong version for their KSP install, both here and on steam. SO I'm re-posting the links for the current versions as some players seem to have a mental block when it comes to checking the first post KSP 1.22 ONLY https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases/download/v0.2.1.0/BDArmory. KSP !.29 ONLY this is a test version only and as such should only be used for testing NOT in a serious save game https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases/download/v.2.0.0-KSPv1.2.9/BDArmory. All BDAc releases (since dev change) can be found here https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases All Physics range extender releases can be found here https://github.com/jrodrigv/PhysicsRangeExtender/releases
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