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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Nope, they don't you are failing to understand the arrangement of cfg modules, B61 blastRadius = 4910, B83 blastRadius = 7470, Castle Bravo blastRadius = 11300, so that seems considerably more than zero.
  2. Nukes are after all dangerous, how far away is very far away? it matters . As for steps toward not getting toasted again, check the cfg for the weapons blast radius and be a good deal further away than that when it goes off. One of the nukes has a blast radius of over 7KM so local is not going to cut it
  3. edit misread post , thought you where trying to attach chutes to Kerbs with KIS Just ignore me..
  4. Hi quick test of the first stage engine, as supplied, no RF RO etc but heavily modded install , and the engine lifted a pod etc to space with a twr of 1.72. . Now I'm no rocket scientist but I'd expect the TWR to be higher for a first stage especially with a bare bones spacecraft perched on top . (could be wrong ofc) Though it does work which leads me to conclude that there is indeed something in that particular install messing with your engine , that is not directly the fault of the engine ( btw can't recall the last time previously I put a pod in space..0.24 maybe )
  5. HI all, little tweaks for SM AFV's , mainly to solve the chaos caused by having several dozen irons in too few fires. This small update deals mainly with armor and bullet values, and paves the way for some other improvements. Apologies to those who suffered the phantom shell syndrome, this update should fix that issue LINK PS almost forgot, there's this
  6. Hi, so only partly a success, I dont use the RSS RO etc, but i see no reason it refuses to work in install X and not install Y , unless you have a mod that bizarrely kills the engine module in certain circumstances. That said this whole process would be a lot easier i think if you could make a little modlet of your faulty engine ( the whole in game folder) Zipped up and let us have a look at it properly first hand, usually it's a lot quicker than guessing Cheers
  7. Hi, hate to be the spoilsport but I think steam achievements much like steam workshop is destined never to happen. Squad have said that they would not add features that would be only accessible to part of the user base, in this case those who purchased the product from steam. The feature would not work for those who purchased KSP from the store, and yet they would still have to lug around all the extra code and resources to make achievements work, while not getting any benefit, and that seems a bit off to me.
  8. Hi, a couple of things I know, that can damage a craft file leading to ui misbehavior . Remove a mod that the craft prefab depends on, changing positions or method of attachment nodes in parts used on the craft prefab, changes to part models that the craft requires that have changed the dimensions and node positions, I would imagine that located in your log somewhere is a reference to that particular craft that indicates the editor could not find the crafts root part. caused usually by removing a needed mod or a badly user edited craft file The only other way i've seen this happen is if by some vague chance the game crashed while saving the craft
  9. One of those definite funny's, after a while bug hunting mods ,you sort of get into the habit of expecting that kind of stuff to not be relevant, that'll teach me congrats
  10. Hi thats a truly horrible way to have to read a log file, zips are preferred There's one NRE from BDA in the whole log and that's only it seems the normal error when a WM module is destroyed when you are in that vessels flight scene. That aside it's a pretty clean log , unlike some i've seen recently. I can only offer one option as way forward with so little to go on, there have been occasions in the past when the BDA download was damaged or corrupted in some way, Would you delete your current install or BDA and grab a fresh download. Before reinstalling I'd like you to delete some other files, this will allow the log to be clean and freshly generated with new info, could you please delete all ModuleManager cache files (there are four of them) And then in your main KSP folder ,find and delete your PartDatabase.cfg Then install the new BDAc copy and load ,. Hopefully that will rectify your peculiar issue, if it doesn't, please report back and supply a zipped log and we'll investigate further and to make life a bit easier the link https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases/download/v0.2.1.0/BDArmory.
  11. There may be an issue with that particular arrangement of unity and mod, unity has changed the how animations are made and tied to parts, those parts throwing errors are likely to be those compiled in earlier versions of unity . Perhaps try and find out which version, they were created in, I use U5.2.4 and have not noticed any problems with those props, but then I'm not using the new 1.29 part tools yet.which may be relevant The setting for data directory , did you select the GameData directory or the whole KSP install , the former is whats needed
  12. As it goes, if you have half a brain, I have to say that the unity KSP combo is one of the easiest to mod I've ever come across. Unity will import almost anything it seems with the right export settings from your modelling app, and you'll find it a lot easier than editing hex code
  13. Linked below is a full unity project with all assets , plug and play , It contains enough info on how to set up turrets and export them and from the assets you can also derive useful setup info. It is admittedly still in unity 4.22 but would upgrade ok, though there's littel point right now as a u4.22 turret works exactly the same as a u5.2 turret with the benefit some of the FX and animation processes are a lot more straightfwd in u4.22 https://www.dropbox.com/s/ra4ct7f52m8r6ya/BDAc U422 DemoScene.zip?dl=0
  14. nothing to do with the pack everything to to with the physics in 1.12 Yes you need to use those mods that keep pace with BDAc dev , those mods have armor, those mods also have bullet penetration and type value, without which the current BDA applies a default setting. There are currently to my knowledge 2 soon to be 3 mods that carry armor that meets BDA spec. The version of SMM you have chosen to use limits you immensely, many more parts currently and the next update in final testing (see thread) also has armor
  15. I always set take off speed at zero for everything, gets things in the air quickly and as yet the AI hasn't stalled one , For water take off the less junk you have in contact with the water the faster it'll lift off, One of the earlier entrants couldn't take off via AI, and simply moving the intakes from underneath to on top allowed it to lift off and fly readily
  16. The whole thing is getting slightly epic, and it hasn't peaked yet the best may be yet to come
  17. Hi I've seen this to when I've made an error with a mod part and it fails to load properly ,any craft saved with that part in the ui becomes a prefab and it is very difficult to change any values on that prefab and not break the craft in some way , in it's worse case it breaks the ui In the case of the craft you edited [ERR 17:29:29.267] [ShipTemplate]: Could not locate root part in GD ComSat Lite 1 Quadruple Cluster Delivery II as 2 entries remain after eliminating all parts listed as children. This is probably wrong. Which is obviously enough to knock it out
  18. Hi, just a thought , have you tried the simplest engine cfg possible , one of the stock ModuleEngine types instead? Basic fx ,no gimbal , no smokepoint , dead simple. As that would rule out any issues with the FX not being found, which from one of your latest posts. in which you mention the engine is running as soon as it's launched , seems possible, though even in that situation ( as most engine modders have been here at some time) the engine has produced thrust
  19. HI this was a known issue for all large vessels particularly ships in 1.12.and even worse in 1.13 There was no fix, aside from smaller lighter vessels. and using KJR, even then most large LBP hulls would explode or fly into orbit when approached by other vessels . The only true fix is to upgrade to beyond KSP1.13 or stop using ships sadly I should add that no such problems exist in 1.22 and multiple active sea going vessels can be in scene without issue.
  20. Hi. Check the mod for correct installation the file path should be KSP/GameData/BDArmory, any other file path will cause the mod to fail. Check that you do have the correct version for KSP 1.22 This problem has not been reported previously, so as a wild guess, there's an install problem or an issue with the copy you downloaded.
  21. Done cheers Yes please hold scatterer dev version, with as you noticed gorgeous new water . as it's the only beautification mod that loads under quickstart conditions and I am not willing to give up quickstart oh on the subject of water contact foamFX
  22. I think it all crept a little closer today. Without doubt the finest handling vessel so far
  23. It can either be a child or grandchild of the gameobject, depends really on the part , simple parts can be like this or the transforms can be several generations further down, As long as the name is right and there are no colliders blocking the thrust then by rights, given the right cfg it should work Just one thing from looking at your cfg MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateHeat ThermalAnim = --None-- } Does that literally mean you've called the animation None or you have none ? If it's the latter, it's better to not put, or comment out a module if you don't use it , rather than trying to turn it off, in that case I've a feeling that the game is looking for and animation called --None-- though whether that is enough to kill the engine I cant empirically say without trying it out myself.
  24. I suspect you may have neglected to add a thrust transform to your model in unity or your thrust transform is blocked by a collider
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